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This “White House Advisor” has always been all over the media condemning everyone — especially gays — while praising the Lord.

Toronto Daily News – Church Leader Quits After Gay Sex, Meth Claims – US evangelist accused of using male prostitute services — Anyone who studies American history knew this sort of thing was coming. Hypocrisy reigns. As a friend of mine likes to say, “Only sinners go to church.” If this is nothing more than a smear campaign I’d say it was risky since this guy runs in some powerful circles. Let’s watch this unfold. If all this is actually orchestrated by the Democrats, then it looks as if they’ve finally found a Karl Rove rival. Who is it?

Pastor Ted Haggard, the president of the American Association of Evangelicals, has resigned due to allegations of engaging in homosexual intercourse with a prostitute.

Ted Haggard, who runs one of the largest churches in the US and regularly consults the White House on policy matters, had been paying a male prostitute to have sex with him about once a month for the past three years, a man who claims to be the male escort told a Denver radio station

Mike Jones, a male escort, alleged that Haggard, whom he knew as “Art”, paid for sex with him during trysts which had been taking place between them on an almost monthly basis over the course of the previous three years.

Further, Jones said Haggard used methamphetamine before their sexual encounters to heighten his experience.

When did the Republicans get so gay? From what I can tell this is the guy pushing evangelical religion into the Air Force Academy. Now he’s gay? What gives?

related links:
Rocky Mountain News Coverage
CNN Discussion
Click on CNN video interview with Haggard — He denies everything: says he is happily married.
Ted Haggard Homepage
Harper’s Article on America’s Most Powerful Megachurch
Religious Bullying at the Air Force Academy
More on Air Force Academy
Interview with Jones About Haggard who Apparently called himself “Art.”

Note of irony. Here’s an article where Haggard is preaching about how religion belongs in politics. Be careful what you wish for.

Update for all the doubters!: CNN interviewed Ted Haggard and he admits calling Mike Jones for a “massage” and to “buy meth.”

Yet another update:

For those who worry about anyone “judging” Pastor Ted — his church just fired him. Here’s the .pdf of its press release.

Last update, we promise!: Haggard admits being “guilty of sexual immorality” and stated, “I am a deceiver and a liar.”

Haggard is a graduate from Oral Roberts University.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    …Dr. Dobson has more right than any of us to comment, as he was a personal friend of the man, and a respected voice for the same community (fundamentalist Christianity) as Haggard – from what I have heard, he is actually taking a fairly moderate, reasonable position.
    Comment by Bruce IV — 11/6/2006 @ 4:39 pm

    Dobson has no more right to comment then the lowest among us. That attitude is exactly what has skewered Haggard, Bakker, Robertson, Swaggart, Fallwell, and Dobson himself. They pretend to be able to speak for us and know more then us when all they really are are a bunch of con men. By saying they can “interpret” God’s words for us, they fail to see what God really wants us to do.

    Do you really believe Dobson is a respected voice? Or would it be better to suggest that he has wheedled himself a platform.

    At the risk of being censored, phuck Dobson and all his sexually repressed brethren. I’m waiting to find out how many black children Dobson has fathered out of wedlock.

  2. Lee says:

    Roger, you assumption that all Christians or people of faith in general are a bunch of judgmental asses is tiresome, and ignorant. Do not believe that the sample of your experience is in any way a scientific sample, and stop believing the reality the TV is feeding you, it is false.

  3. Roger M says:

    Judgmental? Yes.
    Asses? No. I’ve never expressed that.

    Being judgmental is what Christianity is based on, IMHO. It’s the reward/punish system that makes the followers fearful of the deity.
    Watch part two of “The Root of All Evil?” and you will see what I mean. Though I don’t think you have to. I think you know what I’m talking about.

    If your comment is regarding my questions in #149, I’m sorry if they had a little , eh, “pzing” in them. But the questions are honest enough. Trust me. I am sincerely curios about what christians think about the matter.
    I am a practical person, and I believe you guys believe your god has practical impact on your daily life. So, how come Haggard did what he did? Why no intervention? Did your god have anything to do with this at all? Or did he leave it all to Haggards personal choices?

    Just some practical questions from a practical guy. I keep hearing about God’s will and power all the time, so help me out. I am really wondering.

    I didn’t really get the point in your last sentence, and I hardly watch television. Besides, you have no idea what I eventually watch on TV, so how can you claim it’s false?

  4. Mike Voice says:

    124 I tried to be subtle but the cool Aid must be ruining your liberal brains. The person I was referring to was Congressman Gerry Studds
    Gerry Studds had sex with one page and made inappropriate advances on two others. he admitted it..He refused to apologize for it. He turned his back on the House of Representatives and rejected the censure vote of his fellow members


    The affair was in 1973, and he was censured in 1983.

    Funny how the Wiki entry puts a different spin on it than you do.

    …in Studds’ case, a 1973 sexual relationship with a 17-year-old male congressional page who was of the age of legal consent. The relationship was consensual (which made it legal, in accordance with state law) but presented ethical concerns relating to working relationships with subordinates.

    Studds publicly acknowledged his homosexuality, a disclosure that, according to a Washington Post article, “apparently was not news to many of his constituents.”

    I guess not, if they elected him 6 times.

    Studds received two standing ovations from supporters in his home district at his first town meeting following his congressional censure.

    The page later appeared publicly with Studds in support of him.

    Doesn’t sound like any of Foley’s “love interests” will be similarly inclined.

  5. AB CD says:

    For an evangelical, he sounds more like a Catholic. He’s basically saying that he’s gay, but gay sex is a sin.

  6. Robert K says:

    What Mike Jones has done is perfectly justifiable. For a married man such as Haggard to set up a monthly rondevue with a gay man for sex is most definitely hypocritical.. Now, is his wife going to be pious about it and continue to remain with him as she claims? If so, she is kidding herself. If she is heterosexual and apparently he is bisexual, then she has tacitly said that it is okay with her if he has sex with men.
    How do his children feel about him? He has got five children. Some of them must be in school. How will their peers view this? I can hear it now. Hey dude, “I seen on TV where your dad likes guys?” “Is daddy sweet?”

    Isn’t it ironic that a married preacher would cavort with a gay man and profess to be opposed to gay marriage? If that is not hypocracy, I don’t know the meaning of that word.

  7. Roger M says:

    One thing I’m 100% sure of is that he’s NOT heterosexual.

  8. Lee says:

    I know this thread is dead, but oh well.

    “Judge not lest ye be judged”
    “The standard you judge others by is the standard you will be judged by”

    The fact that so much of modern ‘Christ’ianity is violating the words of Christ proves not that Christians are judgemental, but rather that there are a lot of ‘Christ’ians who are not Christian. Jesus warned us of these people, that they would cause great strife. Get it through your head Roger; these people are not Christian, because they don’t follow Christ. Don’t let their slander convince you otherwise.

  9. big tit says:

    See busty girls

  10. Personally I do not believe Ted Haggard is a “bad” person, he like many evangelicals needs to be honest. I used to attend an evangelical church where I was told to “come to church with a smile on my face or don’t come at all”. Well my wife had mental problems (I do not mean this as a condemnation, only a statement of fact as I still love her), my kids were all borne with disabilities such as autism for my son. But during a time of extreme difficulty after an extended hospital stay for my son, my wife had a nervous breakdown and allowed a man into our family who harmed my daughter and stole thousands of dollars through my wife. Our churches response: Kicked our son out of Sunday school because of his autism and totally turned their back on us. We had to sell my business and move out of state to protect my wife and daughter. Not a soul from this Church said goodbye or wished us well.
    Evangelicals have got to stop judging and realize that Christ went to the “sinners”, and dined with the “sinners”


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