“Did you hear the one about the farmer that raised four-legged chickens? He went out of business because they ran too fast to catch.” – Smartalix

The Stuff – Friday 27th October 2006:

The Te Uku-bred Barnevelder chick – hatched at Marlene Dickey’s property at the start of last month – has died.

But it wasn’t the extra legs that led to its death, more likely an extra anus, Mrs Dickey believes.

“He developed two bottoms and I think he got glugged up,” she said.

While she was surprised by Forzie’s death – he weighed a “good pound of butter” and was gaining feathers slowly – it was not totally unexpected, she said.

And it was fun while it lasted.

“He was a bit of a laugh.”

Looking ungainly on its extra legs but twice as cute, the bird was an exception to the rule that chickens with defects are not normally born alive.

He was found dead on Friday and is now in the Dickeys’ freezer waiting to be stuffed.

After he’s been to the taxidermist, the family plan to donate the bird to Auckland Museum.

  1. Smartalix says:

    No double-egg-laying quadruple-drumstick jokes? You guys disappoint me. You’re usually so quick on the button with that stuff.

    “Did you hear the one about the farmer that raised four-legged chickens? He went out of business because they ran too fast to catch.”

  2. Named says:

    Two asses? This chick sounds like a politician. Except the pols have no problems unleashing their shit on the populace.

  3. Smartalix says:

    Ooh, good one.

  4. BHK says:

    What are they going to stuff him with? A four legged duck?

  5. evan says:

    Does anybody else find the article from the register quite humorously worded?

    “an extra anus has been fingered as the cause of his demise”


    Maybe thats just me…

  6. prophet says:

    evan – It seems to me that you have recently had an appointment with Dr. Jellyfinger. And yes…it was just you….


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