Man gets life sentence for terror plot | Special reports | Guardian Unlimited — This guy is unbelieveable. Obviously criminally insane and something of an idiot. Let me roll out an idea and you tell me what you think. What would have happened to this guy if he covered his entire scheme in the guise of a screenplay for a made-for-TV movie?

Anyway, the fact that the UK has so many guys like this in their midst has got to be disconcerting to the public-at-large. I know this sounds harsh and creepy, but I predict that within the next 20 years countries like the UK will do round-ups and mass deportations if this sort of thing continues.

Woolwich crown court heard that 34-year-old Barot, who admitted conspiracy to murder, had been moving into the “final stages” of his plans to launch terror attacks on the UK when he was arrested.

He planned “back to back” strikes including packing limousines filled with explosives and detonating them in underground car parks, using a radioactive “dirty bomb”, and a proposed gas attack on the Heathrow Express, Edmund Lawson QC told the court.

Barot also planned an additional attack, suggesting that a tube tunnel under the Thames could be punctured and allow water to flood into the London Underground network.

  1. Sounds The Alarm says:

    I’m not a big death penalty fan, but I think it’s needed for guys like this.

    A bit of pork in his mouth and a pig skin shroud is the least we could do after the bullet or injection.

  2. Cognito says:

    Sorry and all that but, as a Brit, I’d expect our people to do that sort of thing if our country was invaded. We’ve heard about the sort of plans made during WW2 for the event of a German invasion, they didn’t include saying ‘Oh well that’s it then’. Why would we expect middle-eastern people to think any differently?
    I can see he may be wrong, but it is certainly possible to argue that the Islamic heartland has been invaded by a US, UK and other non-moslem army. What would you do if your country was invaded? What would you expect other people to do.

  3. Murdoch says:

    The main reason we have, as you put it, “so many guys like this in the UK” and the reason the UK is now a major target of Islamic militanism, is largely down to Tony Blair’s following so slavishly and enthusiastically Bush’s disastrous Middle East policies.

    It’s not just that the invasion of Iraq has turned a secular dictatorship into a hotbed of terrorist recruitment and destablised the region to the extent that the world is a far more dangerous place then even before the war, let alone ten or twenty years ago. (And, yes, of course I don’t condone the gruesome reign of terror of Saddam Hussein against the Shia, the Kurds and his political opponents but don’t forget who put him in place and supported him, just as they did the Taliban in Afghanistan, namely the US and the UK).

    It’s not just the supporting by money and influence but also the condoning and even encouraging of the brutal, disproportionate and inhumane treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis. (And, yes, of course I know that the Palestinians are not blameless and that Israel has to live daily with terrorists risk but there’s no question of which country is the aggressor and the thief.)

    Beyond these two high profile issues it’s the arrogant and dishonourable imperialism of the present US administration, encouraged all too strongly by their UK poodle, which has made things so dangerous. And, no, I don’t justify for a moment terrorists atrocities of the kind either planned or executed and nor do I have any sympathy for the aberrant and fanatical Islam which drives such actions any more than I do for the equally abhorrent fundamentalist Christianity or terrorist Zionism.

    But whatever the flaws and errors of the Muslim world policies which took an intelligent view of the situation would have had very different results and we would not have been in the dangerous mess we are today had Bush and Blair and the rest of that idiot gang not gone riding off on their foolish and doomed crusade.

  4. JimR says:

    Pedro, there’s a difference. Oil for bus gas isn’t the same as getting blown to pieces while parking your car.

    Cognito, If Canada was run by a tyrant who killed some of my family and friends with impunity and the USA came in and ousted him, and then my own countrymen to the opportunity to murder anyone who didn’t agree spiritually with them. and thwarted every attempt to bring democracy and calm to the country… I wouldn’t me angry with the USA… I’d become American.

    Barot is nothing but another of a long line of retarded religious freaks who would take any opportunity at all to take offense and kill someone for it, so that he would be rewarded by Allah or God with virgins which he’d quickly find out are useless to him because as far as I know, souls don’t have dicks. (big breath in)

  5. gquaglia says:

    The main reason we have, as you put it, “so many guys like this in the UK” and the reason the UK is now a major target of Islamic militantism, is largely down to Tony Blair’s following so slavishly and enthusiastically Bush’s disastrous Middle East policies.

    Knew somebody would have to blame Bush and the U.S. somehow. Put the blame where it belongs, the f’d up politics in Britain and Europe in general.

  6. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    souls don’t have dicks.

    And vice versa, I hope.

  7. DeLeMa says:

    More and more, it’s becoming difficult not to profile….sad, really sad.

  8. faustus says:

    “I know this sounds harsh and creepy, but I predict that within the next 20 years countries like the UK will do round-ups and mass deportations if this sort of thing continues.”

    i agree… it will be somewhat like the mass deportation of the germans from eastern europe after wwII. whether that was right or whether its right to deport terrorist types or those preaching it … i dont know. ppl regardless of others civil rights have a right to safety and security.

  9. Jag says:

    I don’t totally agree with you john, I’m from england and loonies like this one will pop up once in a while, but it doesn’t mean i should give a toss… remember captain hook- Abu Hamza al-Masri, he was promoting terrorism in the bloody street. And one place where i do agree with you is:
    Here in england we have a high population of muslim pakistani’s, now im an asian but not from that origin, and im a youth, and i know guys that are just causing terror now, DEPORT DEPORT THEM ALL….had to say it

  10. jj says:

    we should send him and the rest of his kind to camps to burn…. kill em all and let GOD sort it out!

  11. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    After reading the article, it is clear to me that Bruce Willis and John McTiernan need to be hauled in for questioning. Background checks should be required to rent limousines. Eminem music should be banned. Oh, and we should update our universal hatred of all Arabs to include everyone who isn’t white.

    This stuff makes people crazy. Here we have the system working. Evidence was discovered. Arrests were made. A trial happened, in public no less. A conviction was made and a sentence will be carried out. Good work England.

    Here, in the good ole USA, we’ll round up suspects and anyone who was spotted with 5 miles of a suspect over the last 5 years, ship them to a secret prison or Gitmo, deny them access to legal council, and let them rot.

  12. Gregory says:

    All this shows is that you cannot win by fighting terrorism. One man can do a LOT of damage, and pretty easily.

    Oh and regarding this:
    Barot also planned an additional attack, suggesting that a tube tunnel under the Thames could be punctured and allow water to flood into the London Underground network.

    That would be so easy – Sloane Square tube has the entire Fleet River in a tube above the platform. In high rain you can hear it shuddering from the amount of water.

    It’s pretty cool, but breaching it would be so damn easy….

  13. tallwookie says:

    As I remember the last time England had mass exportations of the unliked and the unsavory, they ended up with Australia…

  14. Lavi says:

    BAROT — BORAT… two idiots??

  15. syngensmyth says:

    We have been fighting these peace loving Muslims since Jefferson’s day. Even then they were kidnapping, torturing, killing, robbing, enslaving. But wait … maybe Jefferson was a preincarnation of George Bush … Yes, that must be it.

  16. Murdoch says:

    #16: Read my comment again, Pedro, and please don’t distory what I said. It’s specifically the escalation that’s down to current policies. That’s not to say that US foreign policy (and, indeed, that of others in the west including Britain, France and others) hasn’t contributed greatly to earlier instability with its manipulation and interference.

    But what’s happening now is distinctly different and far more dangerous than before. Blair denies that the targetting of the UK is in any way connected to the Iraq war but that’s clearly for political reasons and there’s plenty of good evidence to show he’s wrong.

    Trouble is we’re now all paying the price in disrupted travel and other risks and I strongly resent that. I resent the gang of crooks and liars with Bush at their head and supported by Blair and his equally mendacious cronies pursuing policies which were bound not only to fail spectacularly, as they are doing, but also to ratchet up the instability and danger to us all.

  17. Stiffler says:

    13 – “All this shows is that you cannot win by fighting terrorism. One man can do a LOT of damage, and pretty easily.”

    Can’t win by fighting terrorism? Since when? Where do you think these nut jobs come from? Terrorism is the major contributor of these problems. Anytime that someone tries to plot a terror attack, they need to be tried and executed… speedily. I mean, the British legal system isn’t much of a deterrent.


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