The Australian – October 26, 2006:

STEM cell research is back on the political agenda in the lead-up to the US mid-term elections after influential right-wing commentator Rush Limbaugh accused actor Michael J.Fox of faking the severity of his Parkinson’s disease in a campaign television commercial.

“He is exaggerating the effects of the disease,” Limbaugh, whose views make Sydney shock jock Alan Jones seem moderate, told his legion of listeners.

“He’s moving all around and shaking and it’s purely an act … This is really shameless of Michael J.Fox. Either he didn’t take his medication or he’s acting.”

In a riveting, poignant campaign commercial for Democratic candidates in three US states who support stem cell research, Fox – who was forced to retire from acting in 2000 because of Parkinson’s – shakes and trembles very badly.

“This is the only time I’ve ever seen Michael J.Fox portray any of the symptoms of the disease he has,” Limbaugh said on his radio show. “He can barely control himself.”

Mr. Limbaugh is certainly an expert on taking his medication.

  1. ECA says:

    Satan has NOTHING on man kind.
    He only WISHES he could be so cruel, and Inhuman…
    I see no creatures on this earth that are as MEAN, CRUEL, BEAt your beast friend, SCREW your neibhor(male of female), Shoot the bastard, UN NICE, STUPID, UN CARING, Ignorant…
    as the HUMAN species..

    If you could take all the beliefs int he world, and cross reference them to find all the LIKE/SIMULAR parts, and publish them…
    YOU WOULD GET 1 thought.

    BE NICE to each other… And if you CRAP on this planet, remember, that it ALL comes out in the sewer, that you DRINK out of.

  2. td says:

    Why is Hollywood always considered liberal? What about Ronald Regan, Sonny Bono, Arnold, and Fred Grandy? How many actors ran as Democrats? Are people from red states that dumb to believe this rhetoric?


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