1. Pekuliar says:

    Twisted Bizarre – Yes
    Brilliant? You must be might dumb as a rock for this to look “brilliant” to you.

  2. Bryan K says:

    I saw this somewhere in college and I can’t remember where – it was a few years back I think…this sure takes me back

    ‘I’m a bananna’

  3. Dan Wally says:

    Not Brilliant ….
    Very Twisted…
    Also Bizarre…

    Different does not mean genius but I liked these cartoons just the same.

  4. Max Bell says:

    Been a while since I got up at 8am on a Saturday and watched cartoons.

    I think I’ll go back to bed, now. Ought to make for interesting dreams.

    “My banana hat is bleeeeeding!”

  5. dan says:

    I recommend any who has a taste for cynical dark but cutely animated humor to immediately go to http://www.bitterfilms.com/ and buy Don’s newly released DVD. I have it, it is incredible. Don Hertzfeld is brilliant.

    I saw Rejected the first time on Mike & Spikes Twisted animation tour. I have NEVER shared such laughter with such a large group of people. Dons work is best in theaters.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    Sorry, but I don’t see the brilliance. Just because something is out of the norm does not ensure it is better then what the plebeians prefer. If it were then my seven yr old would be heralded as a Picasso.

  7. Sherman says:

    It was nominated for an Oscar in 2001, deservedly.

  8. Mark says:

    Interesting, in a sick sort of way. Like Happy Tree Friends drawn badly?

  9. A_B says:

    For the record, these are NOT real commercials. They were NOT submitted to “The Family Learning Channel”, which doesn’t exist. Same with “Johnson & Mills.”

    It seems people, maybe here, definitely elsewhere, are confused about this fact and are judging the short film on the merits of the short “commercials” as actual commercials for the respective companies.

    From the creator’s website:

    “No. Don has never had anything to do with the production of a television commercial and has publicly vowed many times that he never will. ”

  10. tallwookie says:

    yeah i saw it a few yrs ago on one of those aggregate film/web-video content sites – theres good stuff there.

  11. Gregory says:

    Who confuses it? Seriously…. who?

    It is brilliant, and it’s brilliance works on many subtle levels. However it also is just plain hilarious.

  12. tallwookie says:

    Did a bit of research…

    Public Availability of Information Ahoy!

  13. Peter Garner says:

    For the record, these are NOT real commercials.

    Oh MAN, thanks for the tip! I was just about to post a rant about the shortsightedness of modern corporate culture…

  14. Jack says:

    Insult to intelligence.

  15. Uncle Dave says:

    It captures the surreal and mundane of ordinary life where the last thing one expects is what happens (or the Spanish Inquisition) . But I guess the decades I belonged to Mensa were for naught as I’m clearly not intelligent enough to be insulted by it. Damn!

  16. joshua says:

    Ok…..I really liked this video…..vergi9ng on the edge of insanity. So, does anyone know a good, but cheap Therapist?

  17. Dr. Burns says:

    The artist mixes humor with insanity. That says a lot about him right there. Since when does pulling a person apart constitute as a good commercial? koo koo

  18. Uncle Dave says:

    #19: Again, as indicated in #10, these are not real commercials. The whole commercial thing is part of the joke.

  19. wyth says:

    It’s an insult to the unintelligent!

    Seriously, there’s a lot of formal play in these things that, yeah, if you don’t know what the hell you’re looking at, you must think it’s dumb. (Check out the people pounding on the page begging the audience to get them out of there.)

    I wonder how some of you would view a Jackson Pollack. Splatter paint? Look at one in person. Just because you don’t get something on a first passive glance does not make the work dumb (but it makes something dumb).

  20. 888 says:

    what a crap


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