
Be loyal, kind and don’t steal Movies — After this new boy scout patch becomes popular I suspect we’ll see more. There will be the SEC developing a “No Insider Trading” patch. PETA can do the “No fur!” patch. There’s also the potential for a “No smoking” patch and a “Celibacy” patch.

As a former Boy Scout myself I always thought the group was about the outdoor life, tying knots, pitching tents and camping. My opinion? This is sick.

LOS ANGELES — A Boy Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, etc., etc. He is also respectful of copyrights. Boy Scouts in the Los Angeles area will now be able to earn an activity patch for learning about the evils of downloading pirated movies and music.The patch shows a film reel, a music CD and the international copyright symbol, a “C” enclosed in a circle. The movie industry has developed the curriculum.

found by Mike Tinsley
(sorry Ed, mine is funnier)

  1. Vince says:

    Whatever happened to sharing?

  2. Mike Voice says:

    There’s also the potential for a “No smoking” patch and a “Celibacy” patch.

    I actually wouldn’t be surprised to know those two already exist.

  3. Paul says:


    I’d love to see this curriculum

    What do they have to do? Watch the South Park piracy episode or listen to Weird Al’s Don’t Download this Song? Both point out that the irreparable harm pirates are causing musicians keeps them from getting luxuriates on top of the luxuriates they already have.

    Who is little Johny hurting by being a fan.


  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    don’t forget the Senator Foley patch 😉

  5. Podesta says:

    Perhaps little Johny can use the time he would spend pirating digital content learning spelling and grammar. Then he will say not say things like ‘luxuriates.’

  6. curmudgen says:

    John, I stand by my (passed) statement!

  7. joshua says:

    Ummmph….so it has to funny as well huh? 🙂

  8. curmudgen says:

    Perhaps little Johny can use the time he would spend pirating digital content learning spelling and grammar. Then he will say not say things like ‘luxuriates.’

    His spelling is correct, his grammar is not.

  9. Jägermeister says:

    More activity patches from our MPAA friends:

    * Greed is good.
    * Sharing is stealing.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    #4 don’t forget the Senator Foley patch

    Every day begins with a white page.

  11. K B says:

    I liked Ed’s better. 🙂

  12. RBG says:

    Be Prepayed.


  13. AV says:

    As an Eagle Scout, I am more than a little upset with this council going along with the studio muscle on this… they are little better than the mob… as a patch collector, I am horrified by that design… and as an adult Scout, I am glad to see someone not report this as a merit badge… any district or council can approve an activity patch for any reason… merit badges are only issued through the national level. gah.

    I’m 20, and got my Eagle through the Atlanta Area Council… and I try to stay active. Scouts can be a great thing… but it requires quality leadership.

  14. AV says:

    and…. the celibacy badge is called Family Life….

  15. Vic says:

    Not surprised boyscouts is a screed up org.
    Penn and tellar dir a great documentary on them 🙂

  16. AB CD says:

    Character is also important to the boy scouts, and I guess they are coming down against stealing.

  17. Esteban says:

    That is one butt-ugly badge. Maybe they could download a better design from Limewire.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    It has been too many years since I wore a Scout uniform. I seriously question why they have a specific patch for piracy. How about a patch for not stealing cars. Another for not shop lifting. Think about the design for no armed hold-ups or bank robberies.

  19. 0113addiv says:

    Seriously, why even bother to teach American History or recite the Pledge of Allegiance anymore to young impressionable minds in school. Let’s just teach them Corporate History and Pledge allegiance to the Stock Market. At least we won’t by hypocrites.

  20. Dugger says:

    I’m an Eagle Scout and a Scoutmaster now. The program already covers this issue.

    The first point of the 12 points of the Scout Law:

    “A Scout is Trustworthy”

  21. Dugger says:

    I’m a Girl Scout Leader also.

    Check out the Copyright FAQ on the Girl Scout USA website.

    “Sorry girls, I can’t print a copy of the lyrics of your favorite Burl Ives sing-a-long song for you to follow at the campfire tonight”

  22. MikeT says:

    When is this madness going to stop? Is this really the most vexing thing facing our society today? I think not.

    The last issue of Sound And Vision magazine had an article in there about a major sting in New York that brought down one of the biggest movie theater camera pirate rings. This was the biggest group in NY that would get a movie on digital tape the very day that it opened and then have it online and mass produced on DVD within a day or two. All of this work was done by the FBI. Is this the most pressing thing that THEY have to work on now? I doubt it.

    The RIAA and the MPAA think that everything they produce is golden and should be protected at all costs. In fact, most of it is junk and society would be no worse off if pre-recorded music and movies suddenly ceased to exist. It’s not like these guys are out curing cancer — they are producing the likes of Britney Spears and “Saw 3.”

    And don’t even get me started on Photographers and how anal they are about their pix going anywhere online.

    I think the one thing that these content creators and distributors fear more than anything else is the fact that they may all have to get a real job someday….

    Mike T

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #22, Mike, The last issue of Sound And Vision magazine had an article in there about a major sting in New York that brought down one of the biggest movie theater camera pirate rings.

    Yes, this is a problem and criminal activity like this should be stopped. This isn’t me sharing a CD with a friend, this is a criminal organization making money stealing intellectual content. Damn right I want the FBI taking them down. Every counterfeit ring in China should also be stopped too.

    Hey, I do photography on the side. I don’t make much money at it. But darn it, if you want to use my photos then either have my permission or pay me for it. My time, intellect, and equipment took the picture so where do you get off using my effort for your own personal gain? (BTW, my permission is usually easily granted)

    And Mike, if we all got a “real job” some day, there would be no movies, magazines, books, music, newspapers, professional photography, … It isn’t my main living, but a lot of people do support themselves through content creation, including John C. Dvorak and a couple of the Dvorak Uncensored Editors.

  24. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #20 is right…and Computers merit badge has a simple requirement that asks the Scout to explain why giving copies of software to friends may or may not be proper. I cannot imagine that this activity patch gets very far.


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