Not only does Focus on the Family not endorse candidates (wink wink), now James Dobson assures us that they’re not even political!!

DOBSON: All right, we’re right around the corner from an election.


DOBSON: And here at Focus on the Family, we’re not political. We do care a lot about the issues, but would it not be appropriate to say to our listeners, regardless of what your political affiliation is, and regardless of how you see the candidates that are going to be voted on very shortly, I beg you to think about the security of this nation and ask yourself, “Do the people that I’m putting in power understand this threat, and are they willing to confront it?”

Such disclaimers help protect an organization’s tax status. Or so they think. I have the feeling that sooner or later the shit is going to hit the fan, but we’ll see.

By the way, right before saying “we’re not political,” he said this:

Isn’t it amazing that there’s such a sizable number of people in the media and in the liberal community that despise this country and its freedoms, and they’re doing everything they can to undermine it?

Yep! Sounds like a totally non-political animal to me!

Listen to the audio here: Not Political

Oh.. and today’s headline from the Denver Post:
Dobson Warns of Fallout if Democrats Take Congress.

  1. matt says:

    there is two fractions of Focus on the Family one can lobby and support issues and the radio show that can just inform you of the issues.

  2. traaxx says:

    The United States Constitution does not say religion can not be involved in politics. It does say that the United States Government can not have an official mandated religion. By legislating where and when a religious individual may exercise his/her free speech you are regulating religion, this also includes the Tax status of a religious group.

    If you don’t like be compared to a NAZI or KGB then debate the issues, don’t try and frame the issue by the use of pictures. If you don’t understand where the NAZI’s and Soviets overlapped a hint is Gulags/Concentration camps and the mass death of millions of people, secret police, restriction on free speech and freedom of the press, reeducation camps for those that didn’t agree with the current authorities, and hatred of Christians and Jews. Atheist and Pagans dominated both and both sought a secularist government with scientific solutions to what they saw as society’s problems.

    Hey Dvorak, it’s because nobody cares that this country is in the present predicament. If you don’t like Dobson then don’t listen to him. So he doesn’t think he’s political, as I’ve said before you really can’t separate religion and politics, they overlapped no matter how much you dislike it. As for myself I really don’t listen to him, I just don’t like the NAZI/Commie tactics used to control, or frame, public debate. Really are you one of those people that spend their time crossing out “In God We Trust” on US currency?

    I do wonder how many of the people that hate religion have made it their religion to hate Christians, or is it just they don’t feel PC attacking Muslims and Judeans.

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #31 – Well… I know your point… There is no seperation of church and state in the Constitution, but the document definately does call for a seperation of state from the church.

    What the Constitution cannot do, does not do, and should never do, is prevent people of faith from participating in government. Humans cannot extract their religious beliefs and teachings from their thinking when they petition their government. We cannot ask them to.

  4. WokTiny says:

    Is anyone aware just how Political the NT bible is? just how Political first century Israel was? just how political many of the actions of Christ were?

    Just curious, I am. There is nothing wrong with ‘religious’ folk being political. This is a question of tax law only, and as was pointed out above, if James Dobson is speaking on behalf of an organization that is not tax-exempt, he is free to make political remarks, as is his American right.

    now, can someone explain to me why this is news?

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #35 – Because fighting against evil is in our blood?

    ———— and now for some ranting ————–

    #33 – Your entire screed boils down to, “Dobson has a right to speak and I agree with him so you don’t have a right to speak and shut up.” This has always been the right wing way… Freedom of Speech is a one way street with you guys…

    For the last freaking time… HITLER was a CHRISTIAN… Most specifically, a Roman Catholic, who served as an Alter Boy, who once told General Gerhart Engel that “I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so”.

    In “Mein Kampf” he writes, “Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.” Nazi soldiers wore belt buckles inscribed with “Gott mit uns” (God is with us).

    In fact, Hitler made Christian school prayer mandatory for German schoolchildren in the 1930’s.

    I know your type lives on rewritten history, but Hitler was a Christian, The vatican was in league with him, and Nazis were right wing, just like fascists, Republicans, and Southern Baptists. Just because someone doesn’t act like you think a Christian acts doesn’t mean you get to change reality and brand that person as something he/she was not. Hitler was not an athiest. Hitler was not smart enough to be an athiest.

    You guys always fall back on the three athiests in history, Stalin, Pol Pot, and Mao, who ever killed anyone, and gloss over your own history of bloody hands and oppression as if you are the religion of love and kindness… what bullshit. Yours is the faith of the Klu Klux Freaking Klan. Yours is the faith of Operation Rescue. Yours is the faith of… yes, I’m trotting out these golden oldies… The Crusades, the Inquisition, and the Salem Witch Trials…

    So get off you high horse and wipe that pious smirk off your face. I’m not living under theatcratic rule. I’m not going to tolerate fraudulent moralists like Dobson trying to push an agenda of Biblical law on me. I’ll have blood on my hands before I bow to a church.

    The sad thing of it is that this hate filled anti-gay rhetoric isn’t Biblical. It’s just Bigotry. Plain and simple. Dobson is a hatemonger, like Falwell, Robertson, and most of the Evengelical celebrities.

    And finally, …. “I do wonder how many of the people that hate religion have made it their religion to hate Christians, or is it just they don’t feel PC attacking Muslims and Judeans.”

    Whether or not this non-existant phantom group and Christian haters actually exists, if they do, hating Christians is not their religion if only because English is a language and words have meaning and there is no definition of religion that would fit your criteria… But I am tired of listening to your ilk’s blubbery crybaby rants about the horrors of being persecuted in the United States.

    You cannot cry that you are a persecuted class when you are the majority religion in this country. You cannot cry about being persecuted when you can’t throw a softball in an American town with breaking a stained glass window. You can’t cry about persecution when you hold on to a majority in the Congress and you’ve stacked the SCOTUS… and you sure as hell don’t get to cry about persecution when one of your very own is the President of the United States of America for two terms running… Not to mention that with the possible exception of Jefferson, there has never been a non-Christian President in this country.

    But if you care to know… Most of us don’t restrict our attack of religion to the Christian religion… We attack all mythologies that threaten us. And organized religion is definately attacking our way of life. This is political. It isn’t about hating people of faith, it’s about defending our children from creationists or bigots in the guise of clergy.

    Folks who try to live by the teachings of Jesus do not deserve hatred. They are just as good as anyone else.

    It’s the people who subvert the message of Jesus into organized churches that then try to impose their subjective understanding of morality upon those of us who don’t agree. We do not require saving. We do not need to be born again. We got it right the first time.


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