Typical trade show booth babe. Pretty? Yes? No? Enticing? Yes? No? Ifso, enticing for what? For a crummy pick-up line that will not work. I can assure you that this girl has heard a thousand lines. So, seriously, who cares? Can’t a Muslim NOT avert their eyes and simply say: “Hm. Not bad.” And walk on?

NZ Muslims disown Australian cleric – New Zealand news on Stuff.co.nz ii Don’t want to over-interpret this because it’s likely that the Christian fundamentalists would say something similar. But this comes from a major NZ Muslim cleric who was berating the Australian Mufti who compared women to meat and men to cats.

If a man sees a woman who is scantily dressed. . . you just lower your gaze away from her. You just leave the person alone. You don’t get into looking at the person or getting enticed, that is the Islamic religion.”

While this sounds fine I have to ask about the word “enticed.” Enticed? Enticed to do what? If I see a hot girl on the beach in southern France with her top off and give her a good look what does this “entice” me to do? Hey, I’m not going to pick her up. I am not going to run off and practice self abuse. I’m not even going to take a cold shower. Is that what they are talking about? What am I supposed to be enticed to do? Seriously. What? I’m not getting this attitude or the enticement.

Perhaps I’d be enticed to take a picture and that’s maybe bad. Is that it?

  1. RBG says:

    No, it was the confused and misguided who gave us Stalin and Hitler.



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