The Seattle Times: Sports: A threat of “dirty bombs” is dismissed — I only say that this panicked people because of the amazing amount of coverage it got. Watch how this worsens over the next 24 hours with TV news getting involved. This supposed threat appeared on a cartoon message board. The board is here, but I can assure you the site is now down. I expect to see more of this sort of thing if it’s keeps getting media attention.

A Web threat promising the detonation of “dirty bombs” at seven NFL football stadiums on Sunday — including Qwest Field — has been deemed not credible by federal law enforcement and the Seattle Police Department. Seattle police say they won’t alter any of their normal security measures for Sunday’s Seahawks-Minnesota Vikings game.

The anonymous threat appeared on a Web site called “The Friend Society,” which links to various online forums and off-color cartoons. It was posted Oct. 12, said Kirk Whitworth, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security. Part of an ongoing Internet conversation titled “New Attack on America Be Afraid,” the warning also mentioned stadiums in New York, Miami, Atlanta, Houston, Oakland and Cleveland, which also will be hosting games Sunday.

The timing of the threat coincided with the final day in Mecca of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month.

  1. GregA says:

    Yah, the Republicans do this in the run up to every election since 2002. Also the Sadam verdict is scheduled for november 5th. Im sure we will get 2 or three more terrorism ‘scares’ before the election.

  2. Eideard says:

    Saw the dude who runs the site on MSNBC already, this morning. Looks like every other apartment geek running a site. He said that the dork who’d posted was a first timer at his site — as far as he knew.

  3. Mike Voice says:

    It was posted Oct. 12, said Kirk Whitworth, a spokesman for the Department of Homeland Security.

    [sarcasm = “ON”]

    Shouldn’t this information be classified?

    Aren’t we giving away sensitive details about how we monitor terrorist communications, “chat rooms”, and blogs??

    [sarcasm = “OFF”]

  4. RBG says:

    Maybe Dennis Rodaman is going to punish them with his crazy hair. No?


  5. ECA says:

    you have 15,000+ attendants…
    why not ask them all to stand up, and investigate there area.
    then ask them to Check and investigate the person on the left, then the right…A quick pat down at the most, if needed…
    If they find anything SCREAM like hell.

    Talk about a friendly game..

    It must be remembered, that for the bomb to work WELL, the container isnt going to be made of lead(it absobs the shock to much), and that usesing a Corridor Gieger counter, would probably pick up any residual material, including your Illuminated watch…Its not a hard or expencive setup.

    I would think that its a great threat for those that DONT want to watch sports over their WANTED TV programs.

  6. ryan says:

    i’d rather get dirty bombed than have beer spilled on me all game

  7. jccalhoun says:

    What? Indianapolis isn’t worth bombing? We are having a home game this weekend and we weren’t on the list! We ARE worthy! We ARE worthy!


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