Reuters – 11/3/06:

A Delaware judge on Friday ordered a man who twice exposed himself to a 10-year-old girl at his workplace to wear a T-shirt with the words: “I am a registered sex offender” in bold letters, a prosecutor said.

Russell Teeter, 69, who pleaded guilty to two counts of indecent exposure, also was sentenced to 60 days in jail by Superior Court Judge Jan Jurden in Wilmington.

Deputy Attorney General Donald Roberts said he requested the unusual T-shirt punishment because he was concerned about Teeter exposing himself to children at the gardening business he runs with his wife.

“This is a unique way to let his customers know that he is a sex offender,” Roberts told Reuters.

Roberts said Teeter had at least 10 prior convictions dating back to 1976 for exposing himself to children and had been diagnosed as a compulsive exhibitionist.

Teeter, who has 30 days to appeal the sentence, will have to wear the T-shirt at work for 22 months after he gets out of jail.

Why not tattoo it on his forehead?

  1. Jim Scarborough says:

    Reminds me of a Nathaniel Hawthorne book

  2. Max Bell says:

    I can think of five people without trying who’d find such apparel a great way to meet chicks.

    Somebody should explain to the judge that a lot of those “SUYT” t-shirts failed to yield even a little side-boob. The tattoo would be a much more effective route; too many people will probably mistake this for just another tasteless t-shirt.

  3. ken ehrman says:

    forget this scarlet letter nonesense, just him out back and shoot him.

  4. Max Bell says:

    PS: I hath seen the capcha and lo, it did suck mighty buckets. Not only is it hard to read, it took me off the main page and stranded me there.

    So, in case anyone is wondering, it’s not fixed, yet.

  5. Andrew says:

    If they know he is going to do it again, why are they letting him out of jail?

  6. RBG says:

    Wonder if they’ll become as popular as “Porn Star” T-shirts?

    Ditto 4.


  7. Mike Voice says:

    at least 10 prior convictions… diagnosed as a compulsive exhibitionist.

    We “convict and release” another serial offender, and wonder why they are serial offenders? 🙁

    Who is doing the compliance monitoring, to ensure he is wearing this T-shirt for the next 22-months?

    Can his wife sue for financial damages, if sales at their gardening business declines?

  8. Deport him to Mexico, they’ll show him a good time.

    Heh heh

  9. Curmudgen says:

    In my home town a young man was convicted of cruelty to animals and was fined. In addition the D.A. insisted that he be made to make a sandwich board stating his crime. He was to stand at a very busy intersection for an hour a day for I forget how long. Didn’t work!! He got so many offers of an ass kicking that it created a traffic jam. It became a dangerous scene and was called off. Never did hear what happened later. I was sorry that it turned out that way cause I wanted a shot at the son of a bitch.

  10. untold story says:

    think 2nd world war.
    think jew star.

  11. Calin says:

    Oh yeah, because sex offenders that wave their testies at 10 year old girls have soooo much in common with Jewish people.

    Are you high?

  12. tallwookie says:

    #6 – exactly what i was thinking…

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    Let’s see here. The guy has an obsessive compulsive disorder which is against societal norms, flashing his genitals at minors. Now if I understand that, he has a mental defect that he is unable to control. Yet most comments think it’s either a joke or want to physically harm the guy. Why can’t the guy get help?

    Well, he and his wife run a landscape business. Few landscape businesses make much money and so health insurance usually is a luxury they can’t afford. Besides, any insurance company would claim it is a pre-existing condition and wouldn’t pay his treatment anyway. They probably even used a Wal-Mart lawyer, if they could afford that.

    Throw his ass in jail. At what, $200 / day? Because he has a mental condition? Sick people don’t learn by being punished. Even though jails are full of mentally ill people, health care is minimal and mental health care is virtually non-existant in jails.

    Make him wear a shirt that will destroy his business. Hey, that’ll really save society. Instead of having a job, now he’ll have all that free time to pursue his obsession.

    The sentence is wrong. The Judge’s reasoning is wrong. Many comments are wrong. Mental illnesses need to be treated. Not punished. Not made a joke. Not swept under the rug. The richest nation on earth makes it’s sick people wear a sign advertising their disease.

  14. RBG says:

    13. You believe the same for white collar crime too?

    “Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”



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