So if the easy to eat banana is supposed to prove the existence of God, what exactly does the artichoke prove?

Update: There is some suggestion in the comments that this is a joke. But it’s real. The guy in the video is Ray Comfort, a New Zealand-born minister and evangelist. It came from his Christian talk show.

  1. B. Dog says:

    God likes us to have Tasty Snacks

  2. Doug Cullens says:

    Someone above here called this article “flamebait”, they are right and I’ve reached my fill of it on this site. Dvorak, I’ve read you for many years, watched you on ZD/TechTV and listened to you on the TWITcasts, this site was good but it’s become too much of an anti-God base. I am not a go to church on Sunday type, but this ain’t tech and it offends me. Funny that people who know about microprocessors can’t see that evolved monkeys could not have come up with such technology. It just couldn’t happen! Look at our world and the progress made in the last 100 years, in the last 50 and the speed of tech development. Oh forget it, you either see it and get it or you don’t. Don’t be too impressed with tech though, what good is it all when the power goes off.
    Out of the favorites and gone for good, not even going to re-up PC mag anymore. You all seem to have put your faith in the wrong place.

  3. Anyone want to point out that monkeys eat bananas in the same way (ok, without the Freudian reference). So, what does that say about monkeys and us??

  4. SN says:

    “Someone above here called this article “flamebait”, they are right”

    Exactly how is this flamebait?! I didn’t make the video. An atheist didn’t make the video.

    Who made it? A Christian! The only person making Christian’s look stupid is the idiot Christian who made the video. Don’t blame anyone else for that, please!

    And one more thing, John didn’t post this. So don’t blame him either.

  5. WokTiny says:

    #34 are you sure?

    could be parody… I’m not convinced its not.

  6. SN says:

    “could be parody… I’m not convinced its not.”

    I agree that it certainly could be a parody. It’s certainly stupid enough. But it’s real. The guy in the video is Ray Comfort, a New Zealand-born minister and evangelist. It came from his Christian talk show.

  7. Murdoch says:

    ROFL! Of course it’s irony. And why it works so well is because it precisely mirrors the sorts of nonsense spouted by those who choose to rubbish science when it doesn’t fit their faith-based prejudices.

  8. I was a monkey says:

    I have to agree with #32. I started reading John for his articles concerning tech issues, but more and more articles here are nothing more than Christian bashing. Science is good, but I’ll bet you could fill all the hard drives in the world with what scientist don’t know. Practically every day, scientist admit they were wrong about something they thought was true. Yet, so called educated people are quick to believe anything scientist say.

  9. SN says:

    “I’ll bet you could fill all the hard drives in the world with what scientist don’t know.”

    Yeah, you’re right. It only took Christians one book to tell us everything they don’t know.

    But seriously, how is the posting of this video Christian bashing?! It was made by a Christian! If you feel it bashes Christians, call up Ray Comfort and bitch to him.

  10. jtoso says:

    #32, 38 – Wow. Just… just, wow.

  11. Roger M says:

    What’s up with some people?
    J. C. Dvorak is not the one and only person running this blog. Maybe his participation is like 5%, 2%. I don’t know, but it ain’t 100%.
    It’s no rocket surgery to figure that out. Click the “About Us” link, for screamin’ out loud.
    And even if he ran this blog with a theocratic force, why does he have to be “tech issue narrow minded” only?
    Does your “tech interest” prevent you from attending church? Or read your book? Or pray? I think not.
    People of faith should endorse anything questioning stupid faith issues. If stupid theories like the “banana/god theory” is debunked, everybody should be pleased.
    My suggestion:
    If you see a story you think you don’t like: Don’t open it. See? It wasn’t so hard. Was it now?

  12. James Hill says:

    Last night’s South Park gave the perfect description of atheists.

  13. SN says:

    “J. C. Dvorak is not the one and only person running this blog.”

    The funny thing to me is that, as far as I can tell, John is the only guy here who is not an atheist. So to blame him for this is ludicrous.

  14. ECA says:

    Funny about being WHITE, Ancesters that didnt get past the mediterainian(sp) and THEY KNEW about Bananas???

    the Monkeys DID, the APES DID..
    I dont think his German based family DID.

  15. paddler says:

    I know something else that fits the hand perfectly, curves up towards the mouth and does squirt in your face. But its a sin to use it that way

  16. Jim Smith says:

    Bravo, Paddler! Very funny!

  17. I was a monkey says:

    #39 It’s Christian bashing because most posts here only show Christians in a negative light which usually invites negative comments towards all Christians. Believe it or not, the majority of Christians are good people. Just ask the people in New Orleans who were helped by Christians while FEMA was still trying to figure out what was going on, or the people in South and Central America who have schools and clean drinking water because Christians volunteered their time and money to help.
    #41 & #43. I know John doesn’t do all the posts here, but the last time I looked, it was his name at the top of the page and he was the Editor, which would make him in charge, so if I have a complaint, I will be addressing it to him. By the way, he’s been in this business a long time. I’m sure he’s had plenty of complaints and probably doesn’t need anyone fielding them for him.
    Finally, I don’t think the banana proves anything.

  18. Babaganoosh says:

    Last night’s South Park gave the perfect description of atheists.

    You mean that they’re people, just like everybody else? And that some of them get waaaay too caught up in what they believe and are overcome with the foolish notion that evangelizing to everyone they meet will eventually rid the world of all who believe differently, leaving only the faithful?
    Hmmm, what other group might that be a perfect description of?

  19. SN says:

    “It’s Christian bashing because most posts here only show Christians in a negative light which usually invites negative comments towards all Christians”

    Ok, so the post itself does not bash Christians. Of course the comments bash Christians, but that was really the point, wasn’t it.

  20. me says:

    I think the only thing that bothers me with this post is because it takes one “section” from a point that Ray Comfort was trying to make. I’ve seen other christian sites do this as well (with videos quoting from Atheists or other religions) and it drives me nuts. Just to make someone look like an idiot! You can make anyone from any theological standpoint look like an idiot if you want to. Just watch a little Saturday Night Live and you can see stuff like that all day. I guess that’s what is ticking me off about blog. I like the tech stuff that he (and the contributors) blog about but enough with the “Anti-Christian” or “Anti-Whatever” campaign. Anyone can make anyone else look bad by using snippets of comments. I have to admit – it did make for a funny post. But, enough already. Evolution is a theory – not a fact (wikipedia – and Christianity is a belief (wikipedia – Nuf’ Said…

  21. JimR says:

    “Just ask the people in New Orleans who were helped by Christians while FEMA was still trying to figure out what was going on, or the people in South and Central America who have schools and clean drinking water because Christians volunteered their time and money to help.”

    Are you saying that those very same people, if they weren’t convinced thet there was a God, would not have helped those people?

    It’s a valid question, and not Christian bashing.

  22. Matt H says:

    “Believe it or not, the majority of Christians are good people.”

    Actually, as history has shown, “Chrisitian” goodness is relative. So a few hundred people helped out in N.O.

    What about the Spanish Inquisition? The Crusades? Colonizing of the Americas? The Holocaust? (not only were Nazi’s CHRISTIAN, the Vatican turned its back at the time).

    The “goodness” of Christians is very debatable. Millions have died in the wake of that religion. There are GOOD PEOPLE in the world, GOOD CHRISTIANITY is another thing all together.

    And it’s not like I’m making this stuff up…its called a bloody, violent history of covert or die.

  23. James Hill says:

    #48 – The episdoe showed ALL of that era’s atheists going out of control… which is about par for the course when the current era’s atheists are challenged on “The Great Question”.

    Try not to lie in your posts next time.

  24. Kent Goldings says:

    Did anyone point out to these nuts that there is more than one kind of banana. There are banana varieties that are all different sizes and textures. The familiar banana is the size it is because man himself selected it.

  25. I was a monkey says:

    #50. No. I’m not saying that at all. What I am saying is that the majority of Christians are normal, hardworking people, not wackos.
    #51. I can’t be responsible for what people in the past did, anymore than today’s whites can be held responsible for what happened during slavery days. All I know is that Jesus taught His followers to love, not to hate, and to spread His message around the world. I don’t know of anywhere where He said to force people to accept Him. On the contrary, He said that each would answer for their own decisions. If you don’t believe, that’s up to you as far as I’m concerned, but the name calling is getting old.

  26. Babaganoosh says:

    52: All it showed was the leadership of the various factions and an army of otters on ostrich-back. If you had bothered to pay attention you might have recognized that the point of the episode was that people are people, and they will always find something to divide each other and fight over, no matter what their religion or lack thereof.

    You also completely missed my point, which is that there are Atheist shitheads just like there are Christian/Jewish/ shitheads. We are all just PEOPLE. The groups we divide ourselves into tend to suffer from similar problems.

  27. SN says:

    #50 “I think the only thing that bothers me with this post is because it takes one “section” from a point that Ray Comfort was trying to make… Just to make someone look like an idiot!”

    This is not an instance where an atheist was trying to make a Christan look like an idiot. This is an instance where a Christian obtained a camera crew, got himself his own TV show, hired a formerly famous actor as a sidekick, and then recorded and broadcasted his thoughts.

    There was no trickery involved. Nothing was taken out of context. There was no sudden ambush. There were absolutely no atheists involved who tried to make Comfort look like an idiot. That is something he did entirely by himself!

    If taking Comfort’s thoughts verbatim makes him look like an idiot, how can you possibly place the blame for that on atheists?!

  28. SN says:

    #53. Let me get this straight. According to you “South Park gave the perfect description of atheists.” So what was that “perfect description”? According to you, the “episdoe showed ALL of that era’s atheists going out of control.”

    So, in your mind, the “perfect description of atheists” is when each and every single atheist from a time period goes “out of control.”

    Can you give me one instance were every single atheist from an era went “out of control.” Because, as far as I can remember, that has never happened. Thus, I’m perplexed as to why something that never happened with atheists could be the “perfect description” of them?!

    Maybe you could clarify that for me. Thanks!

  29. Gary Marks says:

    #54 “the majority of Christians are normal, hardworking people, not wackos.”

    I agree, and most of my family follows Christianity, but Christians have one characteristic in common that I consider potentially dangerous. They have the ability to switch off their conscience in matters of religion. When they read stories in their own Bible where their figure of ultimate authority commanded death by torture for trivial sins, these Christians cannot recognize it as evil because it comes from the object of their worship. The god Yahweh is defined as the source of all goodness, so nothing he commands can be otherwise, no matter how evil it would be if it came from another source.

    That same ability to turn off one’s conscience when an evil order was given by the authority figure was what made some of history’s greatest bloodbaths possible. If you ever read your Bible without first switching off your conscience, you’ll be horrified.

  30. Vic says:

    It only proves what a un-educated idiot he is bananas were crossbred by humans from plantain’s .


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