Finally someone is getting a clue from the Jon Stewart Show. Use real quotes to catch blatant lies.
found by Marc “Bad Boy Bush Basher” Perkel
Finally someone is getting a clue from the Jon Stewart Show. Use real quotes to catch blatant lies.
found by Marc “Bad Boy Bush Basher” Perkel
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We now return you to your regularly scheduled Bush hating.
Comment by Jim W
Yeah. Who you gonna believe? Jim W or your lyin’ ears?
Heres the snip about stay the course.
” BUSH: Well, listen, we’ve never been stay the course, George. We have been — we will complete the mission, we will do our job and help achieve the goal, but we’re constantly adjusting the tactics, constantly.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Here’s what I don’t get.
STEPHANOPOULOS: James Baker’s a smart guy. He’s got a solid group of people on that study group. But what can he come up with that you and your military commanders haven’t already thought of?”
#29 – I agree. I am shocked and awed by the lack of vitriol from the right on this issue.
The right certainly has a lot of bonehead criticsim for the left, and when logic fails (which it always does), lying takes over. But I suppose they’ve finally reached the threshold of what their powers of lying and deceiving are capable of.
I’ll say this too… Does anyone else think that President Bush sounds intoxicated more often in recent public statements than he has in the past? I kinda wonder if we are about to witness a president come completely unglued under the sharp gaze of the public eye.
Of Fox will blame the liberal media.
The Titanic stayed the course didn’t it?
25 Read ABC’s transcript.
Thanks, Jim.
Great stuff!
Sounds The Alarm already covered the relevant quote, so I’ll highlight a couple others I found interesting.
BUSH: Two, the Iraqi people don’t want a partition. The Iraqi people voted for a constitution which spells out federalism that now needs to be further refined.
BUSH: I view it as a threat because — and the reason it’s a threat is I can conceivably see a world in which radicals and extremists control oil.
BUSH: On the other hand, I have put out a new regime to help deal with issues like global warming and the energy shortages that said: You can have a nuclear power plant, civilian nuclear power plant and, in return, there will be a supplier-nation group to provide enriched uranium for you and then we’ll collect the enriched uranium.
My take, in order:
“The Iraqi people voted…” on the only thing we would let them vote on.
Its not about oil, but…
Who is going to pay for this “supplier-nation group” to deliver uranium to Iran and haul away the spent fuel for re-processing, and provide security for the “weapons-grade” materials in transit?
What a transparent load of bull from a pack of liberals so obviously and pathetically desperate for power.
Let me give you a little lesson on editing: Bush’s comments above were edited. Anybody notice? And here’s a clue for those who remain media challenged: You don’t get to hear what he says before and you don’t get to hear what he says after.
I can do that too. It’s right in your headline. Bush absolutely says, “been ‘stay the course!” You can read it for yourself.
In context he is saying he’ll adjust his strategy to what’s happening on the ground there. Like this is some kind of complete shock to anyone… in a war?
You can stay a course tactically, strategically or politically. Now tell me which one Bush was referring to?
Here’s a little help. But it might irritate you because you actually have to read before and after his remark. Maybe that’s why George didn’t even bother calling him on this Big Scoop.
This was before the statement:
“I’m patient. I’m not patient forever. And I’m not patient with dawdling. But I recognize the degree of difficulty of the task, and therefore, say to the American people, we won’t cut and run.On the other hand, we’ll constantly adjust our strategy…”
And this after:
“We will complete the mission, we will do our job and help achieve the goal, but we’re constantly adjusting the tactics, constantly.”
Seems like a reasonable course to stay. You think his complete statements changes the course? Or were you hoping Bush would stay a course whereby the deaths would deliver you an election? I can see how that would be a bit disappointing.
You guys are so funny. You scream for an exit strategy. Like you even give a damn about an exit strategy.
Hey, but keep focusing on micro-parsing Bush’s words and on slogans if it makes you feel good inside. And you think that’s what it takes to win an election.
Now because I can’t just leave you without getting your knickers all in a knot… Bush has already won the war. If the US left tomorrow Sadam will have been gone. The minority no longer rules. The majority will eventually win their civil war against the Sunni minority.
All the above said… I’ve always been against ever going into Iraq.
BUSH: I view it as a threat because — and the reason it’s a threat is I can conceivably see a world in which radicals and extremists control oil.
I am sure grateful that isn’t the case today… /sarcasm off
#38. “micro-parsing Bush’s words …”
For a group of folks who beefed and whined about Clinton’s lies about getting a hummer, conservatives are mighty defensive about how utterly meaningless their hero considers his words to be.
“Bush has already won the war. If the US left tomorrow Sadam will have been gone. The minority no longer rules. The majority will eventually win their civil war against the Sunni minority.”
and the mullahs in Tehran will be mighty happy.
make that #36 ….
Learning from John Stewart’s Show? Rush was doing that kind of thing to Bill Clinton on his TV show a decade ago. Speaking of Presidents who were REALLY easy to trap with video clips. . .
#36 Methinks he doth protest too much.
The Bard
36 And this after:
“We will complete the mission, we will do our job and help achieve the goal, but we’re constantly adjusting the tactics, constantly.”
Seems like a reasonable course to stay.
Except that I don’t know what “the mission” is, what “our job” is, or what “the goal” is…
We’re constantly changing tactics? Probably because we have yet to find one that works. 🙁
Once again, the administration seems content with doing just enough perhaps — if it’s lucky — to hold things together, rather than dramatically changing facts on the ground.
42. “Except that I don’t know what “the mission” is, what “our job” is, or what “the goal” is… ”
Bet it has something to do with a stable majority government in Iraq.
#36, RBG
Good defense. Only it fails on two counts.
First, Bush said it. It is in the transcript and the video. Nope, it wasn’t dubbed. It wasn’t twisted. It wasn’t even taken out of context. Bush said:
“It’s never been ‘stay the course’”.
Second, Bush is now suggesting that as events change he is not only entitled to change with them, he is changing. Two years ago he held John Kerry’s feet to the fire when he called him a “flip flopper” because in the light of new evidence Kerry changed his view. If Kerry was not entitled to change his opinion, with changing facts, then should we now accept it is not only acceptable to change one’s mind, but really strategically proper from the guy who set the standard for NOT changing his mind.
Bush, and his minions, told us how easy it would be to conquer Iraq, how they would greet us with flowers in the streets, how we would be liberators. How it wouldn’t cost that much. Why we had to do it because those WMDs were there. Now in light of how wrong Bush, and his minions, were, you want to blame those who say Iraq is wrong for not having an exit strategy?
Bush made his own bed, let him lay in it. Let all those who continue to support Bush wallow in the unmistakable slime that is oozing from the Republican side of Congress and the White House.
44. “It wasn’t even taken out of context. Bush said:
“It’s never been ’stay the course’”.
You failed to tell me whether he was talking politically or strategically or tactically. If you don’t know, you can’t comment much about it, can you? Look at his words before and after for a clue in this regard. He’s still staying the course politically. He even says as much directly before and after his comment. You choose to ignore that. And most of what I wrote, in fact. So I really can’t help you with your thinking if you won’t “listen.”
You do realize your Kerry example is extremely weak, don’t you? First, no one knows specifically what you are talking about. Second it would be irrelevant in any case.
He’s already said he won’t cut and run… there’s your “stay the course.” And it is insane to think that an army doesn’t adjust its strategy dependent upon what the enemy does. And there’s your
“not staying the course.” So I hope I’ve helped out on your sincere confusion here.
Ooops. Your comprehensive analysis seems to have forgotten about that little invasion of the US’s strategic ally, Kuwait and an election or two there.
RBG: Ah, youve mastered Neocon doublespeak. Congratualtions.
“But sir, I was only ordering followers”! Said Bush at his impeachment hearing.
RBG, we’ve won the war? We’ll let you tell the parents and family of every soldier that dies over there from now on that we’re sorry they’re kid had had to die for a war we’ve already won…
46. Except this double-speak has definitions attached before and after.
47. Honestly, we’re now tragically trading US lives for much greater numbers of Iraqi lives by attempting to prevent an all-out civil war. Reminds me of those who advocated a US invasion of Japan in the second WW and those who wanted the atomic bomb dropped so as not to kill even one American soldier. Leaving at this point would be the atomic bomb option.