Dorks rejoice

Democrats take House; Senate hangs on 2 races – Americas – International Herald Tribune — This was to be expected since the public is more and more fed-up with the do-nothing Congress that has been lining its own pockets more than serving the public. My wife, a lifelong Republican, made the point that the opportunity was there when one party controls everything (including the courts) to accomplish something. “So what have the Republicans accomplished?” She asked. “A reversal of civil liberties, the weakest dollar ever, and the promotion of corporatism. Good work.”

Yes, thanks for playing!

Karl Rove, the president’s top political strategist, alerted the president that the House was lost at around 11 p.m., the White House said.

“His reaction was, he was disappointed in the results in the House,” Tony Fratto, a White House spokesman. “But he’s eager to work with both parties on his priorities over the next two years. He’s got an agenda of important issues he wants to work on, and he’s going to work with both parties.”

One of the Democrats Mr. Bush telephoned today – Representative Steny Hoyer of Maryland, a contender for majority leader – said in a televised interview this morning that the president spoke of a need for the two parties to work together, particularly on Iraq.

In talk show appearances, tired-looking and glum Republican officials today were also stressing bipartisanship.

It will be interesting to see how Pelosi handles the attack dogs

  1. Tom 2 says:

    I’m sorry i forget is this good or bad for

  2. Improbus says:

    Praise the Gord! Now, Democrats, give us our civil rights back and repeal all those horrible laws (Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, DMCA, et. al.).

  3. syngensmyth says: has a theme, it has been said, of criticizing government incompetence and assorted other odd and downright stupid but interesting behavior.

    I will be patiently awaiting the criticism of incompetent Democratic leadership. It will be and is a reality so let’s see if it gets attention or does need additional posters to accomplish balance?

    Actually this election shift may be a good thing. “Throw the bums out” has always appealed to my sensibilities. It is especially pleasing that most of the winning Democrats appear to lean conservative. They wouldn’t be just acting conservative in order to win, would they?

    Grid Lock is our friend.

  4. Higghawker says:

    Pelosi could be the step that’s needed. She has changed the face of the party, now lets see what she can do with it? Maybe we will see some checks and balances again?

  5. GreenDreams says:

    I agree completely with you and your wife, John. The GOP had an unprecedented opportunity to show us what they are about. And they did.

  6. Richard says:

    “Karl Rove, the president’s top political strategist, alerted the president that the House was lost at around 11 p.m., the White House said.”

    I guess Bush was watching some other shows on TV during the evening?

  7. gquaglia says:

    #5 Don’t hold your hand on your ass waiting for this bunch to critisize their party. You will probably see more tech stuff here, which is how it used to be before all the Bush bashing started

  8. Andrew says:

    I agree #9. I don’t expect any more political BS on here anymore. It’ll probably be all tech stuff and recycled YouTube stuff. Hopefully The Daily Show will follow suit. They can stop Bush-Bashing and get back to actually being FUNNY!

  9. Pfkad says:

    # 9 & 10 – What’s with you guys? What is it about George Bush that you find so appealing? What wonderful vision does he have? What great programs has he put forth? He had the House and Senate on his lap and what the hell did he do? Most people on this blog could list a dozen things that he’s totally screwed up, so how about you guys? What’s so terrific about George Bush?

  10. James Hill says:

    The smart money says the Bush-bashing will pick back up in about six months, once eveyone realizes the only thing the House can do is cut funding… which won’t look good to the moderates that came out for the left yesterday.

  11. ryan says:

    pelosi is a raging bitch

  12. sh says:

    Thank goodness our country is saved…praise the….
    what is it again we democrats praise?

  13. Dems are still fjorked on the war. The deciding vote comes down to Joe Liberman who they abandoned cause he is *cough cough* pro war.

  14. Named says:


    The Republican here have the same mentality as Apple Fan Boys. Reason has no place. The democrats are a little more rational, but that’s because they didn’t marry their cousins. ZING!

  15. RBG says:

    It must be a little strange for most of the rest of the world – and especially the Iraqis – to know there was a big US election… and Bush is still the leader. A bent-over Saddam was overheard in the shower: “Hey, I could have done that…”


  16. AB CD says:

    Wait, I thought Diebold and Bush were stealing this election?
    Is it possible that the new technology prevented vote fraud?
    I’ve just about changed my mind about changing the machines, because last time people wanted to upgrade the voting process, look what we got, and now I hear Keith Olbermann and others saying its obvious you should give out receipts that people can take with them.

  17. DeLeMa says:

    I see James is still at it..Democrat = Leftist + Liberal -( Pedophile) – (Gay bashing Minister in closet) = ???

  18. Concerning politics on the blog..if there was no demand, there would be no supply. Nobody here, from what I can tell, has any problem lambasting Democrats, but over the past few years there were none to lambaste.

  19. RTaylor says:

    The call for bipartisanship after an election win is the similar to doing that little happy dance Snoopy of Charlie Brown fame does.

  20. faustus says:

    to repeat mr. nader’s mantra which i truly believe: both partys are rotten to the core and if the pay~o~la system of governement continues to go on, the partys will bring the republic down probably within about 25 to 50 years. personally i think its too late to stop it… the america we knew as kids will look more and more look like a banana republic with it’s corruption, poverty and hopelessness all the while the rich will get richer and richer. very sad thing to watch happen.

  21. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    My happy dance consists of hoping both Bush and Pelosi get their heads on straight and decide to do something useful. Together. At this point Bush’s legacy is about as bad as they get, and like others who’ve been there before he might decide to fix that. One can certainly hope–on the day after an election.

  22. Mark says:

    “I guess Bush was watching some other shows on TV during the evening?”

    He just loves his Beavis and Butthead.

  23. Jim W. says:

    hey, what ever happened to those reports of voter problems? oh, wait, the Democrats won, never mind. 🙂

    BTW: as a critic of the political views of this blog, I say its John’s blog and he can post what he wants when he wants. If you don’t like it you don’t have to read or post to it. I for one enjoy the banter of the differing views.

  24. Ed Burns says:

    Republicans have failed to solve the real big issue: Bluray or HD-DVD?

    Maybe Democrats will do better.

  25. James Hill says:

    #19, #24 – Beavis and Butthead? Why don’t you two look in the mirror.

  26. Mark says:

    27. Uh, OK.

  27. Angel H. Wong says:

    And I thought Condoleeza had a hard time keeping her bigot subordinates (who think they can do a better job than her just because they’re white middleaged conservative men) in check, Pelosi has to deal with horny democrats eyeing her ass now.

  28. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #27, James, just like your hero, Bush, you too are a loser.

  29. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    I enjoyed my coffee this morning.

    Two local candidates I was interested in both won. I would suggest that a lot of their win came as a result of the anti Bush and Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels feelings. The well paying jobs we had here six years ago have been replaced by jobs paying half to two thirds the amount. Somehow we are supposed to thank these men for the service jobs. Also there have been several local men killed in Iraq.

    But the biggest tipper were the constant phone calls telling us to vote Republican from obvious immigrants who didn’t know a damn thing about any issues. Monday I took the phone off the hook after the seventh call before lunch.

  30. Andrew says:

    #11 What makes you think that I like “W”? I’m tired of people harping on him non-stop. I was also tired of the way people harped on Clinton non-stop.


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