Soon, soon…

Saddam Hussein calls for reconciliation

A somber Saddam Hussein called on Iraqis to forgive each other Tuesday, when he returned to court two days after being sentenced to death for crimes against humanity in another case.

Saddam, speaking to the court in the afternoon session, cited references to the Prophet Muhammad and Jesus who had asked for forgiveness for those who opposed them.

“I call on all Iraqis, Arabs and Kurds, to forgive, reconcile and shake hands,” Saddam said after respectfully challenging one witness’ testimony.

In other Saddam news, a clairvoyant may have been used in finding him and there’s someone who thinks he shouldn’t hang.

  1. Roger M says:

    Smart guy.
    He just doubled his chances for an afterlife in heaven from 0 to 2 x 0 😀

  2. JimR says:

    Before they shake hands, they should wash all that sticky blood off them.

  3. Charles says:

    Muslims believe that Jesus was an important prophet.

  4. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Hang him?

    Hell put him in charge – less people will be dead in the long run.

  5. JimR says:

    Roger, your math is correct but it’s not Christian math. 2×0= lots and lots.
    All he has to do now is ask forgiveness and he shall be set free. 😉

  6. JimR says:

    This just in…
    “300,000 pairs of Iraqis fell to their knees today as hand shaking quickly turned to hand squeezing and stare-downs. Although no one is venturing too close, it appears that most of the 600,000 participants have their other hand on a triggering device.”

  7. Roger M says:

    #6 “This just in…”
    Now, keep that thought, and then envision another “message” from Saddam citing Yhwh.

  8. cts says:

    This isn’t surprising. Saddam Hussein has been a longtime supporter of the Chadeans. For those unfamiliar with this group, they are Catholics who have been in Baghdad since the third or fourth century. The most famous Chaldean is Tariq Aziz (baptised Michael Yusenef), Saddams second in command.

    With all the American propoganda going on, I think there’s quite a few misconceptions about Saddam around. He was not an Islamic radical; he was a devout Muslim, but also a secular pluralist. He knew his history and knew well that Iraq’s people are of a wide range of cultures and religion, and he made efforts to protect that.

  9. Sundog says:

    Why would they want to hang a CIA Operative?

  10. JimR says:

    #7, yeah… citing Yahweh while imitating John Wayne and waving the flag of Denmark. We might actually get to document some actual human spontaneous combustion in time for the election.

  11. traaxx says:

    Muslims believe that Jesus was born of a virgin and was sinless during his life. They just don’t believe he died on the cross, but instead after being beaten and nailed to the cross he just got off or escaped and was not the Son of God, but was a prophet of God.

    Whereas Mohammad admitting he sinned was given the true uncorrupted message from the Angel of Light and was the last prophet.

    Unless you count the Mormons, whom the Angel of Light as gave the last revealed message from God. Both of whom say the Christians corrupted God’s message, but not the Judians.

    So, it would not be odd for a Muslim to invoke Jesus if he saw any possible profit from it, the Koran suggests that a Muslim may lie if they are about to under go any possible persecution.

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #10 Muslims believe that Jesus was born of a virgin…

    Which makes them every bit as loony as Xians. (well, no, actually the burning bush thing is pretty damn stupid too)

  13. James Hill says:

    Why kill him when he can replace Howard Dean?

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #13 – Troll :-/

  15. James Hill says:

    Cheer up: It’s election day!

  16. Roger M says:

    Elect Saddam today, hang him in Spring 😀

  17. Mark says:

    Hmm is it really Saddam, or just a doppleganger.


  18. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #15 – You don’t have to tell me. My nipples tingle whenever you post anything 🙂

  19. Ari says:

    Yeah, Jesus is called Isa in Islam. But more importantly, I would love to see a psychologist analyze him. They make for interesting cases considering the power they once used to hold. Nuremberg the movie and video footage from Milosevic and the lesser know Serb paramilitary leader Seselj also make for good targets of understanding the inner world of these people.

  20. Roger M says:

    Thanks for the Isa info. You’re absolutely right; History is full of nut cases I’d really think would have been interesting to have analyzed.

    But not less interesting would be to get the close group around those “leading brainiacs” examined, and also followers in general.

    One nut case isn’t much to be afraid of. Eventually he’ll run out of ammo or whatever he’s using. The real problem starts when the lunatic manage to create a group of followers.

    We are all humans, but we keep fighting because some lunatic created an ideology that unfortunately splits humans into incompatible fragments.

    Will we ever learn that we’re nothing but social creatures that would actually get along very well if we let go of the nut cases?


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