Too fat to die

What’s next if he succeeds? A weigh in before the needle? “Last meal? I’ll take two of everything on the menu. Plus a pizza.”

Judge stays execution for ex-cult leader who claims obesity will interfere with death

An Ohio judge has delayed the execution of a former cult leader and convicted murderer who claims that obesity and diabetes will put him at a greater risk for suffering during lethal injection.

Jeffrey Lundgren, once a self-styled prophet in the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, was scheduled to die Oct. 24 for the shooting deaths of his followers, Dennis and Cheryl Avery, and their three daughters, ages 7 to 13, on April 17, 1989.

On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Gregory Frost granted Lundgren’s request for intervention based on his arguments that the current lethal injection protocols are insufficient to ensure that he will not suffer “excruciating and conscious pain.”

Less than a week before the murders, Lundgren’s followers dug a pit in the farmhouse to prepare for the murders, or what Lundgren referred to as a “pruning of the vineyard.”

Speaking of executions, this is funny in a morbid, horror film sort of way.

  1. stiffler says:

    Hopefully his cholesterol level will kill him first and save some taxpayer money and oxygen for the rest of us.

  2. Jägermeister says:

    How about using a captive bolt gun?

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    I am not in favor of the death penalty, but even I recognize a weak excuse when I hear one.

    Stop the execution because it is wrong, not because the condemned might feel some pain.

  4. tkane says:

    Now wait a minute. Let’s assume they guy has been imprisoned since 1990 – that’s 16 years. Even assuming the guy was diabetic when he was jailed, that’s plenty of time to do something about the weight. Why is he still fat? No physical excersize behind bars ? Fine, don’t feed him. Bread and water, minus the bread. Prisoners should be on diabetic diets – 1000 calories a day. Sheesh. Maybe they should grant his stay. What’s one more injustice after 16 x365x3 meals, all injustices in another sense?

  5. RTaylor says:

    Some people are advocating Nitrogen suffocation for executions. Over several minutes oxygen levels are dropped and the prisoner falls unconscious and dies. I assume they plan on using a general anesthetic gas to prevent suffering from hypoxia.

  6. tallwookie says:


    too dangerous to live
    too fat to die

    this is an american for sure

  7. doug says:

    We can kill you, but we can’t hurt you. Oh, and if you are too crazy to know that we are killing you, we can make you sane to kill you.

    Now, that’s justice.

  8. joshua says:

    #7…..sounds pretty compassionate to me 🙂

    Seriously….I’m against the death penalty….sometimes thats a hard position to take when you see what some people are capable of doing to another human being.

    But….maybe they could deep fry him….seems appropriate.

  9. Greymoon says:

    Hmm seems the guillotine could make a comeback for this type of thing.

    To fat for lethal injection, might feel some pain, guillotine.
    To fat for hanging, rope might break, guillotine.
    To fat for old sparky, he might cook and pop, guillotine.
    To fat for a firing squad, bullets might bounce, guillotine.

    Yes guillotine, guaranteed not to hurt (for long), rope wont break (if it does, it wont really matter), no possibility of over cooking or popage, and saves the cost of several bullets. Yes, the guillotine would solve all these problems.

    Dont prune the vineyard if ya cant take some pruning yourself.

  10. John says:

    It is interesting reason. Also the article is somewhat inaccurate about who this man is. He grew up in the church that is mentioned, and I believe was an ordained elder of that church, but had his clergy status revoked, was in bad standing, and the church was in the process of expelling him from it when he voluntarily gave up his membership of that church. The “self-styled prophet” had nothing to do with that church, but rather his cult that he started.

  11. Podesta says:

    The same thing happened in Washington (state) a few years ago, when a man was scheduled to be hanged. The law was changed to have the option of lethal injection because of that case. Fellow was never hanged or injected, though. Died of medical complications from his obesity years later.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #8, if that wasn’t so sick it would be so funny. Ah, what the heck, it’s worth a good laugh.

  13. OmarTheAlien says:

    Nine mil up side the head, pop the cap, go home. This clown killed three kids, why are we worrying about his feelings?

  14. Frank Baird says:

    I honestly don’t care. I’m sure he was concerned for his victims’ “excruciating and conscious pain.” While I understand the ban on cruel and unusual punishment, if someone doles out cruel and unusual crime, I think they should lose the right to not have it done to them. Similar to the way felons lose the right to vote. I have no pity for this monster whatsoever.


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