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Dvorak Uncensored — Apple Press Photos Collection circa 1976-1985

These were slides originally handed out by Apple PR around the mid 1980’s just before John Sculley took over the company as CEO. I believe these were distributed for a book project. I found them in mint condition amongst a collection of press material I was rummaging through over the weekend. I wonder, after all these years, if the company even has these pics anymore.

Many from the 1984 Apple Macintosh rollout era.

  1. Matt says:

    I’m sorry you’re too busy to do TWiT. 🙁

  2. JoJo Dancer says:

    Yeah what gives John?

    This certainly deserves some attention. Can we get some sort of explanation as to what is going on with the TWIT family? Seems that Leo is really frustrated about something. It would help to know where you stand on any of this. We all want to make sense of what was stated by Leo. Can you clarify any of this?

  3. RTaylor says:

    Can we all please let John handle his own business affairs and stop these TWIT posts. We are not in the loop and know next to nothing about the whole thing. I’m not defending him or anybody, there’s just no sense in having every other comment TWIT related. Email him if you want to express your feelings.

  4. I’m not too busy to do Twit. Generally if I’m in I say so in advance and when I don’t confirm and he really needs me he calls. I didn’t confirm, he never called. Things should have been fine.

    What was stated by Leo anyway?

    AND YES, Taylor is right. This isn’t the place for this.

  5. Matt says:

    #4 – From the web site.

    It’s about 80 degrees out – in all likelyhood the last nice day of summer in Northern California – so all the TWiTs decided to play hookey. At the same time. Unfortunately that means there will be no show tonight.

    It’s my turn to play hookey next week. I’m off on a Geek Cruise next Friday, and will be gone through November 4, so there will be no TWiT next week either.

    I’ll decide what happens to TWiT, the show, when I come back, but at this point it looks like it’s on life support and the heart monitor is flatlining.

    Meanwhile, enjoy our first this WEEK in LAW with Denise Howell, and thanks for listening. I’ll put it up on the TWiT feed in place of TWiT later tonight.

  6. GregA says:

    I just wanted to share something….

    Just a little bit ago, I showed a newpaper photographer that was considering a Mac and Apature, Windows XP Pro and Picasa, and he was like “what in the heck was I thinking, im supposed to be beyond the media hype!” As it turns out as a professional photographer he has absolutely zero need for raw images, and Picasa was exactly what he needed(on a $400 computer with a card reader).

  7. JoJo Dancer says:

    RTayler – What should we do, stand by and watch the collapse of one of the greatest podcast to pioneer the podcasting technology?
    There are a lot of us who support the members of TWIT in many ways. We want to know why the heck Leo thinks the show is flatlining.

    John – I’m not so sure any of us know where the right place for this would be. It would give us all a peace of mind to know that this issue does concern the rest of the TWIT family and that things are working themselves out.

    “‘ll decide what happens to TWiT, the show, when I come back, but at this point it looks like it’s on life support and the heart monitor is flatlining.” As stated by Leo Laporte on the TWIT website.

  8. ChrisMac says:

    TWIT needs to go on video like Cranky Geeks and things will prolly smooth out..
    it should already be an option.. widcast or oodcast..

    hmm.. i hope i didn’t break any copyrights.. or the likes

  9. rich says:

    ‘historical’ maybe…



  10. Cripes..when did this become the Twit bitch line? Talk to Leo. He’s the one who unilaterally pulled the plug. He almost did it once before. I have nothing to do with this decision. As far as I can tell he likes his other 20 shows better. He has not consulted me personally on this.

    Also: I predict twit will be back after a relaxing cruise. He needs a vacation. Let him take one.

  11. MIke in Australia says:

    Hi John,

    I guess everyone was hoping that the voice of reason…you…would smooth over the whole “to Twit or not to Twit question.”
    After all, most of us found out about podcasting, and even this blog, from listening to Twit week in week out.
    I can’t speak for everyone, but I think there is an underlying feeling of betrayal, or perhaps a better word would be disappointment, that Leo would just drop the show after leading us all into the world of podcasting, preaching its virtues, and promising better things to come.
    I realize that all good things must come to an end, but from afar, it was nice to have Twit around to get my fix of technology, law, and future possibilities all in one concise little program with a dash of humour and expert commentary sprinkled in for good measure.
    I thank you for your efforts in keeping the show on track, and should Twit end, I hope you will continue on informing and entertaining us through your podcasts and articles.

    Mike in Australia.

  12. Rick Hood says:

    I agree with what John said:

    “I predict twit will be back after a relaxing cruise. He needs a vacation. Let him take one.”

    It’s probably [mostly] that simple – Leo needs a vacation.

  13. David says:

    It became the Twit bitch line around the 38th time you plugged on Twit. Hey, you reap what you sow. 😉

  14. Neal says:

    My god. Geeks are irritating when they get worked up. I should know. I used to be one myself and sit waiting for the next show to appear and breaking the refresh button. Then I got a girlfriend. Hope the same happens to everyone else…


  15. Troy says:

    I blame Leo! His ego and jealousy are just coming through more and more all of the time. He just wants everyone to go through him and it didn’t end up that way. Now he is having a hard time dealing with it. That being said, I can also say that Leo is the man! He just has a HUGE ego and needs to get over it.

  16. rob enderle says:

    My god, i will never make fun of my mother’s love of Hollywood gossip.
    This is the same kind of brain crack:

    Will Firecrotch and Herpes Hilton still be BFF by Christmas?
    Will TomKat’s italian wedding be remembered for the Xenu motif
    or for Katie’s guaranteed pre-nup settlement going up to 40 million post wedding?

    Will Dvorak say I love you and mean it?
    Will LaPorte, come back from his manlove cruise relaxed and rested from Gunther, the ships massage therapist, wonderfully relaxing hot oil rubdowns?
    Will fame, fortune and forty ouncers forever change the dynamic that made TWIT what it was?
    Will they stay together one record, or podcast in this case, too long? Which one of the TWITers will be the Fat Elvis TWIT?
    Which one will be most likely to finish like Peewee Herman?

    Stay tuned next week for more – As The Geek World Turns.

    BTW, youre my bitch John and dont you forget it.

    Luv Robbie,

  17. And which one is Yoko?


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