Men’s testosterone levels declined in last 20 years — This is an amusing story as the right-wing talk show folks are having a field day with this, especially since the target community is in Massachusetts. Thus the swing is being blamed on liberalism and Women’s Lib. Personally I’ll bet you find it in the food supply. Start by looking at soybean oil which has estrogen characteristics. This is the most obvious culprit. You’ll find that even in commercial peanut butter the peanut oil is extracted and soybean oil is substituted. Soy products are even added to canned tuna.

A new study has found a “substantial” drop in U.S. men’s testosterone levels since the 1980s, but the reasons for the decline remain unclear. This trend also does not appear to be related to age.

The average levels of the male hormone dropped by 1 percent a year, Dr. Thomas Travison and colleagues from the New England Research Institutes in Watertown, Massachusetts, found. This means that, for example, a 65-year-old man in 2002 would have testosterone levels 15 percent lower than those of a 65-year-old in 1987. This also means that a greater proportion of men in 2002 would have had below-normal testosterone levels than in 1987.

“The entire population is shifting somewhat downward we think,” Travison told Reuters Health. “We’re counting on other studies to confirm this.

Related link:
Avoiding soy altogether

  1. WokTiny says:

    could it just be that people are getting lazy and no one exercises anymore?

  2. B. Dog says:

    I liked this part:” …smoking increases testosterone levels”.

    I guess having a cigarette after sex is like charging batteries, but more enjoyable.

  3. Mike Voice says:

    It’s the trans-fats!!!

    Put every guy on a “meat & potato” diet, and then see which way the testosterone levels go! 🙂

    Bring back palm oil for making popcorn!

    Bacon/ham/sausage and eggs for breakfast! Denny’s “Grand Slam” breakfasts for everyone!

    Ban yogurt and tofu!

  4. Kamatari Honjou says:

    So riddle me this, if Testosterone levels are dropping why are there still guys out there that seem to be on 24/7 roid rage and are complete Hormone Monsters?

  5. Shooting the stuff doesn’t count.

  6. ECA says:

    Lets see,
    Quality of meats is DOWN.
    Nice hit on the soya, its true. It has female hormone in it, and should not be used by males, Much.

  7. Mark says:

    Don’t the Chinese use a lot of soy in their food? If so, isnt their population exploding?

  8. Fábio says:

    Jarred Diamond addressed this briefly in his book “Collapse”, it’s a worldwide phenomenon. Our food is basically poisoned with all kinds of by-products from our industrial society.

  9. Ghola says:

    on the plus side, male pattern baldness is in decline

  10. ECA says:

    Its the idea that the corps found a Great product that can grow almost anyplace, and they WANT to make it a REQUIREMENT to every person on the planet.
    Money money money.

  11. OmarTheAlien says:

    Mother Earth is dealing with the over population problem in her own unique way.

  12. Ballenger says:

    Good point about guys needing to avoid too much soy, ECA. I tried soy milk for awhile, the chocolate, to enjoy the plain type you need to have a burning charcoal briquette inside your mouth you are trying to extinguish. I went cold turkey off soy after realizing I had bought 3 pairs of hiking boots in one week. But seriously, there is also evidence that soy blocks absorption of several nutrients, which is a good reason to replace it with red wine on the stuff that may not kill you shopping list.

  13. Maybe it’s overpopulation?

  14. ECA says:

    Its also the idea that MOST people havent thought about the Lawn they grow.
    Its mostly the SAME stuff you EAT…Wheat and Rye grass.
    Soy is About as abundant as ANY weed, you can grow.
    AND you dont need to rotate crops to grow it. So it makes a product that can be grown EASILY, quickly and almost anyplace…Sounds like a weed to me.
    NOW to see if we can MAKE people eat it.

  15. ECA says:

    Yes it IS, overpopulation.
    Finding a crop they can grow, and feed us, that has Little or NO problems with crop rotation, and the loss of 1-2 harvests to keep it growing.
    They dont care about the side affects. They WANT MONEY…

    And its interesting that AT THE END, of the article, that this substance Still hasnt been made SAFE by FDA standards, in Article date 2000, and we STILL feed it to ourselves.

  16. Suprisingly no one commented on the known mega-doses of estrogen found in US beef. I forgot the exact recent news link (maybe someone will find it) but the level of estrogene (mainly from beef) in our food is so large that even when excreted it remains in such huge concentration that it affects fish populations in waters near large population centers. If remembering correctly levels of estrogen measured in waters off Washington state near large cities is huge and it is reflected in wild fish population (level of estrogen in fish meat) , some of which even get sick…

  17. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #16, add pork, chicken, turkey, and any other commercial meat. The hormones make the animals gain weight and grow faster. It also makes kids into little beach balls by 10 and girls start puberty earlier.

  18. Angel H. Wong says:

    There’s always the positive side of it, look at how busty the teen singers are nowadays.

  19. joshua says:

    Not enough people eat enough soy to cause a full 1% drop a year. It’s as Dusan and Fusion mentioned….the hormones(mostly estrogen) put into our meat supply. Even our milk. The **Got Milk** commercials should be…***Got Breasts**, because a series of recent studies noted that males are developing breasts more and more.

    Dusan, that thing about the fish….I thought that was posted on DU a few weeks ago. I know I read it on one of my news blogs…..wish I could remember which. It was interesting, it showed that more and more fish are being caught that are both sexes and a big decline in male fish of several species.

  20. ECA says:

    And what of the males…THINK what estrogen does to them…

  21. ECA says:

    THINK of the WALLEY, you could of had, without this in your diet.

  22. Andrew says:

    A new study has found a “substantial” drop in U.S. men’s testosterone levels since the 1980s

    Since the 80’s huh? The answer is simple then! Ever since grunge took over men have become the biggest pussies! METAL FOREVER!!!

  23. Harry R says:

    I don’t beleive it is the soy. I think it’s all the crap in the beef, the dairy, the water supply. All the man-made chemicals we ingest that mimic estrogen in the body. All the hormones and chemicals that have turned our food supply into pollution. There is along history of soy use in places like Japan, and I don’t think you can pin it all on that one thing so easily.

  24. ECA says:

    Go read the story.

  25. Mark says:

    Its because SOYlant green is made from…………………………..PEOPLE!

  26. ECA says:

    25, mark..
    It isnt far away…
    considering that world population from 2000-2050 will increase by 3,000,000,000 people.


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