Now, I know this may offend those who suffer from this particular condition, and these individuals might not like it much when I suggest that a certain person with this diagnosis is exaggerating his symptoms, but I have to say, I think Rush Limbaugh is just pretending to be a dick.
I’m no expert diagnostician, but nobody could be this big a one. Limbaugh must be acting. Consider what Rush Limbaugh said this week about Michael J. Fox.
Said Limbaugh on his radio show: “He is exaggerating the effects of the disease. He’s moving all around and shaking and it’s clearly an act.” Limbaugh also suggested Fox probably went off his medication before filming the ad.
It’s difficult to imagine that anyone could say anything so amazingly uninformed, so incredibly moronic, and actually believe it. That’s why I’m so convinced Limbaugh was acting.
Yes, we covered the incident earlier this week. But, Barclay’s analysis goes so much deeper.
At this point, it’s probably useful to review the most common symptoms exhibited by a person with EDS (extreme dick syndrome) for those not up to speed on them:
1. Exhibits a level of arrogance rooted in a feeling of superiority, without having any attributes to feel superior about.
2. Is capable of achieving levels of hypocrisy (railing against drug addicts when you are one, for example) previously thought unattainable.
3. Blow-hardedness.
4. Is indifferent to the woes and misfortunes of the disadvantaged.
5. Lies his ass off.
6. Goes to the “6 items or less” checkout with a dozen things.
7. Never lets ignorance of a subject keep him from shooting his mouth off about it.
8. Believes facts are overrated.
9. Chews with his mouth open.
10. Always finds some little thing the waitress did wrong to justify not leaving a tip.
Anyone who has four or more of these symptoms is very likely suffering from EDS. Sadly, at the moment there’s no known cure for this condition. Researchers are still debating whether you’re born with it, or it’s a lifestyle choice.
My guess, in fact, is that Rush Limbaugh is a liberal plant.
As Barclay also concluded, “If it can be determined by an independent panel of experts that Rush Limbaugh is, in fact, a dick, I will apologize, unreservedly.”
I don’t think he’s faking anything but intelligence.
I have to say that I had the same first impression upon seeing to video on youtube. I am no expert or anything, but last time I saw JFox on screen (recently) he didn’t look like that. Of course the message was the disease, so what else can you expect from hollywood? I’m not saying that Rush is a compasionate guy or anything, I just think that hollywood thinks they deserve more credit than they are worth.
Please, Limbaugh is just another shock jock that say anything to keep his audience. Even the RNC keeps him at arms length because of his stench.
I watched the video. I agree with Rush.
Rush is a conservative, however egotistical. I listen to him on occasion because he is usually right in predicting what’s going to happen. However liberals just hate him and will do anything to hurt him. What’s new?
to all the Rush Limbaugh’s out there. Learn about Parkinson’s disease before making an opinion based on a video. One would learn that for some people, this in a on an off disease. At one point you would look normal and at an other have severe symptoms.
However liberals just hate him and will do anything to hurt him
Therefor you give him a free pass, no matter what he does?
Pretty typical behavior from that side, really.
The enemy of your enemy is NOT always your friend, friend.
Rush has done his job well. Not one Iraq story in sight.
This so called “analysis” is nothing more then a tit for tat slam on one celeb entertainer to another. Politics is a dirty business and I can’t imagine why anyone wants to taint themselves by getting into it. If MJF wants to do spots supporting certain candidates it’s certainly his right to do so. I can sympathize with his condition and the unfair insinuations made about his medications. But he did put himself in the spotlight and as a citizen making a polticial statement, he’s got to expect that he will be made into a target. I think Americans can decide for themselves if the attacks are the work of political hackery or legitimate criticism.
Take a look at the video of M. J. Fox on the Today show talking about this incident. I think it was just this morning if not mistaken. He certainly didn’t look like he was faking it there, and if he was he had to keep it up for the entire interview.
Watch it here:
It is his character after all, isn’t it? He wouldn’t be so popular if he didn’t act like that. Similar to Stephen Colbert.
It is Rush Limbaugh’s character after all, isn’t it? He says those kinds of things all the time. He wouldn’t be so popular if he didn’t act like that. Similar to Stephen Colbert.
i’ve listened to rush a lot and i think a lot of things he says and does are designed to stir the pot and grab attention.
if you’re a conservative you love to hear him bash the things you dislike and if you’re liberal you hate him so much and are so appalled by his arrogance that you can’t stop listening just so you can continue to hate him (trainwreck effect).
i’m sure he knew the controversy he would create by bashing michael j. fox and that’s probably why he did it. more attention for himself.
seriously, M. Fox it a loser and a poser!!!!
Totally faking it!!! As a person with
years of experiences i know!
I used to like Rush until he showed he was a hypocrite. That was the last straw.
#14 do exclamation marks give you the shakes? !!!!!!!
I call Shananagans
Good grief, what’s next, Rush jumping on Oprah’s couch? As ryan said, he’s the troll of the airwaves.
I’ll bet none of you critics have ever listened to Rush Limbaugh, let alone the 30 minutes he talked about the M.J. Fox political commercial. Yes it was a political commercial He was saying vote for this candidate because he supports stem cell research and not this one because he doesn’t( which was a lie). Liberals love to have victims as their advocates and then scream like banshees when anyone disagrees with them. Conservatives aren’t falling for that crap anymore.
Did you know Germany has outlawed embryonic stem cell research. I wonder why?
You noticed that huh Milo????
So did I….not one main page story of Foley and almost no coverage of the fact we had 90 men die in Iraq last month. Good Job Rush.
#14 Orizzle
seriously, M. Fox it a loser and a poser!!!!
Totally faking it!!! As a person with
years of experiences i know!
Would you care to enlighten the rest of us with your “Knowing”, seriously?
From Pekuliar: Did you know Germany has outlawed embryonic stem cell research. I wonder why?
When did Germany become the bastion of scientific ethics?
Also, what is with your “us against them” attitude? I thought we were all in this together.
Rush said, to paraphrase, either he’s off his meds or he’s exagerating his symptoms(Fact, I heard it with my own ears). Afterwards, with respect to Rush’s comments, Michael J. Fox said, actually, that those movements are a result of too many meds.
So, was he taking too many meds to increase the symptoms? He admits to modifying his dosages before going to public engagements that focues on parkinsons and/or embryotic stem cell research.
Idiots!…The issue is not about how severe MJF’s symtoms are! The issue is “Would stem cell research help to advance medicine?” This is exactly why Americans are seen as “Stupid Americans”…We have the attention span of a two year old.
Liberals fail at understanding reality.
#25. Really, Jim? Or is it the people who value 2 frozen cells, which will eventually be thrown away anyway, more than potentially curing the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people with terrible diseases who don’t “understand reality.”
And Rush Limbaugh is no more than a noisy gasbag, just like his counterpart on the left, Randi Rhodes. That reality I understand just fine.
i work for a guy with parkinson’s.. if dead babies can help him.. why not let them?
#23, maybe you might want to learn a little about Parkinson’s before you shoot off your mouth.
Without the medication, a Parkinson’s patient’s muscles become rigid. There is very little to no voluntary muscle control. The medication relieves the rigidity, but the muscles are now very spastic. At least with the spastic control, there is some voluntary movement. If Fox didn’t take his medication, he would not have been able to talk at all. With the medication, he could do so, though with difficulty. Even though he might be more spastic, he would have had more control over his body if he upped the dosage.
The biggest problem with taking the medications, is that eventually the body builds up a tolerance and they become less effective, requiring higher doses. The dosing ends up becoming a guessing game and proper dosing is hit and miss. Parkinson’s patients will often under dose or dose to the minimum in order to lessen the tolerance development.