Dorks rejoice

Democrats take House; Senate hangs on 2 races – Americas – International Herald Tribune — This was to be expected since the public is more and more fed-up with the do-nothing Congress that has been lining its own pockets more than serving the public. My wife, a lifelong Republican, made the point that the opportunity was there when one party controls everything (including the courts) to accomplish something. “So what have the Republicans accomplished?” She asked. “A reversal of civil liberties, the weakest dollar ever, and the promotion of corporatism. Good work.”

Yes, thanks for playing!

Karl Rove, the president’s top political strategist, alerted the president that the House was lost at around 11 p.m., the White House said.

“His reaction was, he was disappointed in the results in the House,” Tony Fratto, a White House spokesman. “But he’s eager to work with both parties on his priorities over the next two years. He’s got an agenda of important issues he wants to work on, and he’s going to work with both parties.”

One of the Democrats Mr. Bush telephoned today – Representative Steny Hoyer of Maryland, a contender for majority leader – said in a televised interview this morning that the president spoke of a need for the two parties to work together, particularly on Iraq.

In talk show appearances, tired-looking and glum Republican officials today were also stressing bipartisanship.

It will be interesting to see how Pelosi handles the attack dogs

  1. The other Tom says:

    “Dorks rejoice”
    That is the perfect caption. I love it! Honestly, how hard is it to not look like a total dumbass when giving a thumbs up? How out of touch with reality are these guys if they think what they are doing is cool?

    I couldn’t agree more. We need more important issues. Although the repeal of the Patriot Act, Detainee Act, DMCA, etc. would be nice, at this point, I would settle for one format for next-gen graphics.

  2. OmarTheAlien says:

    Religion and politics have their stoked legions of fanatics throwing their barbed comments around cyber space, probably the reason the Internet is slow today. This was about the only place I could get to without an agonizing wait, and that’s on the office broadband. I agree with the people who state that this was a good place to be when it was just tech and stuff, and that all the political, religous and other really deep crap should be tossed. Next thing you know, the Internet will go like Usenet.


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