A picture of the Willett playground. Thank god no kids are actually playing in that death trap!

Boston.com – October 18, 2006:

Officials at the Willett Elementary School in Attleboro have banned playground tag, touch football and any other unsupervised chasing games over concerns about the risk of injury and liability for the school.

“It’s a time when accidents can happen,” Principal Gaylene Heppe said.

Heppe included the new rule as part of a standardized set of playground rules.

While no district-wide policies banning contact sports at recess appear to have been put in place locally, many principals are making up new rules in an atmosphere reflecting society’s increasingly cautious and litigious nature.

“I think that it’s unfortunate that kids’ lives are micromanaged and there are social skills they’ll never develop on their own,” said Debbie Laferriere, who has two children at Willett. “Playing tag is just part of being a kid.”

  1. tallwookie says:

    i think we should pay teachers less

  2. The Aussie says:

    Looks Vasona Park to me near Los Gatos. Do I get a cigar?

  3. joshua says:

    We have to ban something. It’s imperative that we ban something. Since we can’t ban lawyers(who can in some states ferret out clients SN), and we can’t ban law suits, and we can’t ban public schools……..guess we can ban Tag.

  4. Greymoon says:

    – This just in – all childhood activities have been banned. Children are required to sit in the corner and shut up until age 18. Failure to comply will result in a permanent lifetime ban of all activities. Copyright 1984, All Rights Reserved.

  5. SN says:

    “half would you disbar? The half the wins or loses?”

    I wouldn’t disbar anyone. I’d dranstically reduce the number of new attorneys admitted into the bar. However, the law school industry would go ballistic. The bar review industry would go ballistic. Civil rights leaders would go ballstic because it’d be harder for minorities to become attorneys. In other words, it’ll never happen. But we can dream.

  6. sh says:

    Fat little bastards can’t run anyway

  7. AB CD says:

    They’re already setting the price of law school really high, so that should be limiting the number of lawyers.

  8. Jim Smith says:

    Hey #20:

    I live in Massachusetts and I can tell you that it most certainly is a communist state. We don’t use names like “The People’s Republic of Cambridge” for nothing.

    This state tries to control, regulate and direct every little aspect of everyone’s life. It is the definition of communism.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    Hey #40,

    So Jim, are you a member of the Neanderthal Party too?

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #40 – I live in Massachusetts and I can tell you that it most certainly is a communist state. We don’t use names like “The People’s Republic of Cambridge” for nothing.

    This state tries to control, regulate and direct every little aspect of everyone’s life. It is the definition of communism.

    Comment by Jim Smith — 10/19/2006 @ 6:34 am

    Yes. Actually you do use names like “The People’s Republic of Cambridge” for nothing. The right wing always have used communism to describe the idea that in the richest nation on Earth, no one should die from poverty.

    Does the state own the means of production? No? Then you are not a communist state. Communist doesn’t mean what you think it means. You have the government that the majority of Massachusetts citizens elected. And judging from the quality of elected officials that come from Massachusetts, I’d say that up to the present, voters have judged wisely.

    By the way, I know it was probably hyperbole, but I reject your premise. I don’t think the state government there tries to “control, regulate and direct every little aspect of everyone’s life.” How does the state do that? What aspects of your life are they attempting to control, and what do you need to do to resist said control?


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