As the article quotes, “It’s an ideological campaign. It has nothing to do with public health.” Either the government is trying to create sexcrime precedents, or the anal-retentive prudes are flexing their muscles.

Now the government is targeting unmarried adults up to age 29 as part of its abstinence-only programs, which include millions of dollars in federal money that will be available to the states under revised federal grant guidelines for 2007.

The government says the change is a clarification. But critics say it’s a clear signal of a more directed policy targeting the sexual behavior of adults.

“They’ve stepped over the line of common sense,” said James Wagoner, president of Advocates for Youth, a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit that supports sex education. “To be preaching abstinence when 90% of people are having sex is in essence to lose touch with reality. It’s an ideological campaign. It has nothing to do with public health.”

Aren’t there real issues for this administration to tackle?

  1. Miguel Correia says:

    #1, Tiny Wok, since 90% are wrong, you need to teach them. Brave man, you are. How clever the remaining 10% are… speaking about perspective and subjectivity, he?

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Now comments are just vanishing.

  3. ECA says:

    Is this as bad as trying to get your DOG, OFF your LEG??
    BEFORe he gets OFF, on your leg..??

    DONT say NO, Just give them BETTER OPTIONS..

    It used to be, that there was always something to do…
    Esp, in the smaller cities..
    But, MOSt of that has gone away,m witht he drug battles closeing up allot of recreational facilities, theaters, pool halls, Dances…AND NOW we are trying to Ban sex??
    Whats LEFT?? Beer and drugs??

  4. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    “Whats LEFT?? Beer and drugs??”

    Sex, drugs and rock-n-roll.

    As to the story, there’s some solid evidence that AO programs aren’t worth a damn. This link is a research paper on the research papers, with references. Makes for a compelling case.

  5. AB CD says:

    >Whats LEFT?? Beer and drugs??”

    Tobacco, seat belts, fatty foods, coffee (just look at those stories on second hand caffeine).

  6. BL says:

    Soon after every activity becomes criminal, everyone becomes a criminal.

  7. MG says:

    In the great tradition of middle ages religious political powers, if you control the food and pleasure(s-x) of the populace, you control the populace. They have no hope with the food, but can make a try for the s-x.

    I thought the US was supposed to have seperation of church and state?

  8. tallwookie says:

    Now that the govt has solved all other ongoing problems…

    Who are they selling this to? the Amish???!?

  9. V says:

    I went to a video rental store and saw a little box than said “Babies are expensive, condoms are free” full of individually wrapped complementary condoms. We should take the money wasted on AO campaigns and throw it into things like there. THAT’S a responsible public health policy.

  10. WokTiny says:

    #1 #1 … who said anything about being wrong?

    why are you putting words in TinyWok’s mouth?

    disagreeing with the masses doesn’t mean one is out of touch with reality, reality has nothing to do with it, and disagreement does not denote misunderstanding.

  11. 0113addiv says:

    Christianity preaches no-sex. I was at Union Square last Sunday where there was a religious band playing free music and handing out invites to their church that nite. They were singing a song with a chorus that went like this: “Ain’t no one going to steal my joy”. That’s the reason why Christians are so miserable and want to make the world that way too. They want the females to horde their “joy”. Selfishness. Christians cause their own misery.

  12. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #5 – quit diggin on fatty foods

  13. Angel H. Wong says:

    Keep voting republican…

  14. TJGeezer says:

    Nobody should ever expect a theocracy to act reasonable. They’re not grounded in reason any more than Republican politics are grounded in belief in the US “piece of paper” Constitution. Thocracies are based on “I believe in Jesus or Mohammed or Zoroaster so you should let me tell you how to behave, God wants it that way.” And the suckers go for it every time.

  15. Stiffler says:

    Since when did promoting the message of abstaining become such a bad thing? It beats the alternative message of do whatever you want, it’ll be ok. Promiscuous sex leads only to broken hearts, unwanted children (hey, that’s what abortion’s for), and further spreading of various VDs. But hey! I’m not saying that it’s not fun!

  16. doug says:

    Republicans you see, favor limited government, especially on the Federal level.

  17. Was Lee says:

    #15 No, you fool, it is irresponsible sex with random people that leads to those negative consequences. By saying “No sex until marriage, otherwise it is evil” you don’t stop people having sex. No, you convince them that if it’s wrong anyhow, why bother being responsible? In for a nickel, in for a dollar. Might as well open up a bathhouse on every corner if this becomes policy. And, if you think otherwise, then tell me; why did Syphilis rage through Europe during the middle ages, if such messages and policy are effective? Heck, even the kings and nobles were struck down by the VD in that age. BTW, since when did marriage become a Christian issue; I thought that Christ was against marriage, since it led men to become concerned with comforts and satisfying the family rather than righting the wrongs of society? I think that people should spend more time reading the Gospels, rather than using the name of Christ to slanderously advocate disturbingly anti-Christian things.

    What is up with the anti-spam here, I’m having to pseudomize my pseudonym!

  18. Jammer says:

    I find it amusing that people’s answers to things like AIDS is to wear ribbons (and RED things) and spend millions of dollars of government (my) money to try and find a cure, yet the rather sensible idea of educating people about the benefits of abstinence outside marriage (which would wipe out STDs within a generation) is laughed at and ridiculed. I managed to wait until marriage to have sex (yes, I had ample opportunity before-hand), and have been faithful to my wife. And I assure you I have a very active sex drive, and enjoy it very much.

    Oh, 0113addiv: Most christians I know are far from miserable, quite the opposite in fact.

    Also, christians don’t hate sex (quite the opposite in fact.. hehe), they just understand the context in which it is appropriate.

  19. ECA says:

    Its interesting…
    That if you become OPEN about Sex, then many take precautions, and Parents even understand BETTER.
    But, if you condem it, and Rape happens, or a Slight of hand, the parents are astounded.

    This is like Xmas…
    If you hide things in plain site, then Its hard to find.
    IF you hide it, you have some KID tearing things apart trying to FIND IT.

  20. Smartalix says:

    When you supress a natural function with a powerful instinctive drive like sx, it will manifest itself in unhealthy ways. Perversion comes from repression.

  21. the dude says:

    Whats next, trying to ban masturbation?

  22. ECA says:

    Dogs are doing WHAT in the yard???

    Little girl to daddy:
    Daddy, what is our dog doing to the neibhors??
    AWww, Ummmm, ???????????????????

  23. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    If someone had told George and Bar about abstinence, maybe we wouldn’t be in this mess.

  24. WokTiny says:

    #11 This is not about christianity
    Christianity preaches sex, after marriage, and its very good!

    #17 watch who you call a fool.
    ‘responsible’ sex still leads to these things. “but I loved him” or a condom doesn’t keep the girl from getting pregnant (not 100% reliable) or a VD (not at all reliable)

    #21 some already say its evil.

    #20 the answer is really to have everyone married at 14 😉

  25. WokTiny says:

    #19 IF you hide it, you have some KID tearing things apart trying to FIND IT.

    so you’re saying it is not the kid’s fault?

    that sounds a whole lot like the cat/meat analogy we heard about last week.

    you really want to go there?

  26. Lee says:

    I tend to think that anyone who is unable to understand the blazingly obvious lessons of history, (i.e. prohibition of any desirable thing leads to nothing besides irresponsible and violent behavior) are the very definition of fools. God gave you discernment and understanding so that you could use them, not cover them in Earth out of fear, and I won’t hesitate to call anyone who discards the gifts of God out of blind obedience to some man or group of men exactly what they are.

  27. RBG says:

    20. People have to suppress and repress their sexual desires and a lot of other all-consuming desires all the time. That’s part of being a responsible adult where delayed gratification is a primary feature. (eg: saving for retirement.)

    And at some point, responsible, rational adults are going to have to look at sex for what it is: a mechanism for initiating new life – and less about a good time, propaganda that is rampant in our society. There’s your birth control.

    If you are right then you should run for NRA president and push for more guns in our society so guys can more easily let off their pent up frustrations on the range.

    Women are rightfully fearful of men constantly surrounding themselves with sex. I recall an Andrew Dice Clay “performance” where the female employees stated they were fearful for their safety after it. I’m sure they were worried a lot more about the kind of men leaving that auditorium than the kind of men leaving a church.


  28. ECA says:

    Unless you wish to go back to the 1800’s…
    And look at the Problems thay had..
    Rape, Incest, child molestation, would rise…

    You would condem those that Had sex outside of marrage… the scarlet Letter, the Kensey report, and so on.

    As one person said long ago.
    If we were all naked, we could solve ALOT of the crime.

    After you have seen it all, you get BORD of it. If its out there Everyday, you arent so enjoyous of it.
    Many Old world army’s had there Camp followers. They found that if you took away the Sex, you had a MEAN group of men, that Raped and pillaged, and ran off, just to get sex. If you have it Available, the Men were more controlable.

    Sexual tenion can cause MANY to do things that wouldnt if the same was available…

  29. WokTiny says:

    #29 If we were all naked, we could solve ALOT of the crime.

    I’m not sure you understand the full implications of this statement. You seem to only view this as applying to the body, but it is so much more true when you go deeper. If everyone was fully exposed in spirit, that is, their ambitions and fears, desires and wounds, then there would be more healing and less hurting.

    As far as the physical aspect of your statements, and as they apply to your KID/gift analogy, I just don’t remember you arguing on the australian muslim teacher’s side… KID/gift;cat/meat;rapist/woman… what were you really saying there?. I must have missed that post, or just misunderstood where you were going with the KID/gif analogy.

  30. ECA says:

    the point of the gift..
    IS dont hide things from kids or others…
    If they got a question ANswer it…
    If they want to know something Explain it.

    When you keep things a mistory, Mankind has a tendancy to WANT TO OPEN it, find out WHY they cant see it, do it, or anything.


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