The Australian – October 26, 2006:

STEM cell research is back on the political agenda in the lead-up to the US mid-term elections after influential right-wing commentator Rush Limbaugh accused actor Michael J.Fox of faking the severity of his Parkinson’s disease in a campaign television commercial.

“He is exaggerating the effects of the disease,” Limbaugh, whose views make Sydney shock jock Alan Jones seem moderate, told his legion of listeners.

“He’s moving all around and shaking and it’s purely an act … This is really shameless of Michael J.Fox. Either he didn’t take his medication or he’s acting.”

In a riveting, poignant campaign commercial for Democratic candidates in three US states who support stem cell research, Fox – who was forced to retire from acting in 2000 because of Parkinson’s – shakes and trembles very badly.

“This is the only time I’ve ever seen Michael J.Fox portray any of the symptoms of the disease he has,” Limbaugh said on his radio show. “He can barely control himself.”

Mr. Limbaugh is certainly an expert on taking his medication.

  1. David says:

    Leave Shaky Alone

  2. joshua says:

    People with Parkinsons have good days and bad days regardless of their medication. I saw Fox when he was testifying before Congress about 6 months ago and while he had mild symptoms that day, whose to say otherwise in the ads. I just know that when I saw the ad last week, I was shocked at how much worse he seemed.

  3. FRAGaLOT says:

    I used to enjoy Rush back in the early 90s but after Clinton took office his show focused almost entirely on Clinton’s administration which made the show far too boring and predictable… and just not entertaining.

    Now he’s a recovering drug addict, and starts spouting bullshit like this. I used to admire this guy now he’s just an asshole. Who cares if Fox is exaggerating his condition or not.. it’s a friggin’ charity!! It’s not like Fox is gonna profit from acting “more” like a spaz than he already is.

  4. no one important says:

    My grandfather has Parkinson’s Disease. He once told me the medication actually makes his shaking worse. He nods his head uncontrollably as though he were saying “Yes” and it’s all kinds of embarrassing. Dignity is not anything Rush Limbaugh would know about, though. Not surprising that he would belittle thousands of people in an attempt to appease his masses.

  5. Sam says:

    He has also been on the TV show Boston Legal several times and has never appeared anything like in ad. Of course on Boston Legal one would presume he *was* acting.

    M;y father had Parkinsons for many years before his death in 1989, and even with the medications that were available at that time he never appeared anything like Fox with all the weaving around. Neither has Muhommad Ali (spelling bad I know).

    I was quite amazed seeing the Fox Ad, not that I disagree with the sentiment but come on.

  6. Dallas says:

    I love it when Rush opens his pie hole as he is a reflection of the GOP party. A duet with Pat Robertson and other creatures attacking a Parkinson’s victim would just be fine with me.

    I thought Rush was in jail for drug dealing or something? Did he get a presidential pardon?

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Rush can go to hell… He can go to hell and die!

    All Republicans can go to hell… They can all go to hell and die!

    All conservative apologists can go to hell… They can all go to hell and die!

    That’s it. People to the right of center are damaged. They are simply broken. There is just no way to accept that I have to be subjected to a society that is even partly shaped by conservative values. The time for revolution, violent if necessary, in upon us.

    And you bitches in the center are a creamy bunch of pussies too!

  8. Bob says:

    He is appearing in a political ad. Rush commented on how he had never seen his illness effect him that much and questioned if he was acting or off his meds. Fox has admitted that he went off his meds when he testified to congress to emphsize his illness.

    I’m sure most of you left wing wacos never heard the program. Your just quoteing lines out of context. No surprise!

  9. One thing, I heard Rush’s comments I am a subscriber to his podcast (this was mondays show). What he said was he never seen Fox like that, and wondered if he was faking it, but during a break he got mail that said that others saw it, after that Rush not only mentioned those emails, he admitted to being wrong as to questioning if Fox was faking it, and apologized, you never hear about the apologize (that happened right after the commercial break) on the news because it does not meet their agenda. If any one wants I can pull out of the podcast the sound clip where Rush does apologize.

  10. Awake says:

    My uncle has Parkinsons disease. It is a horrible disease. He has had it for over 15 years, and I have seen first hand the progression and symptoms.

    That shaking that you see in Michael J Fox could be called ‘a good day’ compared to some of the days that my uncle suffers. Unable to speak, he sits paralyzed most of the time, drooling, twisted, staring at the TV. His mind is quite lucid, so the mental torture is unimaginable. When he comes out of his paralysis a few times a day, he shakes uncontrollably for most of the time, and is given an hour or so of semi-bodily control by the medications that he uses.

    Michael J Fox is healthy compared to my uncle. His shaking during the ad is not all that bad compared to what I see one of my family members go through regularly.

    The lack of compassion shown by so called compassionate-conservatives is disgusting and appalling. Shame on Rush. He is either ignorant or evil.. my guess that he isn’t ignorant. He is one of those people that are willing to put political party before family,. country and morality. Rush Limbaugh is a clear example of the moral decay of our country.

  11. Awake says:

    Rush Limbaugh has as much credibility as these guys:

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #9 If any one wants I can pull out of the podcast the sound clip where Rush does apologize.

    That’s quite all right. I don’t care if he apologized or not. My anger at Rush started around 1991. Again I say…

    Rush can go to hell… He can go to hell and die!

    All Republicans can go to hell… They can all go to hell and die!

    All conservative apologists can go to hell… They can all go to hell and die!

    And I approved this message.

  13. OhForTheLoveOf, if you are trying to convince someone that your side is right, does saying “can go to hell… They can all go to hell and die!” help? The problem with the left, is that they go after the right for being intolerant (and at times the right can be intolerant) but at the same time the left is just as intolerant (or at times even more so)

  14. jccalhoun says:

    A version of the article on MSNBC says that he did apologize.
    Basically, I see this as a non-story. People who like Rush will keep liking him. People that think he is an ass will say, “See, I knew he was an ass!”

    Fox has brain surgery for his Parkinsons’ for crying out loud. On Inside the Actor’s Studio he had to take a break for his medicine to take effect. He probably didn’t take his medication before the ad, but the ad was for research that would lead to a cure. Medication is not a cure. But seeing an ad with a celebrity isn’t going to make me change my opinion on stem cell research regardless if I was for or against it.

  15. bill says:

    Faking? It looked mild to me. You don’t need to watch someone die to realize that this disease really is bad news. At least they can cure cancer sometimes. I am 1000% for any research that can come up with a cure. On anything or anybody.

  16. mxpwr03 says:

    O’Connor, I’m glad someone responded to that childish rant.

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #13 – I’m taking a break from diplomacy today… Today, it’s all about unabashed vitriol and primal rage. Seriously… I need some serious ME time…


    This is Rush. Who cares what he said? He’s not “the right.” He’s a sideshow act. He’s Vaudeville. He’s a backward thinking slack jawed pinhead. The day I really started hating this guy was the day I heard him make some very off color and insulting remarks about Bill Clinton’s mother. What angered me was that while I was hearing Rush say these things on the radio, I was watching Bill Clinton grieving at his mother’s funeral, live on CNN.

    He can go to hell, and he can die.

    If it helps our friendship, however, I’ll withdraw my jihad against the rest of the Republicans and apologists.

  18. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #16 – Oh like the partisan hackery that spews from your fingers around here is what passes for elevated debate…

  19. syngensmyth says:

    My, some of you sound like Rush’s X-wives.

    I find Rush entertaining and often right on the mark. His apology is disappointing. Mr. Fox publicly makes an argument and he has every right to do so. Mr. Limbaugh has a right to make his. In my opinion Mr. Limbaugh’s point has more merit than Mr. Fox’s point. But that’s just my opinion, which I have a right to.

    And, of course, you all have a right to yours. A great thing about people making points, one’s basic character is often revealed. #12 is a definite case in point.

  20. SN says:

    “In my opinion Mr. Limbaugh’s point has more merit than Mr. Fox’s point.”

    Mr. Fox’s point is that we need a cure for devastating disease. Mr. Limbaugh’s point is that maybe Fox was acting.

    Are you seriously saying that Rush’s point has more merit?! That curing a devastating disease has less merit than accusing an actor of acting?! Seriously?!

    How does Fox exaggerating his illness make the disease any less devastating or less worthy of a cure? Do you honestly believe that because an actor acted that we should not find a cure for a disease?!

    God, you must be one massive idiot. Probably the most idiotic idiot that ever lived. If Idiot was a place you’d certainly be its king. I bow before you syngensmyth, King of the Idiots.

    BTW, none of that was an ad hominem attack, as everyone has a right to an opinion, right?

  21. malren says:

    For the record, I hate Limbaugh for just this type of crap. He does more damage to the concept of conservatism than any other bloviating jackass with a microphone.

  22. 0113addiv says:

    Anyway, has anyone forgot that Michael J. Fox is a professional ACTOR? And he was doing a spot for TV. I’m not saying that he was lying, but if he was exaggerating it is within the realm of the television world.

  23. Gregory says:

    I have the utmost respect for MJ Fox, and have seen him in various places.

    His symptoms aren’t exaggerated – a good example was when he was on Oprah and she asked how long the medication helped his symptoms. he responded (while obviously fighting spasms) “On good days… maybe most of the day, when I’m on Oprah… maybe 30 minutes!”

    The medication can be affected by many things, including stress, although he has already said that he – to illustrate his point graphically – was not heavily medicated when he filmed the ads.

    Conclusion: Rush is a fool, Fox wasn’t acting.

  24. Jägermeister says:

    Is Rush Limbaugh’s wife faking it? Is that why he’s bitter?

    Rush should discuss the issue of stem cell research instead of Michael J Fox faking it or not.

  25. James Hill says:

    I enjoy watching liberals get bent out of shape, all the while falling for another pre-election distraction.

    People to the left of center are damaged: They can’t determine reasonable discourse from the bullshit designed to distract them.

  26. ECA says:

    A quiet person you can never judge.
    Its the person who opens his mouth, that you can read.
    As he inserts FOOT in mouth.

    Take your pick of all those that have a TV/radio show.
    Religious or other wise…
    If you dont want to show your Intelligence/stupidity…SHUT UP.
    If you dont care, OPEN wide.

  27. Mr. Fusion says:

    The problem is that those against the stem cell research have branded it a law to allow cloning. While this is obviously a false charge, that is what Limburger’s knicker’s are in a knot about. If you can fabricate facts to stop science then it becomes so very easy to blame the victim for their disease.

    In my family is the hereditary disease Huntington’s. It is similar to to Parkinson’s with only one way out. It too is very ugly to watch the patient slowly wither away. Their physical control slowly leaving. Tremors, innocuous at first but gradually increasing. Losing touch with their surroundings. Burnt fingers where the cigarette burned down and they didn’t know it.

    The denial of another’s affliction is the worse form of discrimination. May Limburger and his equally odoriferous neo-con apologists all get what they deserve. I won’t say “phuck them” as they have phucked themselves already.

  28. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    Your Rove-like precision… Your icy stare… Your unfaultering ability to stay on message regardless of what the actual topic might be…

    If you weren’t Satan, I’d want to be you…

  29. Tim says:

    I understand Rush’s point, in that Fox admitted he stopped taking his meds prior to speaking to Congress to maximize his point.

    However, I am disappointed that he decided to mimic him as he did. That was entirely wrong and, if nothing else, he should have realized that that single clip would overpower any real point he was trying to make.

  30. Milo says:

    It seems Republican party headquarters has succeeded in pushing Iraq off the front page for the immediate future.


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