Sir Paul McCartney denies being a wife beater — This divorce just gets better and better. Not that I’d wish this horror on anyone, this should get very entertaining.

London, Oct 18: Sir Paul McCartney has reacted furiously to astonishing claims by his estranged wife Heather Mills that he subjected her to “physical violence” her during their four-year marriage.

Mills, 38, has accused the former Beatles legend of being domineering, abusive and frequently high on drugs.

The claims are detailed in divorce papers lodged by the former model, who alleges that Sir Paul beat her while she was pregnant, choked her, stabbed her with a broken wine glass and pushed her into a bath.

Another report list these complaints:

Some of the other allegations are: 1) Sir Paul continued to use illegal drugs and drink excessively despite promises. 2) He hurled abuse at her calling her an ‘ungrateful bitch.’ 3) Sir Paul tried to prevent her breastfeeding saying, “They are my breasts.”4) Made Mills cancel a crucial operation for her amputated leg because it interfered with his holiday plans. 5) Objected ‘vociferously’ when she asked to buy an antique bedpan to save her crawling to the toilet at night.

Apparently he used to come home drunk and demand dinner from Mills. When you read all this it sounds as if the twosome were living in some two room shack where she is expected to cook for him. It’s beginning to sound like a Jerry Springer couple. I find it hard to believe.

related links:
Heather Mills Bio
Picture of early Heather to be found here. This does not look like a “good girl.” One of the pics that surfaced resulting in her making the new allegations.
A good account of the episode here.

Also an anti-fur and PETA nut

  1. Dale says:

    Well, he did admit that he used to be cruel to his woman. He beat her and kept her apart from the things that she loved. Man, he was mean, but he’s changing his scene and he’s doing the best that he can.

    I have to admit, it’s getting better. It’s getting better all the time…

  2. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    She’s soon to be an anti-fur and PETA nut with a couple hundred million pounds.

    Great pick, Paul me lad. Bleedin’ wonderful.

  3. IBM says:

    This does not look like a “good girl.” One of the pics that surfaced resulting in her making the new allegations.

    I don’t get it. The Bio shows her as being a caring and dedicated person. What’s so bad about that?

    #2: if you read the bio, you’ll notice she signed a prenup. Besides, she was already a celebrity before getting in the relationship with Paul.

  4. IBM says:

    BTW, John, you speak Croatian? You did write to a croatian magazine, but in Croatian?

  5. John Urho Kemp says:

    Pretty obvious who the “crazy” one is here. She signed a pre-nup so the only way to get a favorable verdict in the court of public opinion is to paint McCartney as some sort of monster.

    Think about this, after 40 years in the public spotlight, wouldn’t this have come out before about him? Books, magazines, documentaries…countless media sources in that 40 years and only now it comes out that Paul is some unfeeling monster?

    Give me a break.

  6. rctaylor says:

    He should have given her the money she wants and gone on with his life. At his age especially this hassle isn’t worth it. Even if she got half he wouldn’t really miss it.

  7. Max says:


    But I believe Sir Paul gets high still. The boy loves his hash!

  8. xrayspex says:

    I have to admit, it’s getting better. It’s getting better all the time…
    Comment by Dale

    Amazing that nobody in the media has picked this up.

    Good scoop, man.

  9. Tom says:

    She is a money grubbin, and she will say anything to get rich, all Paul wants to do is fix a hole where the rain gets in, and keeps his mind from wandering, no wonder he changed the locks, she never asked why she didnt get past his door.

  10. 0113addiv says:

    Proves once again, marriage is for suckers. She’s just after his billions. But, I agree with rctaylor that Paul should depart with more of his money and learn a big lesson not to get married again regardless of a pre-nup or no pre-nup. Keeping separate homes is also a good idea so his next girlfriend doesn’t claim common-law wife status to take his money when they split up. And learn this guys, and learn it well: never enter into a relationship with a woman based on her outward appearance, sexuality, social status or economic standing. Base it solely on her inner beauty. That inner beauty is sorely lacking in America. I am more beautiful than any woman I’ve ever met or come across.

  11. gquaglia says:

    What I want to know is did he ever beat her with her fake leg. That would have been a Springer monument.

  12. `The Croatian stuff is translated although I do visit there whenever I can. Great place.

    In this thread I am shocked that nobody pointed out the possibility that the reason this Paul is so mean becuase the real Paul is dead. Eh?

  13. John Urho Kemp says:

    #10 – Is that what you tell your wife? Remember, you dropped that fact here a few days ago when you told everyone you hit your son in the face with a wiffle-bat because he did the same to you. Also, you do remember you told everyone that you’d rather date 12 or 13 year olds, but you don’t only because it’s against the law.

    But really, again, if you’re trying to be funning or a troll, you’re not doing a very good job. Try harder next time because it seems the only one that’s responding is me. One person is weak for a troll. Your goal is to piss off everyone here. Advice? Try doing racial differences or something like tha,t as sexual differences isn’t working for you.

  14. Noam Sane says:

    Proves once again, marriage is for suckers.

    Marriage is a wonderful institution. That is, if you don’t mind living in an institution.
    – Groucho Marx

    Will you still need me, will you still beat me, when I’m 64?
    – Paul McCartney

    Seriously, I feel sorry for the guy. He doesn’t need this shit.

    But, did you know Heather Mills used to be a waitress? She worked at IHOP.

  15. Sounds The Alarm says:

    I’ll bitch slap her for Paul.

  16. 0113addiv says:

    #13: “Is that what you tell your wife? Remember, you dropped that fact here a few days ago when you told everyone you hit your son in the face with a wiffle-bat because he did the same to you. Also, you do remember you told everyone that you’d rather date 12 or 13 year olds, but you don’t only because it’s against the law.”

    I don’t have to tell my wife anything. My actions speak for themselves. You see, John, you feel safety in your little world of rules. You can’t live without them. Every situation that comes your way you open up your play book and follow the script. You’re an actor, that’s all you are– and your script is for idiots. Rules for me are a general guide line. I never say never. What happens is what happens. Everything has a time and a place.

  17. Mark says:

    Not a “good” girl. Looks pretty damn good to me. Damn, rich people get all the breaks.

  18. meetsy says:

    Ahh psycho women…. by comparison, this makes Yoko look like a dream.

  19. John Urho Kemp says:

    #16 – Is this what you’re going to tell the police when you finally molest some teen one day? That they’re just actors following an idiotic script and you don’t follow that script? I’m sure they’ll understand.

    I suppose if you think real hard, anything can be justified.

  20. The Answer Man says:

    I don’t have to tell my wife anything. My actions speak for themselves. You see, John, you feel safety in your little world of rules. You can’t live without them. Every situation that comes your way you open up your play book and follow the script. You’re an actor, that’s all you are– and your script is for idiots. Rules for me are a general guide line. I never say never. What happens is what happens. Everything has a time and a place.

    Sociopath (soh-see-uh-path, soh-shee-uh-path):

    Someone whose social behavior is extremely abnormal. Sociopaths are interested only in their personal needs and desires, without concern for the effects of their behavior on others.

  21. 0113addiv says:

    #19: “Is this what you’re going to tell the police when you finally molest some teen one day?”

    — Whose mind has manifested those words quoted above? Who?

    #20: “Someone whose social behavior is extremely abnormal. Sociopaths are interested only in their personal needs and desires, without concern for the effects of their behavior on others.”

    — What is normal? abnormal? What’s wrong with being interested in one’s needs? I never said anything about not taking other’s needs into account. You are making an assumption. The Answer Man, you have given your ability to think to another man (society, authority, rules, etc.). You don’t know how to think. That capability was stolen from you as a kid, first by your parents, second by schooling and third by society. You think you’re normal? You are just another brick in the pyramid. You have no control over your life because before you could even possibly shed a thought about your own interest you look to the OUTSIDE FOR VALIDATION FIRST. hahaha, you is a prisoner my friend. learn to think for yourself. The first thing you have to do is QUESTION EVERY SINGLE BELIEF you have been made to accept. I’m not saying everything you know is false, but nearly all of it is. hahahah…

  22. John Urho Kemp says:

    “Whose mind has manifested those words quoted above? Who?”

    Yours did…yours. You stated in a past post that you would rather date 12 and 13 year olds. Straight from your mouth, your words. No interpretations.

    answerman hit the nail on the head, you’re a sociopath. Plus, not a very intelligent sociopath as none of your justifications for your sociopathic ways make any point, what-so-ever.

    I almost feel bad even arguing with you as it’s not really your fault. I hope you get the help you need.

  23. Mark says:

    23. You are digging yourself in deeper. I used to think you were just a little eccentric, but the more I read, I’m beginning to beleive your bat shit insane.

  24. Sonya says:

    Paul did NOT beat his wife. It is all lies Heather made up about him

  25. Linda says:

    I am tired of seeing that lyric quote from “It’s Getting Better” by Lennon and McCartney: “I used to be cruel to my woman. I beat her ” etc.Do your homework folks.Paul and John wrote that song together.It was one of their collaborations.That line was JOHN’s contribution to the song not Paul’s.John said it many times in interviews.I am a McCartney expert. I know more about this guy then his biographers.I’ve researched everything on him and no where,not on line,not in any book or quote from anyone who has ever known him has abuse ever been mentioned.That includes all of his girlfriends.The only thing I uncovered was that he slapped a girl in reaction to her throwing hot coffee in his face at a party.She was in love with him and he wasn’t interested so he got a cup of hot coffee dumped over his head.I would have slapped her too.


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