Don’t forget, if you get shot by the VP, it’s your responsibility to apologize.

Cheney Going Hunting on Election Day

Vice President Dick Cheney will spend Election Day on his first hunting trip since he accidentally shot a companion last February while aiming at a covey of quail on a private Texas ranch.

The vice president, after working at the White House on Monday morning, will head to South Dakota to spend several days at a private hunting lodge near Pierre. Lea Anne McBride, his press secretary, said it was an annual hunting outing and said Cheney spent Election Day in 2002 at the same lodge.

He will be accompanied by his daughter, Mary, and his political director, Mel Raines, who will help him keep track of the election returns, McBride said.

In other Cheney news:

Cheney may not testify before Congress

US Vice President Dick Cheney yesterday said he would likely refuse to testify before Congress if he is faced with a subpoena from the opposition Democratic party. The Democrats say if they prevail in tomorrow’s legislative elections they may launch investigations into past actions taken by President George Bush’s administration, possibly even issuing subpoenas to compel prominent officials to testify.

  1. sh says:

    I’d rather go hunting with Dick then driving with Ted.

  2. Roc Rizzo says:

    I wonder who Dead Eye Dick is going to shoot in the face this time. I heard that the sharpshooter is going to be hunting at a private reserve here in NY, near Pawling in the Harlem Valley. One wonders about these things.

    As far as Cheney refusing to testify if subpoenaed, that would be an act of contempt, and lead to immediate charges, and possible impeachment. These guys think that they have ultimate power. The system is supposed to have checks and balances, except with one party running things, it cannot. They are drunk with power and will suffer one of the largest hangovers from this in history!

  3. moss says:

    #1 — very good. You’re only 37 years behind the times. Pretty good for the Bush League.

  4. Morphimus says:

    Thanks for the heads up… just in time for me to cancel my flight 😉

  5. Improbus says:

    Is Dick going to be hunting birds with clipped wings again? What a dick.

  6. mxpwr03 says:

    I’m going to have to agree with number one on this.

  7. Walter Sobcheck says:

    I’d rather go hunting with Dick then driving with Ted.

    Just be careful at intersections when Laura Bush is behind the wheel.

  8. James Hill says:


    As long as Dick doesn’t try to off himself based on the House races… Actually, that would be pretty funny.

    Only a dick would kill himself.

  9. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Dick has a long history of not voting in elections … or serving in the military.

    He’s just Dick.

  10. Dallas says:

    Just keep your back towards him and keep him off alcohol. He only shoots you in the face after drinking a few beers and that is manageable.

    I agree with the earlier republican posters that driving with Ted at the wheel is far more out of your control.

  11. Mark says:

    1. Bumper sticker humor, how original.

  12. Billabong says:

    Dick’s going drinking.

  13. DeLeMa says:

    As far as the bumper schticker humor goes…I suppose I could agree if only because you’d have recourse to your own weapon and accidents tend to favor no one particular party..nwim ??

  14. Gary Marks says:

    As for Cheney’s likeliness to refuse to testify, it’s certainly in keeping with his view of the administration’s role. They were elected to make the sausage, but no one else has the right to watch how they do it. Ironically, the bulk of what we do know about Ken Lay’s participation in setting America’s energy policy in 2001 for the years ahead was learned as a result of the legal actions that resulted from Enron’s subsequent collapse amidst massive fraud. Very little information has been obtained from the administration side of that partnership.

    When memos documenting proposals by Enron were compared to Cheney’s final energy policy, there was a very high correlation between the two. I had to chuckle when I saw the notation at the bottom of Cheney’s cover letter submitting the final policy document to President Bush: “Printed on recycled paper.” What an environmentalist that Cheney is 😉

    Cheney will easily be able to obstruct and delay for a couple of years, regardless of today’s election outcome.


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