“Yeah, boss, this seems like the perfect show for our ad!”

  1. Tom 2 says:


  2. ryan says:

    no such thing as bad publicity

  3. Benjamin Newton Franklin says:

    Timing is everything.

    This reminds me of two consecutive commercials I saw one afternoon. The ads were for Anbesol (numbs gums), then Anusol (numbs bums). They were packaged in tubes that looked very similar. I think they both would have the same effect wherever you applied them to your body, even if you got the tubes mixed up. I’m just guessing one would not be as palatable as the other.

    Kinda gives a new meaning to “kiss my a……”

  4. Greg Allen says:

    I have had really good experience with hotels.com but I am really pissed.

    The real culprit seems to be “Ernst and Young” rather than Hotels.com

    When I looked up that firm’s web site they touted themselves as being experts in internet security!

    We need a law that makes it against the law to collect credit card numbers unless customers “opt in.”

    But do you think this current Congress is going to do ANYTHING which might inconvenience business even a teeny bit? No way. Not this do-nothing pack of no-goods.



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