Hey Pal look in the mirror?!\

While this picture may be a hoax I can assure you that — if you’ve ever worked in broadcasting — there is someone on the staff messing with this guy.

  1. xwing says:

    There was a Monty Python sketch like that. Heheheh!

  2. ChrisMac says:


  3. tallwookie says:

    I bet that station got flooded with calls

  4. 0113addiv says:

    I think men rape women because in that act of force comes out from the woman an AUTHENTIC emotion– fear. That fear comes out uninhibited from her very Source, and thus a woman when she is being raped is in touch with the Source– her feelings are AUTHENTIC. Other than that, a woman can almost never be authentic during sex because her feelings are interupted by her mind. AND society has POISONED their minds. They can’t enjoy sex. Their sex is so fake which culminates in a fake orgasm. To get to truth, sometimes a man has to bypass the mind.

  5. 0113addiv says:

    Just hit me, THAT’S WHY… during rape a woman is PRESENT. She is present at that moment not in some far away fantasy land. SHE IS PRESENT WITH HER RAPIST. Finally, intimacy.


    my god, that’s it

  6. Greymoon says:

    #4 and #5

    Do society and yourself a great service, seek mental help immediately.


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