Artist rendering of what supposedly was a real shark. No word if it came equipped with laser beams.

National Geographic:

A coil of teeth caps the lower jaw of a sculpture of a 13-foot (4-meter) whorl-tooth shark, or Helicoprion, a fish genus that lived about 250 million years ago.

Artist Gary Staab depicts the animal’s jaw as something of a spiral conveyor belt, in which new teeth would advance to replace old ones (concealed here by skin). But the true arrangement and purpose of the teeth remains a mystery. Some scientists suggest that it may have operated like a spiked whip, possibly curled underneath the lower jaw like a weaponized elephant trunk.

The shark adds bite to “Bizarre Beasts, Past and Present,” a new exhibition of Staab’s sculptures at the National Geographic Museum in Washington, D.C. (through February 2, 2007). The animals depicted are, or were, all real—testaments to the twists, turns, and blind alleys of evolution.

  1. ryan says:

    maybe it’s an adaptation the sharks developed after being caught in too many tuna nets

  2. Mike says:

    Coming up next week on “Ripley’s Believe It or Not!”

  3. WokTiny says:

    I can’t wait for the article *not* to be published in NG wherein they realize they made a silly error superimposing two structures that weren’t supposed to be arranged that way.

  4. DeLeMa says:

    What’s the big deal ? You don’t think man invented the wheel out of thin air now do you ? The guy was simply bitten with a new idea whilst swimming in the ocean. (I don’t undestand this sick compulsion to say these things..)

  5. Angel H. Wong says:

    And this explains why God created marihuana.

  6. tallwookie says:

    I hope my dentist sees this… lol

  7. Awake says:

    Naah.. it’s just a prop from “Saw III”.

  8. John Paradox says:

    I think this was the alien monster in Gamera vs Zigra.


  9. WokTiny says:

    wait, how does it close its mouth?


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