What? You expected to see a picture of young women in their underwear?! Exactly what kind of site do you think this is?

Breitbart.com – Oct 26 2006:

A high school principal has decreed that Captain Underpants has no place in an institution of learning. Three 17-year-old girls were told to leave Long Beach High School on Wednesday after they showed up on Superhero Day costumed as the subject of the best-selling children’s books.

“I didn’t know which superhero it was, not that it mattered,” said Principal Nicholas Restivo.

The girls depicted this superhero _ who has battled, among other things, talking toilets and the infamous Professor Poopypants _ by wearing beige leotards and nude stockings under white briefs and red capes.

“Yes, I know they weren’t naked,” Restivo said. “But the appearance was that they were naked.”

“They’re not see-through or anything,” said one of the girls, Chelsea Horowitz, an honor student and softball player. “All the teachers thought it was cute.”

But Restivo made his decree: There would be no visible underpants in his hallways.

And thus, Horowitz and fellow seniors Ashley Imhof and Eliana Levin went home to change back into their mortal attire.

  1. JohnMo says:

    Principal, thy new name shalt be Zippy Gizzardhiney.

    Kind Regards,
    Poopsie Bananafanny

  2. Dallas says:

    Underwear worn on the outside should be left for casual friday only . I agree with the principle in this matter.

  3. btwitty says:

    When I was a senior high school, not long ago, it became cool to wear ties with t-shirts. Only among a few social groups. Well, the school for some reason didn’t like this. With no mention of them in the dress code, the principals just began sending people home for doing this. Simple taking the tie off was not an option. If you had a tie and no collar on your shirt, you were outta there.

  4. Uncle Dave says:

    #2: You’re kidding, right? Casual Friday? In school? From what I’ve seen of the kids in the high school next to where I live, I couldn’t imagine how much more casual Friday wear would be based on the wardrobe for the rest of the week.

  5. DeeCee says:

    #4) He’s half joking, get it?

  6. Improbus says:

    It seems our school systems are only good for one thing now days … humor.

  7. Mr. Fusion says:

    And the moral of the story is…

    What? No moral? What kind of effen story is this? It must be there is a principal out there with an undiagnosed brain tumor.

  8. Mike Voice says:

    At least they didn’t get suspended…

  9. James Hill says:

    At least their underware was clean.

  10. RBG says:

    7. And the moral of the story is…

    Don’t make the boys frisky. It’s difficult enough for them to think straight.


  11. OCC says:

    I am sure that the principal implemented the “no visible underwear” policy to prevent the kids from wearing their baggy pants around their knees.

    What we need are school officials that can interpret the rules and take action when appropriate.

  12. Al says:

    This is news?

  13. Pat says:

    This happened on Long Island, and I happened to see this article in Newsday. I have news for you folks, the principle was right. The ‘costumes’ were in bad taste.

  14. SN says:

    Thanks Neil, you destroyed every fantasy I’ve ever had about young women in their underwear!

  15. Pat says:

    The photo on that Newsday link was not the photo that ran in the newspaper. The newspaper photo was a close-up of the girls, and let me just say that the underwear was snug.

  16. tallwookie says:

    i really dont see any problems with that – in fact, its a violation of perdonal privacy, and that moronic principal should be sued, fired, black listed, and branded on his forheard with the “evil eye”

  17. joshua says:

    Personally….I think they should have been sent home for being dumb enough to wear those outfits.

    These girls look like Junior high school.

  18. patrick says:

    you know i think id like to see that see through though


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