Santorum kid flips off USA on national TV. Classy.

Wonkette: The D.C. Gossip

There are so, so many things to love about this picture. Well, three things: Rick Santorum conceding, a little girl crying, and an awkward pre-teen flipping off the nation. We declare this the official screenshot of the 2006 midterm congressional elections.

via Wonkette

  1. Oil of Dog says:

    I beg to differ. It will be nonno who beats his ass!!

  2. joshua says:

    The joke here may be on all the Santorium haters. Casey is no liberal. He’s a pro-second amendment, pro-life, social and economic Conservative Democrat, as his father was. He won’t promote religion like Rickie boy, but he won’t be be a Liberal supporter.
    He feels this is revenge for the way the Democrats treated his father, who was a good Governor and a good man.

  3. robin says:

    They finally flushed the toilets in Washington.

  4. Improbus says:

    I am not a Liberal. I am Libertarian. I used to vote for Republicans until they lost their way. Maybe these losses will teach them something.

  5. Tim Champ says:

    Well, I hope the next time some democrats lose you guys take making fun of him and his frackin kids well.

    John – you disappoint me. I’m sure many of you are having your day with the huge gains by the Anti-American party, but at least lay off people who honestly care about America and the people you freakin idiots claim to care about.

    May God have mercy on us.

  6. Sounds The Alarm says:


    Watch out who you call unamerican.

    & God has had mercy on us.

  7. Lukertin says:

    “I do not believe Americans have a constitutional right to privacy of sexual acts between consenting adults” –Rick Santorum

    I don’t care about his other politics, but anyone who says something like the above doesn’t deserve to exist, period. I’m glad he lost.

  8. Improbus says:

    One small loss for a politician, one giant leap for mankind.

    P.S. Ivor – Neener Neener Neener

  9. tallwookie says:

    #35 – I dont want to start a flame-war here but u need to loosen up yo… you party lost, accept defeat, embrace the new overlords, the glasses kid is freakin awesome

  10. Tom says:

    Go home and hump some dogs Santorum.

  11. David says:

    Santorum always struck me as the closet-homosexual type in line with Ted Haggard, railing against the “other” sexual orientation while privately hiring male prostitutes. He’s probably on meth.

  12. ZeOverMind says:

    I really doubt the kid is flipping everyone the bird. He’s clearly pushing his glasses back. This is the sort of mean spirited “Gotcha!” games that is polarizing the politics of this country.

    What pleases me is that we’re not going to be subjected to weeks or months of legal wranglings in the courts by lawyers for both political parties. And given the razor thin margins in Montana and Virginia this could have gone much longer then it should. Any candidate who’s going to put the good of the country over the good of his political career is a class act, and I’d include John Kerry’s decision in 2004.

  13. TJGeezer says:

    #38 – Anyone who could listen to Dubya Bush for years and still make a brainless pun like “dumbocrats”… how do you type with your finger up your nose? Just curious.

  14. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #35, what happened? Did someone piss in your corn flakes this morning?

    Regardless if it’s a kid, Santorum put his kids in his campaign commercials to make him look. He put the kids on the stage with him, again to make him look good. The kid flipped off the entire audience. Accidental or not, he did it and I expect the FCC to investigate and fine all those who broadcast this.

    And what is it with that effen kid with the doll? I know Santorum home schools his kids, but even so, there comes a time to put down the baby toys and grow up.

  15. ChrisMac says:

    If he is giving the finger.. Who to?

    Us or maybe his dad.. If that’s his son, why isn’t he in on the group hug?

  16. Eric Edin says:

    A perfect example of how photos lie. You have obviously never worn glasses. It is very natural to adjust the glasses that way.
    Calling attention to this picture is unfair and shows us much more about you than the poor kid.

  17. Gyro Gearloose says:

    I was never a big fan of Santorum, but Pennsylvania got screwed with Bob Casey Jr. Even God himself weighed in on that election, as the PA Daily Number came up 666 on election day.

    I have friends who are hard-core democrats who hate Casey Jr. and his old man. Bob Casey Sr. was a lying weasel as anyone who was in state government during his tenure can attest to. The kid is no better.

    What we really need in today’s election process is an extra choice entitled “NONE OF THE ABOVE.” If 50.1 percent of the voters go for this choice then no candidate wins and the parties need to come up with better candidates. I’m tired of voting for the lesser of two weasels every time I go to the polls.

  18. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    You may have read the news wrong… The DEMOCRATIC party won. Not the Anti- American Party.

    I can tell you this because I am a Democrat and I am not anti-American. I guess the real distinction is that Democrats believe in America. Republicans believe in “my country right or wrong”. Democrats seek the right solutions for America and justice for all Americans. Republicans seek easy solutions for those they consider the “right” people and don’t care about justice as much as maintaining lockstep with whomever is powerful at the moment. Democrats are more liberal and Republicans are more conservative…

    And you are going to liberals are anti-american, and thus you’ll say I am anti-american, so I’ll remind you that liberals ended slavery in this country. Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed everything I just mentioned. And just one other thing… Democrats comprise the largest number of fallen American soldiers in foreign conflicts such as WWII.

  19. BgScryAnml says:

    # 51: After the Demoncrats raise your taxes, lets see what you can afford.

    Live Free or Die !!!!!

  20. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #52, # 51: After the Demoncrats raise your taxes, lets see what you can afford.
    Live Free or Die !!!!!
    Comment by BgScryAnml — 11/9/2006 @ 5:23 pm

    I have no idea if the Democrats will raise taxes, but maybe you could suggest a way to pay for the massive debts piled up under Republican Presidents? Were you planning on leaving all that debt for MY kids to pay?

    Republicans live free and expect Democrats to pay.

  21. BgScryAnml says:

    #53 Mr. H. Fusion Just encase you haven’t noticed the debt is shrinking not growing. NEWS FLASH for Mr. Fusion — Demoncrats are synonymous with raising taxes.


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