Baaaa-ck to school

German Police Physically Force Home Schooled Children to Public School — And when fascism somehow crops up again there will be such a big surprise.

BISSINGEN, Germany, October 25, 2006 ( – German police have resorted to physically dragging home schooled children to school, a report from WorldNetDaily revealed this morning, in the latest assault on families attempting to educate their children themselves.

“On Friday 20 October 2006 at around 7:30 a.m. the children of a home educating family…were brought under duress to school by police,” a report from the Network for Freedom in Education stated. The NFE describes itself as politically and religiously neutral.

German authorities have relied on Nazi-era legislation that outlawed home education to prevent parents from keeping their children out of the public school system for religious or social convictions. The law forbade home education in order to prevent “the emergence of parallel societies based on separate philosophical convictions.”

  1. joshua says:

    Oh…and I graduated with my BA in Jurisprudence with a Double First….if you know the English system of rankings then you know that isn’t easy. It tags Honours onto your degree.

  2. AB CD says:

    >Well… What is it?

    >Are American public schools bastions of liberal propaganda

    Yes, and John gave some examples. I only used George Bush’s name because he is the current leader. If you’ll notice I said all leaders, so in a few years it would be the next leader. I don’t think public schools have gotten to that level yet, but shutting down home schooling and private schooling and religious schools leads in that direction.

  3. travelnhsr says:

    There’s so much I could say here. Being a list person I’ll do it this way.

    1. The situation in Germany has been stirred up because of a group in the HS community here who claims to represent the entire homeschool community (HSLDA) when really what they do is offer legal protection to members who pay$$ to join and they turn around and use that support for many agendas to have to dig to find out about, this being one of them. They are a fundamentalist Christian group: better follow up here:

  4. travelnhsr says:

    it chopped my 2-4

    so here

    2. The Europeans who I talked to said this deal is in concern of extremists growing a new Osama at home. This got stirred up by HSLDA who went there with the US constitution their back pocket thinking that they could scream religious freedom there and get the same results there as they do here. I don’t think they thought about Muslim extremists fitting into the whole religious freedom thing. Truely an International Faux-pa to be sure…

    3. many homeschool for academic reasons, not religious reasons. American schools have no clue on how to address the needs of our brightest minds. I homeschool a highly gifted student and I maintain a very liberal website and newsletter that echos our feelings on the minor-leagues in American education.

    4. homeschool is all one word.

    Amy Cortez


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