
Then, on Oct. 13, between 30 and 50 Epinay teenagers lay in wait at night for a police car, which they pelted with some 300 stones carried to the scene in sports bags…and we have seen a radicalization on both sides,” said Christophe Bertossi, a researcher at the Institute of International Affairs in Paris. “It’s a guerrilla war.”

The intensifying attacks were noted in a police report published in the French newspaper Le Figaro on Oct. 23.

“The danger now is of outbursts that are not spontaneous but structured, taking on one of the last institutional presences in some neighborhoods: the police,” the report said

Map of last years hotspots

  1. JoaoPT says:

    Having a world divided into IN and OUT of society, Employed and Unemployed, Rich and Poor, North and South, East and West is sure to do some damage.
    Instead of spending millions on police on the borders and on the cities, the Powers that be should instead focus on global issues and correcting global and local assimetries.

  2. lou says:

    #1: There will always be assymetries in this world. The poor of France unarguably are better off than 90% of the worlds population in virtually any measurable way (nutrition, healthcare, education, freedom), yet they are disenfranchised. Ah, the human race.

    Humans are still stuck in the hunter-gatherer mind frame where the group ‘down’ the road is competing for your resources, your women, your land. [as to the women comment, guess who’s throwing the rocks?] This ‘us vs. them’ mentality (or I say instinct) will always rear its ugly head somewhere in the world, over what outsiders will consider trivial differences and reasons.

  3. rctaylor says:

    Mass media has made the world a bit more dangerous. Sure there have always been the poor, but until recently they didn’t have the opportunity to watch the middle class and rich play about on TV. Advertisers pound into people that you’re worthless if you don’t own this or that. Should people be more sensible and resistant to these messages, yes but since when are humans sensible on the whole.

  4. Tom 2 says:

    Their society is out of control and they have let it become that way. They have basically enclosed bad neighborhoods, and wont even go into them, most are muslim. They have divided their nation, and if they don’t start growing a pair then their whole country will be in ruins.

  5. gquaglia says:

    Its more then just economics in play here. in the US we have the same poor and unemployed yet we don’t have anything like this. I think its just an excuse for bad behavior on the part of the Muslims who are acting more like Muslims insurgences in a foreign country then unemployed French citizens.

  6. Curt Fields says:

    It’s Bush’s fault

  7. Bob says:

    Ahhh! Another liberal paradise.

  8. Awake says:

    Re #7 Curt Fields –
    “It’s Bush’s Fault”

    Actually, to a large extent, yes it is. Bush is largely at fault for the radicalism in France.

    The talk about the war in Iraq radicalizing Muslims, and making us less safe is not just empty rhetoric, it is a fact. The behavior that you are seeing is not isolated to France… all countries with a significant Muslim population are seeing revolt. Britain has been bombed, Spain has been bombed, France, Germany, southern Russia have seen revolts and bombings. So has much of the Muslim Southeast Asia.

    For every action there is a reaction, and the actions of the US in Iraq has had serious repercussions in most other ‘western’ countries.

    What many American’s just don’t get is that in the eyes of many people in the world, we are not seen as ‘liberators’, we are seen as oppressors. The belief that we are just in Iraq to set up a puppet government and take their natural resources is really strong in most middle east Muslims.

    The actions of 9/11 were done by a small group acting independently outside of the norm for even Islamic right-wind extremism. Most of the Muslim world saw it as that, and quickly condemned it. But our invasion and occupation of Iraq has put the US, in the eyes of many in the world, at the same level as Al-Quaida. And they are fighting back.

    The bigger problem is that major radicalization of the Islamic masses has already started, the “ball has started rolling”, and it will be difficult to stop before it rolls over most of the Middle East. In the process it will result in ethnic warfare throughout the world. And for that we can point the finger at one group of people: the Bush administration. Bush in his small mindedness thought he could remove what amounted to a petty dictator, with virtually no thought or plans about what to do after the removal. Well, we (and the rest of the world) are going to pay the price of Bush’s actions for generations to come.

    So you are correct… the unrest in France is Bush’s fault.

  9. JeeBs says:

    Filed under: Recipe Nook

    Interesting designation. Do you like a little guerrilla warfare with your Perfect Flank Steak? Or are you saying this is a recipe for disaster?

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    #9, Actually, it’s Clinton’s fault. He had an opportunity to nuke France in 1993 and didn’t. We could still be having microwaved frog legs today if Clinton didn’t screw it up. The unintelligence was there, the Boy Scouts Troop #4 from Bumphuck Iowa were ready to go. Only Clinton was too busy getting lipstick on his head to give the order. This was around the same time he wanted to allow fags and dykes into the military.

    Ann Coulter wrote all about this in her book Lies I Made Up For The Neo-Cons. Available where ever books are thrown out.

  11. Smith says:

    LOL . . . Awake, I hope you didn’t hurt yourself piecing together that pile of twisted, contorted logic.

  12. Awake says:

    12 – Smith – If you find the logic contorted, it might be that it’s simply beyond your mental capacity to comprehend. Don’t worry… we need small minds like your in a society also.

  13. Not-Human says:

    The simple to solutions to all this.. is to erradicate all muslims….. whether u like it or not…. period… the hell with the peace in this wold… If u want to bend over and take it be my guess…. fools

  14. James Hill says:

    You liberals sure are pissy these days.

    Anyway, the downfall of France is a win-win. It justifies killing more radical Muslims, and it allows for the far-left French government to be thrown out.

    It’s so Rove-esque, I’m giddy.

  15. moss says:

    Cripes, James — read a Euro history text more current than “How I won the War” by John Wayne. France hasn’t had a “far-Left” government since the 1940’s.

  16. Curt Fields says:

    #10, by your reasoning, George Washington caused WW2. What a bunch of crap.

  17. Curt Fields says:

    Sorry #10 I meant #9 or “awake” And why do you use an alias? Ashamed? Oh, and by the way Lincoln caused racial predjudice, By your reasoning.

  18. gadlaw says:

    I blame anonymous coward ‘awake’ for all the ills of the world, ignorance and tortured irrational logic gives rise to Osama, Bush, and every other dork with the certainty of revealed ‘truth’ to back them up.

    And poor old France, they bend over and give them everything they can and wonder why the muslims still don’t love them.

  19. tallwookie says:


    france will be on the losing side of this one, just like they’ve lost every single battle for the last 900 yrs…

    ps france: nobody cares

  20. bill says:

    Looks like a map of California… Maybe it’s not against French law to burn bus’s and attack the police. Maybe it’s just some kids having a little fun. Or expressing their liberty! try that crap in Chicago or Boston and see what it get’s you. A dog bite in the ass or a broken head.

  21. joshua says:

    sorry Awake….France created their Muslim problem all by themselves.
    The Muslim groups may tell you it’s all about Allah, but it’s not. It’s all about exploitation of the immigrant, no matter who it is.
    Anyone who has been to France knows full well what the French can be like to people who are paying their wages, let alone unemployed, former immigrant groups.
    As to riots in Germany or England, that just isn’t happening Awake. Russia is a full blown revolt by a part of the country they over ran before WWII, that wants it’s freedom back.

    Sometimes I think some of you guys have forgotten that a lot of history happened BEFORE Bush was President. He may be the cause of a lot of backlash in the Middle East, but he’s not the cause of all that went before his Presidency.

    Has any of the rabid Bush haters ever thought of just how they sound?? This election next month is a chance for the Democrats to at least take back part of the goverment, but all of the bigger polling companies are noticing a trend the last 4 days, and it’s away from the Democrats in all but 3 Senate races, and in several of the almost sure wins they had in the House. All the piling on and rabid crazy talk is starting to make a lot of Republicans think twice about staying home on election day, and they are stirring. Just last week I finally decided that the Democrats just might pull it off, but I’m gonna warn some of you…stock up on anti-depressants boys and girls, because you just might wake up to find nothing has changed but a few seats in the House and a few names in the Senate.

    Those of you that are really into politics might want to be watching Rasmussion, Zogby, and the Mason-Dixon polls for the next ten days, because they are moving, and they aren’t moving towards the Democrats. Allen has pulled ahead, so has Burns and Talent and the Republican in Tennessee has now pulled ahead. Kean has tied it up with Menendez in Jersey has dropped 3 to 6 points in those 3 very honest and good polls in the last 5 days. And Steele, the Republican in Maryland of all places is surging and is only 5 points out now. That means the Republicans can end up losing only 1 seat in the Senate, and maybe hold onto a 2 or 3 seat majority in the House.

    So, be nicer to the neo-cons this week, don’t rile them up to go vote.


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