Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, a key target of Iraq war critics, is stepping down, Republican officials said on Wednesday.

Former CIA Director Robert Gates will replace him, Republican officials said.

Earlier today, a spokesman for Rumsfeld said he’d given no indication that he would step down in the wake of Democratic election gains. The spokesman said Rumsfeld would work with Congress on Iraq but added that the focus on stabilizing the country will remain the same.

Just a short lesson in political history. Bush I backed away from invading and occupying Baghdad because he feared exactly what happened when Bush II did so. His foreign policy advisor was Brent Scowcroft. Neocons hated him and Bush I for that decision. They held sway with Bush the Lesser.

Bob Gates was Scowcroft’s deputy.

Maybe that means everyone in the family is talking, again. Maybe little Bush is listening. I figure the best we can hope for — is the Aggies coming in last in the Big 12!

  1. Improbus says:

    Pardon me while I dance a jig. I am giddy with joy.

  2. Sundog says:

    Me too!!!

  3. Gary Marks says:

    I think maybe Rumsfeld misunderstood. He’s not supposed to figuratively “fall on his sword,” he’s supposed to literally fall on his freakin’ sword!

    Don’t worry, Rummy, I’ve got a BandAid in my pocket 😉

  4. Wayne Bradney says:

    Let’s hope the door doesn’t hit him in the ass on the way out.

  5. John says:

    Good riddance. You used a perfect picture of the old fool too.

  6. GregA says:

    Also Montana has been called for Tester now. So the very best R’s can hope for is a tie in Senate. However all indications that even that meager hope will be crushed in the coming days.

  7. syngensmyth says:

    Mr. Rumsfeld’s lean, mean, and flexible has always seemed a good idea to me. It has been very effectice as a military. No one seems to know what is effective for nation building amoung raving lunatics however. It may well be true that Charlie Rangel and John Conyers are better equipped to address the raving lunatic contingent.

    I will say Mr. Rumsfeld gave wonderful press conferences. The guy is smart, tough, and I believe has the country’s best interest in mind.

    We just never learn that democracies can not “win” militarily wars of ideas. Reagan showed them how and they didn’t get it.

  8. Jim says:

    I just wonder if this is going to be the first domino to fall. He’s resigning, that’s awfully weird, the day after the dems take the house and probably the senate…..

  9. Improbus says:

    Rummy, resigning will not save you from a subpoena.

  10. JimR says:

    I like the picture. It looks like he’s about to comment on the situation. What starts with the letter F?

  11. GregA says:


    So that means you disagree with Bush when he characterized the election as a “thumping” a few minutes ago?

  12. Sundog says:

    9. No, we need get Cheney NOW while the iron is hot.

  13. JimR says:

    Um… that was good timing… I like the first pic better though.

  14. RTaylor says:

    Concession to the RNC that just got a mild ass whipping. They’ll try to turn things around in Iraq before the ’08 general, and blame previous failures on Rummy . They’ll also blame the new Congress for blocking their strategies. This win could backfire for the Democrats if they don’t watch it.

  15. syngensmyth says:

    I am saying it may have been a GOOD thumping. Controlling parties, more than any mule, need a good whack with a 2 x 4 between the eyes now-and-then just to gain their attention.

  16. mxpwr03 says:

    Good bye Mr. Rumsfeld. It is unfortunate he did not get a chance to serve for eight years but I’ll take six instead. I’ll agree with #7 that the DoD press briefings will never be the same again. His changes to America’s military will continue to be carried out and for this I am thankful that he served his country in this post for the last six years.

  17. James Hill says:

    This reaks of the administration (finally) telling him to quit, only at a time good for them… and not anyone else.

  18. Sundog says:

    Dont worry ’bout Donny Boy, he’ll make much more money working for defense contractors, sabotage “behind the scenes” so to speak.

  19. Matthew says:

    I’m sorry, but this move seems completely political to me. If he hadn’t done this democrats may have been calling for his head – and more. Bush gets off easy this way.

  20. Matthew says:

    I’m sorry, but this move seems completely political to me. If he hadn’t done then democrats may have been calling for rummys head – and more. Bush gets off easy this way.

    And the ego of this man never ceases to amaze me. On the day of a sweeping democratic victory bush has to give a speech about victory in Iraq.

  21. Govert says:

    After years of unaccountability, state of denial and dodging his direct responsibility, we can say, referring to his own words directed at Belgium in 2003 after threatening to move the NATO HQ out of Brussels: ‘Rumsfeld has learned his lesson: there are consequences to his actions’.

  22. Matthew says:

    And the more I think about it, the more I know I’m right. Turn on ANY news station right now and it’s not about the sweeping democratic victory – it’s about this president and HIS policies. Typical.

    (and sorry bout the double post – figured if I pressed back at the captcha screen it wouldn’t post and I could edit it.)

  23. Oh sheesh man,

    Dems get some power and you freak out and run away.

    This guy was in charge of our military operations?


  24. The other Tom says:

    Why is all the text on this page in italics??
    Anybody else?

    Oh, and its about time. Bring on the next corrupt goon so we can complain about how horrible he is.

  25. Tom 2 says:

    Yipeee, horrayyyy, three horrahs for competence.

  26. Gary Marks says:

    Only time will tell, but maybe Rumsfeld’s act of “cut and run” is the best option among his alternatives.

  27. Mark says:

    Condi should go, too.

  28. Eideard says:

    Sorry, 24 — had to go back in and flush out some extraneous html from the MSNBC site.

  29. morbo says:

    Well, Golly gee. Let me set you guys straight on something:
    “As you know, you go to retirement with the retirement you have, not the retirement you might want or wish to have at a later time.”

  30. Dugger says:


    The image has been photoshoped from it’s original form and substituted since the blog’s initial posting.


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