Hell, it’s already happening.

Evolutionary theorist Oliver Curry of the London School of Economics expects a genetic upper class and a dim-witted underclass to emerge.

The human race would peak in the year 3000, he said – before a decline due to dependence on technology.

People would become choosier about their sexual partners, causing humanity to divide into sub-species, he added.

The descendants of the genetic upper class would be tall, slim, healthy, attractive, intelligent, and creative and a far cry from the “underclass” humans who would have evolved into dim-witted, ugly, squat goblin-like creatures.

I disagree that the underclass will be dim-witted, for they will be the ones doing most of the work.

  1. doug says:

    2. “Go to any Walmart, and see what Im talking about. ”

    Shoot, stand in line at any self-checkout anywhere and watch people struggle with the simplest, most explained-by-pictograms, most idiot-proof technology. Or get stuck behind people buying lottery tickets. Either way, you get a full dose of human stupidity.

    If the human races splits into rich beautiful people and poor goblins, it will be because the former have genetically engineered their offspring to an extent that the latter cannot afford.

  2. João PT says:

    Well, my guess is that to become a subspecies we would have to do selective breeding continuously for tens or hundreds of generations, and our genectic baggage would be popping out all the time, so in any given gneration of gnomes it would appear a lot of tall, smart and actractive people and the same on the smart generation too, i mean a lot of gnomes appearing. So, it would take families on either camp to actively dispose of the “freaks” in some way, because if one of the gnomes smart guy would join the smart camp it would take his genectics with him and, boom, the cards would shuffle again. So this is BS mainly. And it just takes for granted that conditions will remain the same throughout all this time.

  3. Vic says:

    Hmm i think this is happening already, Ive seen many short fat stupid people that look very ugly and primitive. I always that they wer some subclass or sub species.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    Sounds like an Übermenschen theory. Can’t be proven or denied.

  5. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    #18 – AB CD… I hear you!

    Reasoning I Fail To Understand:
    “I disagree that the underclass will be dim-witted, for they will be the ones doing most of the work.”

    I guess it depends on what you mean by ‘work.’ Brainwork or donkeywork?

    The brainwork which is the source of all we see around us, what we call ‘civilization’ – has always been and will always be the product of the persons at the upper tail of the bell curve. Virtually everything that sets us apart from prehominids was/is created by those in the smarter-than-average minority. Isaac Newton didn’t spend his days breaking rocks and plowing fields.

    The underclass will, by the very nature of things, far outnumber the ‘overclass,’ and therefore, will be lower in average intelligence.

    Or to put it otherwise – compared to those who have always been the sources of humanity’s advancement – the masses are, have always been and will always be (to use a semantically-loaded term) dim-witted. Step out of your sociocentric shell long enough to notice that the typical human being is not as educated, nonviolent, altruistic, introspective, tolerant, creative – or intelligent – as you or me.

    The fact of just reading this – of having and using a computer, of having the means to aquire same, of being able to read what is written here – all this and more, things not only unavailable but unknown to the typical inhabitant of the planet – all goes to show that the overclass already exists and that we are part of it.

    I wish you’d explain how the underclass’ dim-wittedness – or lack thereof – can be the resultant of what proportion of society’s labor they would provide… particularly with the nature of that labor becoming less dependent on intelligence over time, a trend we have no reason to expect to change.

    So Wondereth The Ghoti

  6. Hal Jordan says:

    What is so new about this? HG Wells already told us about this in the 1800s where people would degenerate into two races– the Elois and the Morlocks. The Elois “live the life” while the Morlocks do the hard work in exchange for cannibalizing a few Eloi citizens. That, incidentally is a good allegory for what governments are doing these days: there is only an illusion of servitude to disguise the truth that citizens have become expendable commodities in the new American Century.

  7. Curmudgen says:


    Thank you for Outing the Troll. His is the worst attempt as a George Carlin Wannabe poser.

    Damn it! I’m feeding a troll.

  8. tallwookie says:

    damn im 7 ft tall, and i’m gonna live to 120 yrs – so i’ve been born ahead of my time – 1000 yrs…

    i’m looking forward to the “perky breasts” tho….

  9. tallwookie says:


    #29 – is 1 high or low?

  10. Greg Allen says:

    I love love LOVE the picture for this entry. IT IS SO TRUE!

    Fox and Limbaugh never call it “class warfare” for “income re-distribution” when a tax policy shifts income from the middle class to the upper class.

    They only call it “class warfare” when a policy helps us working guys.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    The economist and most of the posters here have gotten this thing so wrong.

    First, intelligence is not linear. While someone may be extremely adapt in one area, they are very lacking in others. For example, the brilliant mathematician who can’t balance his bank book. But more often you will find the truly good auto mechanic who knows nothing about nuclear physics.

    Second, intelligence is only partially hereditary. While you might get some of your brains from your parents, much of it is also chance and the remainder is environmental. What your mother eats during the first week after conception might have more to do with your future intelligence then how many IQ points your daddy has.

    Third, most of the more intelligent people have always come from the middle or lower classes. If one looks at the impediments put in their way by the ruling classes, it is no great surprise that more intelligent inventors and innovators have not come along. Counting all the great people that came from the ruling classes makes for a small list.

    Fourth, societies are not isolated. There has always been mixing between upper and lower classes. Does anyone think all those wives King David took all came from upper class households? Shoot, even King George W the worst, took a peasant librarian for a wife. I can see no indication that societies will not continue to mingle in the future.

    I do agree that over time there will probably be a total mixing of races and most people will be the same skin color. It will be this mixing of races that will belie the fracturing of society into classes.

  12. Mucous says:

    Go find “The Marching Morons” by C.M Kornbluth (1951). This was predicted way back then.

    Heinlein’s “Silly Season” mentioned in a couple of different books mirrors todays events as well. Why are we all surprised by these things?

    For a good synopsis of TMM: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Marching_Morons

  13. Smartalix says:


    They just made a movie based on that story:


  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #46, … Why are we all surprised by these things?
    Comment by Mucous — 10/19/2006 @ 8:06 am

    We’re not. Simply because most of us recognize the difference between fact and fiction. When science fiction tried to present itself as science fact that reasonable people see the con job.

  15. Mucous says:

    Good science fiction has never tried to present itself as fact, merely a plausible projection of some observable trend.

    Parasite Hilton, Anna Nicole Smith, Madonna, Brangelina and #29 prove there is a subspecies evolving.

  16. Mucous says:

    I almost forgot: #29- As far as consciousness goes mine goes to 11…

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #50 – I almost forgot: #29- As far as consciousness goes mine goes to 11…

    Comment by Mucous — 10/19/2006 @ 11:23 am

    But you just scratched out the 10 on the dial and wrote an 11 in magic marker!


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