Holier than thou

Did Ann Coulter Vote Illegally?, County Is Investigating Whether Conservative Columnist Voted In Wrong Precinct

Conservative columnist Ann Coulter has refused to cooperate in an investigation about whether she voted in the wrong precinct, so the case will likely be turned over to state prosecutors, Palm Beach County’s elections chief said Wednesday.

Elections Supervisor Arthur Anderson said his office has been looking into the matter for nearly nine months, and he would turn over the case to the state attorney’s office by Friday.
Anderson’s office received a complaint in February that Coulter allegedly voted in the wrong precinct during a Feb. 7 Palm Beach town council election. Since then, Anderson said he has made repeated attempts to resolve the matter with Coulter and her attorney but has been rebuffed.
Knowingly voting in a wrong precinct is a third-degree felony punishable by up to five years in prison, said Mike Edmondson, a spokesman for the state attorney’s office in West Palm Beach.

This becomes big news just days after her disastrous interview on Fox where Neal Cavuto (to his credit) makes her squirm by pointing out how she’ll support all Republicans no matter what horrible things they’ve done and forcing her into a corner where her own words make her look ridiculous.

  1. Mark says:

    Wow, Fusion, your definitely getting my respect back.

  2. Pekuliar says:

    Can you liberals please stop using Nazi references when commenting on people who disagree with your ideas!! You claim you are ones who celebrate diversity, tolerance, being non-judgmental. Someone criticizes your values and beliefs and you resort to despicable name calling (and even physical attacks (at Columbia). No wonder your embarrassed to call yourself “liberals” in public. Your hypocrisy is overwhelming.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    #32, While I can’t speak for “liberals”, I can suggest that the likes of Bush, Limbaugh, Cheney, O’Rielly, Dobson, and so many other “conservative” leaders have opened the door to attack. Do you remember that these are the very same people, and include Coulter, that stated as a fact that if we didn’t support the President while he was lying to us that we weren’t loyal Americans.

    Some even suggested those who didn’t support the President were traitors. They suggest that a vote for Democrat candidates is a vote for communism.

    They pay people to write books challenging a hero’s medals while their own leader was AWOL. Then cry foul for someone challenging the lies used to support his being AWOL. They even went so far as slandering a decorated war hero, who lost both legs and an arm, of fathering a black baby in order to win an election.

    They cry out loud how despicable homosexuality and all sex outside marriage is then watch as one after another either pleads or is found guilty of a sex crime. They scream of the horrendous crime against society same sex marriage is while the Republican Speaker tells his wife on her hospital bed recovering from cancer surgery that he is leaving her for another woman. The next House Speaker has a child out of wedlock that he never visited but that never stopped him from criticizing the President for a private sexual encounter.

    These are the same people that support torturing people. They have even called the Constitution “a scrap of paper”.

    They support sending Americans to die or be horribly mutilated half a world away for no reason other than the President’s vanity. Yet, they refuse to do anything about the swarms illegally crossing the borders. They even ignore those who hire the illegals, instead suggesting it is good for the economy.

    Sorry sir, but you complaint is hypocritical and poorly thought through.

  4. AB CD says:

    And I’m sure you’ll all be just as happy if weak cases are brought against Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Stony Hoyer, Jack Murtha, Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer, and Hillary Clinton. Let’s throw in Keith Olbermann and Al Franken too.

  5. RBG says:

    28. If this was an ordinary citizen, they’d be free to do the same thing. Except it wouldn’t be in the news.

    33. As for your last rant. I’m going to dismiss it by calling it all anecdotal. All conservatives claim is to be profoundly better behaved, with a much better philosophy, than liberals. Pick up on that and you are on your way to serenity.

    Though I will note that Democratic Senators voted for the Iraq War 29 for – 21 against. The House voted 296-133. And the Senate 77-23. So much for sending troops to satiate the President’s vanity. Was the rest of your bluster as accurate?



  6. Milo says:

    [editor: deleted for violation of blog guidelines]

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #28 – Well, I never really imagined a crack team of investigators working around the clock, pouring over records, canvasing the neighborhood, comparing DNA samples… But still… Coulter is an unholy bitch which anyone with an IQ above room temperature would have to agree with, and treating her with any kind od seriousness is a waste of time. Let’s wait until she actually eats a live baby, or whatever other horror she may do, before we waste time hauling her 11 pound frame into a courtroom.

    #32 – Despite what Nazis may think, I have never been ashamed to call myself a liberal in public.

    #34 – I’m not sure what BLOG you read, but who in their right mind is happy (or sad, or anything but indifferent) about this. She just needs to do a change of address form and we can all get back to attacking the real problem… Republicans doing meth, hiring gay prostitutes, and trying to fondle young boys… Now that’s the stuff that makes every day feel like Christmas morning…

    And it’s a nice list, but lets stuff lumping Hillary Clinton in with liberals. She isn’t one.

  8. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #35 – Apparently you think “anecdotal” means “hard core facts and irrefutable truth” because that was what I read in Fusion’s post.

  9. tallwookie says:


    at least she actually voted

  10. RBG says:

    38. Irrefutable truth like the Democrats voting to support Bush’s vanity, I suppose.

    “Anecdotal evidence
    is an informal account of evidence in the form of an anecdote, or hearsay. … and is sometimes informally referred to as the “person who” fallacy (“I know a person who…”; “I know of a case where…” etc … The problem with arguing based on anecdotal evidence is that anecdotal evidence is not necessarily typical; only statistical evidence can determine how typical something is.”



  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #40, you are a bigger fool all the time. The President knowingly lied to Congress and the American people about the need to go to war. If Congress voted a certain way based upon fabricated evidence then don’t blame them, blame the liar that fed it to them.

    Bush went into Iraq to avenge his daddy. There is no other reason. Any excuse to invade was fabricated. And if you can not accept that as the truth when the President admitted the intelligence was wrong then you are even more of a fool. Blog guidelines forbid me from expressing my true emotions.

    Ann Coulter is a windbag who has continually spouted the (Republican)party line without justification or basis. She has held Republicans up as morally superior. She is just another hypocrite.

  12. RBG says:

    41. “Bush went into Iraq to avenge his daddy. There is no other reason.”

    I’ve pointed this out elsewhere, but I’ll do it again in case you had the misfortune of missing out.

    Iraq did an unprovoked invasion of the US’s strategic ally, Kuwait.
    Kuwait asked for the US’s help in defending itself.
    The US did just that.
    Saddam then claimed victory because the US did not have the balls to go into the cities.
    The US did just that.

    Now point out which of those statements is untrue.

    Then feel free to revise “There is no other reason.”



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