This, of course is a variation on the classic joke outhouse pics with “Wife” “Husband” or “Boss” “Employee” on the labels. Always good for a laugh.

from Bill Reising

  1. Joe Dirt says:

    uh-oh several hours later and still no posts.

  2. Shane says:

    I can’t believe someone built one of those. I want one now.


  3. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Of coarse it’s funny. Until you’re the guy that has to climb those stairs several times a day.

  4. ChrisMac says:

    photoshop NASA up the side of it.. hehe

  5. Jim W says:

    Joe, I tried, but I guess John Kerry jokes aren’t going over to well with the new spam filters. ;-(

  6. bill says:

    Smells like?

  7. bill says:

    #4, The HUBBLE rescue mission is now on the launch pad!

  8. ChrisMac says:

    if it was’t for the fear mongers.. Kennedy Space Center would be like Disneyland

    If you tell EVERYONE how to blow everone up.. one might.. but noone will

    and that’s my call

  9. jamo says:

    the Internet up to the end


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