Holier than thou

Did Ann Coulter Vote Illegally?, County Is Investigating Whether Conservative Columnist Voted In Wrong Precinct

Conservative columnist Ann Coulter has refused to cooperate in an investigation about whether she voted in the wrong precinct, so the case will likely be turned over to state prosecutors, Palm Beach County’s elections chief said Wednesday.

Elections Supervisor Arthur Anderson said his office has been looking into the matter for nearly nine months, and he would turn over the case to the state attorney’s office by Friday.
Anderson’s office received a complaint in February that Coulter allegedly voted in the wrong precinct during a Feb. 7 Palm Beach town council election. Since then, Anderson said he has made repeated attempts to resolve the matter with Coulter and her attorney but has been rebuffed.
Knowingly voting in a wrong precinct is a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison, said Mike Edmondson, a spokesman for the state attorney’s office in West Palm Beach.

This becomes big news just days after her disastrous interview on Fox where Neal Cavuto (to his credit) makes her squirm by pointing out how she’ll support all Republicans no matter what horrible things they’ve done and forcing her into a corner where her own words make her look ridiculous.

  1. Bill says:

    Does anyone else see the irony in this story? Right-wing nut job votes in the wrong precinct! Every time a state tries to require photo ID for voting, every left-wing nut job comes out from under their rock and claims voter intimidation!

    I say let the far-left and far-right beat each other bloody and let the rest of us ignore them, argue the real issues and straighten out the mess they have made.

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    This morning on Fox she said that certain uninformed people should not be allowed to vote….right after she made a (very bad) joke that the passage of suffrage was the biggest problem facing the Rs.

    She’s a gasbag.

  3. Speedmaster says:

    God only knows how many illegal aliens vote regularly, but they decide to go after a legal voter that may have just voted in the wrong district? Is there a better example of politically motivated nonsense?

  4. sdf says:

    Dittoheads Assemble!

  5. Scott Gant says:

    Wonder how she’s going to blame this on the godless democrats. Should be entertaining.

  6. Roc Rizzo says:

    I’m surprised that Ann Coulter didn’t vote in SEVERAL districts.
    And why do you keep addressing her as ‘SHE?’ Everyone knows that Ann Coulter is a man in drag. You can see his adam’s apple in any pictures, and if you meet him in real life as well.

    As far as the left wing nuts coming out about voter intimidation, it’s not about the ID, as much as it’s about the cost of the ID, which amounts to a poll tax, which is against the law. In Georgia, you are required to produce a drivers license, or State ID, which costs about $60. I know that they will accept a passport, which costs about $100 last time I got mine. I personally wouldn’t be against positive ID, as long as it didn’t cost any thing.

  7. Joe says:

    who cares her career is over

  8. Curmudgen says:

    Ann Coulter, What a Dick!!!

  9. Gig says:

    They’ve spent this much time and I would assume money to investigate that she voted in the wrong precinct. I might be able to understand spending the time for wrong state or maybe even wrong congressional district but wrong precinct?

    This happens all the time and it should be blamed on the poll workers not the voters in most cases.

    #5 According to Alabama’s web site a non-driver ID costs $23.

  10. neozeed says:

    Who is this woman, and why should I care?

    Besides in south florida, we vote early & often.

  11. John Paradox says:

    Ms/Mr Law and Order.
    She also failed to show for the per-prosecution of the person who ‘pied’ her at the U of A some time ago. Made claims she was ‘never informed’.

    Never informed – pretty well shows the ‘intelligance’ level of the right wing proof that blondes are dumb.

    {BTW, that’s the RW claim of dumbness, not mine)


  12. Tom 2 says:

    The age of wacko republicans going main stream has really been kicked out the door.

  13. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, This happens all the time and it should be blamed on the poll workers not the voters in most cases.
    Comment by Gig — 11/3/2006 @ 7:53 am

    Sorry, but no way may this be passed off onto the poll workers. When you claim the moral high road and stress personal responsibility, you can’t turn around and blame others for what you did.

    She moved. She was aware enough to change her utilities and telephone. Also whatever other regular mail comes her way. So she can’t use the excuse that she didn’t know. In fact, blame it on all those conservatives. If they hadn’t bought her book then she wouldn’t have all that extra money to buy a new house with.

    By not contacting the Elections Supervisor, she has to be guilty. Besides, only the guilty use lawyers.

  14. AB CD says:

    What is it with Palm Beach County that they prosecute Republicans so aggressively? They went after Rush LImbaugh for what usually be a slap on the wrist. Now Ann Coulter. Really wish Democrats would speak out against things like this, as it could backfire.

  15. Few “celebrities” simultaneously instill discussion about hating her and wanting to bone her the way that Ann Coutler does. Good times.

  16. Mark says:

    I think they should throw the book “godless” at her, and make it her only reading material for her full sentence.

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #14 – Maybe its because Republicans are **72% more likely to commit criminal acts?

    **Stats coutesy of the Liberal Institute On Political Statistics

  18. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    You know, I want to introduce Ann Coulter to the business end of a woodchipper just as much as any other reasonable, rational, democracy-loving man or woman…

    …and if she got a life sentence for this, well, whatever works, right?…

    …but as i think about it, what possible harm was done? I mean, she moved, failed to update her address, and voted in the wrong precinct. Was she voting for a whole different group of people? Did she tip the scales of the election? Did she stuff the ballot box?

    She voted for the same gay-bashing, mysogenistic, corporate stooge Republicans in one precint that she would have voted for in the other. I want to find a legal reason to deport Coulter (and Hannity and Limbaugh and O’Rielly and the remaining balance of the GOP) to Outer Mongolia… But is it just me, or is this kind of petty? Am I getting soft? Am I losing my liberalness? Does this ballot make my ass look fat?

  19. Mike Voice says:

    9 They’ve spent this much time and I would assume money to investigate that she voted in the wrong precinct.


    That is irritating, but not as irritating as:

    Since then, Anderson said he has made repeated attempts to resolve the matter with Coulter and her attorney but has been rebuffed.

    Crappy how being a “celebrity” – or is it just being rich – lets you and/or your lawyer “rebuff” an official investigating a complaint.

  20. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #19 – I’m with you… But I have to say, the article says they spend 9 months investigating whether she voted in the wrong precint.

    Now, she moved, and since I bet she bought a house, rather than rented a 1 bedroom flat in an affordable area, there is sure to be mountains of documentation. I bet they can easily find out what day the election was held 🙂 and she probably had to sign a book when she voted.

    Shouldn’t the investigation take about 9 minutes? I hate that I sound like I’m on Coulter’s side… but that’s tax money going after some stupid wonk who voted four blocks away from where she should have voted. There’s no other cime in Palm Beach?

  21. RBG says:

    She must have had a masterful plan to have her single vote win that county’s election to have gone through all that trouble.


  22. RBG says:

    6. Yes, her adams apple was the first thing I noticed in the picture above. Good thing you and I are above those kinds of smutty photos.


  23. Assemble the firing squad and keep tabs on her, I’ll be in touch.

  24. Zuke says:

    Damn that photo give me all kind of conflicting funny feelings inside…

  25. Scott1960 says:

    Nice photoshopping, but you forgot the chest hair…

  26. robin says:

    What is the conservative rights fascination with this pig? Wait a minute- does this have anything to do with the cons penchant for sado masochistic high heel licking ass probing domination by a tall blond member of the master race? Jesus loves you.

  27. AB CD says:

    Worst …photoshop ….ever

  28. Mr. Fusion says:

    #20, OFTLO, I hear and understand you, but, obviously disagree to some extent.

    The investigation has been ongoing for nine months. That does not mean someone has spent nine months only investigating the whole thing.

    A complaint was received and the Election Supervisor most likely pulled out that big book and verified that Coulter indeed voted in a specific precinct. In order to clarify or mitigate the situation, Coulter was asked to respond to the complaint and supply any additional information that might explain and let her off the hook.

    Some time goes by and there has been no response. The Supervisor sends another letter and doesn’t receive a reply. A third, firmer, letter is sent and a response comes from her lawyer by telephone. The Supervisor legally responds by saying the letters must be answered in writing only. To which the lawyer refuses.

    The hypocrisy here is that if this was an ordinary citizen, they would end up losing their right to vote. I can see no reason why Coulter is so special that she deserves special treatment.

  29. joshua says:

    From what I read in the London Times (yes, they have heard of Ann over there), her lawyer said they refused to meet with Mr. Anderson because before he ever notified her or her lawyer of anything, or even the District Attorney, he went to the media and told them. And that he has continually informed the media of his intentions over the last nine months before talking to Ann’s lawyer and when Coulter’s lawyer did have a meeting with Anderson back in March, he immediately went out and had a news conferance and divulged what they talked about. So, they decided to no longer deal with him and will talk in court.

    Sounds reasonable to me. I know that here in California, if a person votes, that belongs in another precinct and it’s found out by the board, they get a warning and their name is purged until they prove their new address.

    And Roc Rizzo…..get the facts dude….Georgias new law is quite clear on the fact that if anyone needs an ID….it will be free if they are unemployed, disabled or unable to pay for one. Same in Arizona.

  30. Mr. Fusion says:

    For all those going gaga over Coulter, get an effen life. That bone-rack has about the same sex appeal as Rush Limbaugh. Oopps, sorry, I get it now. Well, what turns your crank.


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