1. Greg Allen says:

    Holy smokes, that BBC piece is smug and condescending!

    I’m not a Haggard fan (although I liked his Evangelical Climate Initiative) and I am a fan of the BBC, but that segment is junk.

  2. angell says:

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  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #63, well it looks like spam is till getting through.

    Damn I hate shit like that !!!

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #50, And thank you for exactly illustrating my point. The fact that you had to look it up (certainly for the first time) proves your belief was previously baseless.

    WRONG !!!

    That is about as poor an argument as may be made. Many times I will look something up to gain more knowledge or insight into what we are discussing. Especially when someone has made a statement I don’t believe is correct. To criticize someone who wants to know more or bolster their argument is just plain wrong. The only thing worse is to invent or make a baseless argument as you have done so often.

    …the information you quote is recognizable as the quote from the Oslo gay museum story less than a month old. That information originally comes from who? With what peer review? That information tells me nothing of the possibility of purely “gay” animals. Do they exist?

    Why don’t you look it up? You seem to demand peer review even after the source (wikipedia) is referenced. Yet, you offer no contrary reference, only denial. Why not present some peer reviewed material backing your point of view?

    I agree with you that, like religion, no one needs scientific info to justify gay behavior. Just as long as its practice doesn’t collaterally impair or conflict the healthy sexual maturity of growing children,…

    Does this suppose heterosexual behavior with children is acceptable to you?

    NEWS FLASH FOR RBG: Homosexuality and pedophilia are two separate and unrelated conditions.

    People can choose to practice gay behavior if they like. Much like bi-sexual people do. Much like people can practice a lot of strange human behaviors given the right circumstances, like suicide and watching “The View.”

    That assumes homosexuality is a choice and not a normal drive. No, the “homosexual gene” hasn’t been found yet. Then, neither has the “heterosexual gene” been found either. Yet, science firmly believes that there is some controlling mechanism that determines our sexual preference. And this is much different from a mental illness of suicidal tendency or impulse.

    there are many reasons light might come out of a bulb

    name two.

  5. Murdoch says:

    #29: As a Bible believing Christian with a preference for intelligence and intelligent design, I must say that I have the utmost respect for Richard Dawkins and nothing but contempt for Ted Haggard./

    Well said, Eugene! (Though I hope you’ll come to realise that ID is an unnecessary and undesirable compromise and that there’s no conflict whatever between remaining Christian and accepting scientific study and current conclusions about the likes of evolution).

  6. FRAGaLOT says:

    Was Richard REALLY acting arrogant, or is Ted so stupid he sees people with British accents as arrogant? Richard had some REALLY key points that went right over Ted’s flat head.

  7. Greg Allen says:


    Watch the piece again with a critical eye, even if you agree with Dawkins. It’s dripping with condescension.

    For instance, have you seen the Riefenstahl movie on the Nurenberg rallies? (highly recommended, BTW) Do you really believe that Haggard’s church is similar to those rallies, as Dawkins says? Highly unlikely.

    I will point out one thing about the video nobody seems to have noticed: In the end when Haggard get all irrational (according to Dawkins) and throws them out. Of course Dawkins (arrogantly, IMHO) insinuates that this is because people of faith are irrational.

    But now that we know Haggard was on crystal meth, wouldn’t this better explain the ending of the video? Meth addicts usually act like that, don’t they?


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