Yep, I’m violating her human rights, but so are you by looking at it!

This Is London – 26.10.06:

Jewellers in Kensington being targeted in their shops by a thief have been told not to put up warning pictures of the woman – because it would infringe her human rights.

The latest trader to fall victim to the con artist was even told by police to detain the thief herself.

CCTV footage shows the woman distracting a young shop assistant as she pockets thousands of pounds of expensive rings and necklaces.

Posing as a wealthy woman from Dubai, she snatches jewellery after asking junior assistants to fetch or wrap up other items.

She then says she has to get a credit card from her driver and disappears – only for shocked staff to discover that stock is missing.

  1. Ascii King says:

    “thousands of pounds”? How the hell could she carry all of that? 😉

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Pre-emptive post:

    This is not the logic of liberals.
    It isn’t the logic of conservatives.
    It is the logic of loonbats.

    What madness has overcome Brittish cops?

  3. DeLeMa says:

    Easy on the Brits, OFTLO, it’s only one city..?? Can I get my picture back from the Post Office now ?

  4. Matthew says:

    This is funny coming from a place where video cameras read your license plate allowing software to track your every movement through a city.

  5. Weighs less in dollars.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #3 Sorry… and I just finished praising the Brits over in another thread… But the post no pic and apprehend the criminal yourself plan seems like a recipe for disaster…

  7. RBG says:

    2. Okay, so I’ll admit to posting this just to irritate you, Oh:

    Maybe the wishful logic of the left since:

    Lefty Canadian Member of Parliament (and candidate for Prime Minister) caught stealing an expensive diamond ring.

    “He’ll be back. Probably proposing amendments to hate crimes legislation to include thieves as an identifiable group .”


  8. malren says:

    #2, I’m sorry, but this is precisely and exactly an extension of British liberal philosophy over the last 20-30 years. The very concepts of respect and dignity have perverted by the idea that they must be protected at all costs, even at the expense of law-abiding, decent citizens.

    It is not an original component of the admirable goals and ideals of British liberalism, but it is most certainly part and parcel of the way things are today. The nation is a legal nightmare for regular people and a liberal oasis for criminals.

  9. jccalhoun says:

    I agree that this is odd. Cities in England, London particularly, are covered in cameras – and not just for traffic. So it is ok for the government to monitor everyone 24/7 but not for people to look out for criminals?

  10. tallwookie says:

    um… yeah…

  11. WokTiny says:

    The Human Right to Not Have a Picture displayed?!

    that’s absurd.

    its like talking about the right to drive, or marry. its a privilege, no?

  12. bquady says:

    Malren, if you think that the principles of liberalism include a prohibition against self defense, you are just absolutely dead wrong.

    I read the article. There is ONE person reporting that ONE cop told her she shouldn’t distribute pictures of ONE perp in ONE small country in Europe. Settle down, and maybe ask yourself whether or not you should seek medical help about that kool-aid you drank. Damn.

  13. bquady says:

    Update: the British Lord Chancellor says that it was a misinterpretation of the Human Rights Act.

  14. bquady says:

    Sorry, messed up that link to the article about the Lord Chancellor. It’s here. And if that didn’t work, it’s

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #8 & #12 – Well, ah, yea….

    Malren, you seem like a pretty nice guy. Or maybe a guy who would take please in shooting at my cats with a BB gun if they froliced in your backyard… It’s really hard to say.

    But what I know is that you are every bit as partisan as I am, but you aren’t that open about it. You characterize “liberal” as if it meant what Coulter and Hannity says it means, and not what it really means. And you seem to believe it.

    Reagan and Company did a great disservice (when many actually, but this one in particular) when they set about to demonize liberals as anti-American.

    Say what you want about the long term effects, but it was a liberal that bailed us out of the depression and got us through WWII. It was a liberal who dropped two atomic bombs on Japan and got us through The Korean War. It was liberalism that gave us both civil liberties and capitalism (oh yes, capitalism is a liberal idea) and you guys love capitalism. You just hate regulation which protects the poor from abuse.

    I’m not saying there haven’t been great conservatives. There was Lincoln and Eisenhower. I’m not sure, but there might have been a third somewhere in history… maybe a mayor or someone at the state level… County auditor or something….

    The thing is… You guys were on the attack from day of the Clinton administration, and you set the tone for a degree of devisiveness that I can’t imagine existed prior in the 20th Century. And while i hated it, I got it… Out of power, ineffective, marginalized, the right did what they do best… They fought. But what kills me is that even in power, you are still on the attack, like you are trying to reach the summit that you are already straddling… and why?

    Since 1980, the conservative movement, hijacked by Bible Beaters and chickenhawks, Ayn Randian nutjobs and corporate raiders, has systematically waged war against everything that made The United States a great nation. 92 to 2000 was a brief respite when a lot of Americans saw a better life, a life very unfamiliar to them, but then the right screwed it all up again by saddling us with a nepotistic idiot who sadly saw his temp job go full time when this nation was brutally attacked by Saudi nationals and their billionaire backer former CIA operative, Osama Bin Laden.

    Yes. I’m every bit as partisan as you. But I have the advantage of being right.

  16. koipoi says:

    We love seeing the the sinner, dont we? It makes us all feel better about our selves.

    O yeah, can we watch some of her suffering too?

    Bring back the guillotine!!!!

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    I’m not saying there haven’t been great conservatives. There was Lincoln and Eisenhower. I’m not sure, but there might have been a third somewhere in history… maybe a mayor or someone at the state level… County auditor or something….

    One of the greatest lines I’ve heard in a long time. That is a two thumbs up with a gold star. But I thought that it was Hoover who was the great conservative, not Eisenhower. I could be wrong. I have been wrong before, in fact, last week I thought I made a mistake but really I was wrong.

  18. Jason Snelgrove says:

    I’m a Canadian TV Journalist and sometimes I get the standard no life goody two shoes ask, “Did I give you permission to take my picture or tape me?” I respond with, “I don’t need your permission!” It’s my job to know that.

    The only time I need permission is if I am using the image for commercial purposes or financial gain.

    What’s the deal here? Nobody is getting any money by using her image. In fact, I’d say they’ve already lost a great deal.

  19. ijsbrand says:

    There is ONE person reporting that ONE cop told her she shouldn’t distribute pictures of ONE perp in ONE small country in Europe.

    Nope, that’s a rather standard European policy. And it is regarded as a huge problem as this could provoke people to take their own justice. Which would be unwise, though, because they run the risk of getting punished more heavily for that, than the thief they caught. If such a thief got hurt in the act.

    Still, the ridiculous ways ‘The war on drugs’ is fought in the USA doesn’t make me think we live in a perfect world. Far from it.

  20. 888 says:

    post her carcass’es picture in the news 🙂

    This won’t violate her human rights, will protect stores from future thefts by her (and maybe would also make few other thieves to think twice before stealing)… so why no one have SHOT that bitch yet?!

    Owner’s right to protect his property comes first, shoot shoot shoot 😀


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