CPI table / CPI 2006 / in focus / news room / home – Transparency International — This is one of the most interesting lists done annually. Apparently we are more corrupt than France and less corrupt than Spain. Ohh joy.

The 2006 Corruption Perceptions Index is a composite index that draws on multiple expert opinion surveys that poll perceptions of public sector corruption in 163 countries around the world, the greatest scope of any CPI to date. It scores countries on a scale from zero to ten, with zero indicating high levels of perceived corruption and ten indicating low levels of perceived corruption.

A strong correlation between corruption and poverty is evident in the results of the CPI 2006. Almost three-quarters of the countries in the CPI score below five (including all low-income countries and all but two African states) indicating that most countries in the world face serious perceived levels of domestic corruption. Seventy-one countries – nearly half – score below three, indicating that corruption is perceived as rampant. Haiti has the lowest score at 1.8; Guinea, Iraq and Myanmar share the penultimate slot, each with a score of 1.9. Finland, Iceland and New Zealand share the top score of 9.6.

  1. Scott Gant says:

    Interesting, but does this list actual corruption, or just perceived corruption by the people taking the surveys?

    Perceived and actual are two different things. For instance, ask a 911 conspiracy hound then a devout republican and you’ll get two different answers. Doesn’t mean it’s accurate.

  2. ECA says:

    WOW, singapore BEAT out the USA…

  3. David says:

    Singapore is also richer than the USA, and wealthier countries tend to do well.

  4. FRAGaLOT says:

    And Canada is right behind the US.. amazing. Exactly how can you even MEASURE corruption anyway? I mean if there was proof of this corruption then wouldn’t it stop? Wouldn’t the law step in if some of it was illegal?

    It’s funny how everyone can see what’s wrong and point fingers, but nothing happens to stop it.

  5. Roj Miller says:

    Apparently, the method used for this index was to survey people in each country, asking them how corrupt they thought their own country was. So it is based on citizens self-perception of their own country’s corruption level.
    [edit: pls use tinyurl]

  6. Named says:


    Uh, Canada was six points AHEAD of the US. Canada 14, USA 20.

  7. Venom Monger says:

    I mean if there was proof of this corruption then wouldn’t it stop? Wouldn’t the law step in if some of it was illegal?

    You’re a funny guy, FRAG. Hehehehe.

  8. AB CD says:

    Of course poor countries would be lower. Poor countries are poor for a reason. It’s because they ignore property rights, and prevent wealth creation with high taxes. So in those situations, there’s a great incentive for bribery.

  9. Elwipo says:

    Hey #4, Canada is # 14 and USA is #20….I don’t know about your math but to me 14 is six ahead of 20, not right behind!

  10. ECA says:

    The US is special,
    If the corps need/want something its NOT that its illegal, we just change it into a BUSINESS, and charge more for it.

    Enron, selling electricity at 4 times the going price, screwing investors.

    Military contracts that sell GAS to our soldiers for 4 times the prices,
    Weapons and Goods disappearing.

    Katrina, and Vouchers, being mis-used to the tune of $14,000,000,000
    Money FOR katrina, NEVER getting there.

    Corps that purchase goods at 1/100th the cost to make in the USA, and selling them to Us/We, as if they were made in the USA..

    Comparitive wages, in most corps start at $6per hour, to $3million per year..The widest difference in the World.

    Oil CEO that averages $6000 per minute, sitting on a toilet, sleeping, eating, playing golf…..

    Delta airlines…do I have to continue??

    9. Many countries have NO property taxes, as LAND isnt owned.. OR its considered a RIGHT, to own property.. In the USA you DONT own your property, thats WHY you pay taxes.

  11. jbellies says:

    #9 I’m reminded of a mythical 3-hour Physics exam, consisting of one, two-part question.
    a. Define “Universe”.
    b. Give a counter-example.

    Which counter-universe are you living on?

    Here’s a more typical picture of a poor country: during colonial times, its wealth was drained off to another, overseas, country. Taxes are low or non-existent. The rich retain and increase their wealth, owning almost all the land and controlling the government. With very low pay to civil servants, they supplement their income by taking bribes. From police, army, and bureaucrats, it spreads to all levels of society like a cancer.

    Another refutation: the Euro countries with the lowest perceived level of corruption have high taxes. They are wealthy, but by your logic, high taxes would make them poor.

  12. ECA says:

    The idea goes lie this.
    As the population in the USA, goes up, the Gov. should be getting more money. The same can be said for corps. the more people to BUY stuff, the more profit they GET.
    But, if there is Price fixing, then SOME cant afford the product, but the Corps are STILL getting high profits for selling LESS.

    So, WHY is the Gov, not makeing money?? or using it properly…they are getting MORE, as the population raises.
    could a strange fact influence this…
    THAT, if a corp dont hire emplyees, full time, that the GOV generally pays for it?? So the corp wont hire or pay you a decent wage, because the Gov will pay for it.
    Subsidies to farmers that end (80%)up in Corp pockets, because the farmer really dont own the property.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    The index is based on perceived corruption. I submit that much of the bias, at least in the US, comes from those who have no faith in their government at all. After all, how many times have we ALL heard that all politicians are corrupt? Not just some, or not the other party, but ALL.

    Outside of the very few, Cunningham, Ney, Delay, and Jefferson, how many in Congress had their fingers in the cookie jar? Just because Conrad Burns took money from a convicted lobbyist, doesn’t mean he broke the law and is thus corrupt.

    I agree that the high tax countries, where the wealth is shared, have much less incentive to think everyone isn’t getting theirs. It is when those at the top end get to keep more of their income that the disparity encourages corruption. Sometimes, corruption is required to live as in those countries where border guards, police, and bureaucrats are paid so little, they need the bribes just to survive.

  14. ECA says:


    Its not just the Gov, and that wasnt the topic, its corruption..Period.
    How about the corps?

    As to Gov…
    The problem comes like this.
    When you see that money isnt going where its needed, you start to wonder WHERE IT WENT.
    Think about this, that with ALL the money given to the gov, that we can only protect the USA with about a 10% sureity.
    I know ALOT of people that would do it willingly and Probably for LESS money then the Gov is paying some CORP.
    And with the ABOVE stated by our GOV. You start to wonder what was done in the past to PROTECT the USA, that wasnt Being done.

    I also want you to ponder HOW MUCH we are paying in taxes, tarriffs, fines, fees, and all those other NEET words…
    I will BET, that an estimate of 60% will be about right.


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