Finally someone is getting a clue from the Jon Stewart Show. Use real quotes to catch blatant lies.

found by Marc “Bad Boy Bush Basher” Perkel

  1. csw64mm says:

    Nah, of course he never said “stay the course.”

  2. John says:

    The battery in his radio must have died. You can almost hear Karl in the wings screaming “It is stay the course you idiot!”

  3. tallwookie says:


  4. Awake says:

    How can talking heads like Rush continue to defend this lying SOB?
    “It’s never been Stay the Course.”
    Is that laughter I hear echoing from every corner of our planet?

  5. GregA says:

    This is entirely consistent with what I have come to expect from this man.

    The reality that another 3000-6000 (optimistic) troops are gonna die over the next 10 years for this (what Im not sure) is starting to sink in with everyone, even the previously amoral Bush, apparently. I guess he is starting to think about his legacy…

    Think about that, kids who are in the third grade now are gonna be fighting and dying in this war.

    That, and I throw up a little bit in my mouth everytime I see him.

  6. doug says:

    The only thing he has ever said that I actually believe is that he does not particularly care about catching Osama Bin Ladin.

  7. Uncle Dave says:

    Actually, he’s better off without Bin Laden captured since doing so would
    1) bring up the questions about why wasn’t he caught earlier
    2) end one of the reasons for the wars, so why are we still fighting
    3) deprive us of a bogey man (bogey man ain’t the bogey man if he’s dead) to heap everything that happens on, even things he and his people didn’t do (like serial killer Kevin Spacey in Se7en when they come upon a dead dog and he says, “I didn’t do that.”)
    4) create a nightmare if he is caught alive since he would become the focus of attacks, kidnappinigs, etc to get him back
    5) create a nightmare if he’s killed because then the terrorists have a martyer in who’s name they can launch special attacks.

    You get the idea.

  8. Dan says:

    Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia.

  9. doug says:

    #8. as much as I like the idea of a US Special Forces sniper taking OBL down, for international political reasons it would probably be best if the Pakistanis killed him.

    Would he be more of an inspiration as a martyr or as a fugitive defying any attempts to find him? I am all in favor of finding out …

  10. big fan says:

    What!! No more TWIT. SAY it is not so.. The past two have been really good and now Leo is saying that they will be gone forever.

    very sad

  11. Awake says:

    OBL has been dead for years.
    For the reasons outlined by “Uncle Dave”, his death may never be confirmed.

  12. ChrisMac says:

    #12.. That theory has one leg, maybe.. Only time will tell

  13. 0113addiv says:

    #12, who needs bin Laden when we’ve got son Bush, the worst criminal ever elected to office, period. Bush makes Al Capone look like the tooth fairy.

  14. BL says:

    If Bush isn’t re-elected (third term), he might face a nightmare of criminal proceedings. His friends may blame him for anything and everything bad.

    However, I’m worried about a political-economical problem, that destabilizes world governance, erupts from the years of confidence eroding actions taken by our leadership.

    As a people and a country, we must begin telling the truth.

  15. NoName says:

    I am not a MD (doctor) but I believe the president truly believes “It’s never been ‘stay the course!'”.

    Alcoholic have known memory and cognitive impairments. The man was a determined alcoholic before getting on the wagon. You think he slurs his speech because it’s cute?

    Bill Cosby described it best (regarding kids, but can ably to this president), they are “Brain Damaged” saying “I don’t know” when you ask them a question.

    Don’t you think Carl Roves and his Republican support base knows this. This President really can’t think well, think for himself let alone think for this country. This dufus we call president is nothing more then Carl Roves/Republican party puppet. Can any give contrary evidence, hum?

  16. kballweg says:

    Define “Flip-Flop”!

  17. K B says:

    Beautiful and elegant. A simple lie laid bare is better than a multitude of words.

  18. jbellies says:

    6) Although Osama’s fatherhood of Al Qaeda has made him a bit of a black sheep in the Bin Laden family, killing Osama or subjecting him to degradation by, say, capturing him, would be sterner punishment than the Bin Ladens would wish upon one of their own blood. The Bin Laden family have strong business ties with the Bush family. Thus Osama’s freedom should not be a surprise.

  19. David says:

    Wow, what the hell is that guy smoking? ‘Stay the course’ is practically every third statement out of his mouth. It makes me wonder if he was talking about an issue other than Iraq, as the video cuts him off mid-sentence.

  20. ryan says:

    those “stay the course” quotes are taken COMPLETELY out of context…or not

    but hey, at least he recognizes that the status quo in iraq won’t do any longer, even if he won’t go so far as to admit past mistakes.

  21. Awake says:

    It gets worse.

    The Republican Party, officially using Osama Bin Laden as a spokesperson in their campaign. This from the party in power that has abandoned the search for OBL, and from a Republican President that has declared out loud that he doesn’t think or care much about OBL.

    I can understand Republican ideals (small government, high security, strong moral and family values), but in what way does the current crop of Republicans in power represent those values in the least? Corruption, uncontrolled spending, government by threat and fear, coverups, complete lack of ‘truthiness’.

    In the immortal words of President Bush: “fool me once, and.. I fool me.. eh.. fool me once and I can’t be fooled again.”

    Can you be fooled again?

  22. Greg Allen says:

    It’s never been “cut and run” either.

    I resent that quote from James Baker when he said he wanted an alternative to the “stated position” of cut and run vs stay the course.

    “Stay the course” is certainly the stated position of the Republicans. But “cut and run” is NOT the stated position of the Democrats.

    “Cut and run” is a Karl Rove smear and mockery of the Democrats.

    Most of us — even those of us who opposed the war — want some sort of well-planned, timely exit strategy.

    “Cut and run” is just an insult of us. It’s not our “stated position” as Baker says. Man I resent that!

  23. John S says:

    You might remember that George Herbert Walker Bush got elected based on telling people he would stay the course that was set by Ronald Reagan… maybe that is their family motto… who knows…

  24. Jim W says:

    Read ABC’s transcript.


    watch it via YouTube

    its election season. If your going to be an informed voter then take the time to get the whole story, not just the sound bites.

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled Bush hating.

  25. ChrisMac says:

    hmm. time to close te bar…

  26. It was never about WMDs either, it was bringing freedom to Iraq!

    We only got 100 plus more countries to go people.

    They had this Bush supporter on the radio the other day talking about the draft should be reinstated and how “Selfish” people were for not serving their country.

    Yes how dare we live for ourselves and don’t support things we don’t agree with! Thats Un-American!

    call 1-800-Go-Army and reserve your free body bag today.

  27. Roc Rizzo says:

    Of course it’s NEVER been stay the course.
    I thought it was slay the horse, or sway the force.
    But believe me the President NEVER lies.

    Why do you all hate America?

  28. ken ehrman says:

    wow. normally the conservatives in this crowd would be jumping all over this, defending GW.

    i dunno, man. i think even the rats are starting to jump ship.

    it’s a shame to, because republicans really had it together. now the whole unity thing is starting to unravel around them.

  29. Roc Rizzo says:

    Anybody wanna buy a bridge, CHEAP!?!?!?!?


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