Another Day, Another Study: Fat People Use (a Little) More Gasoline
Well duh !!

A study from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign … says that 938 million more gallons of gasoline go into vehicles annually because drivers and passengers are considerably heavier today than in 1960.

In 1960, the average adult male weighed 166 pounds and the female tipped the scale at 140. In 2002, those averages were 191 and 164, according to the National Center for Health Statistics.

Any savings would be insignificant, said John Felmy, chief economist for the American Petroleum Institute.

“It’s an interesting calculation,” Felmy said. “But we use about 140 billion gallons a year. The savings would be less than 1%.”

Of course this study is somewhat silly. But that’s what blogs are for.

  1. Steven says:

    And now here comes the ban against fat people! I can hear the stupidity now!

  2. Mark Derail says:

    John, get over the car / oil posts. We all know you’re in great shape.

    I’m getting weary of telling everyone how great and wonderful my Toyota Prius is, doing my bit for the environment, coolest car on Earth for it’s price, bought instead of the Lexus SUV I was planning to buy. But I degress…

    Where’s your support for Firefox 2.0!! Rather talk about that, geek that I am.

    (bracin’ for the whippin’)

  3. AB CD says:

    To combat global warming, we need to put a tax on all fatty foods, banning some outright. Let’s have a food police to look at calorie content.

  4. Sounds The Alarm says:

    I’m screwed

  5. RBG says:

    Hold on here. You don’t know the half of it. Consider all the oil required to make AND deliver all that extra food fat people eat. I say we lynch both atheists and fat people. Or at least provide them with mandatory state-approved re-education programs.



  6. Stiffler says:

    If fat people pushed their cars a little each day, they could solve both problems simultaneously.

  7. KB says:

    Mark Derail, this is my post, not John’s. However…

    Where’s your support for Firefox 2.0!!

    Did you miss the memo? 🙂

  8. Vic says:

    They contribute much more to greenhouse gas as well 🙁

  9. joshua says:

    Geesh….you all don’t know a good green when you see one. Think of all the waste fat people eliminate just from leftovers alone. 🙂

  10. F. says:

    #5, going on a crusade? Lynch atheists?

    According to the CIA World fact book:
    Muslims 20.12%
    Roman Catholics 17.33%
    non-religious and atheists 14.39%
    Hindus 13.34%,
    Buddhists 5.89%
    Protestants 5.8%
    Orthodox 3.42%
    Anglicans 1.23%
    Sikhs 0.39%
    Jews 0.23%
    other religions 12.61%

    So I hope you’re a Roman Catholic or a Muslim, otherwise you’re a minority!



  11. RBG says:

    Tell the CIA to take the poll when the “atheists” are hunkered down in a foxhole with bombs raining down upon them instead of in a Starbucks.



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