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And #300,000,000 was probably a Hispanic male that crossed the border illegally. (NPR-Morning Edition)
How can the USA be the number one country in the world if it is falling behind in the population race. Americans, we have work to do. We need 1000 million more people by the end of the year. This is a high priority.
you must like living in a high rise..A tall building..
Look around.
between farming, BLM lands, Forestry and wood products…
There REALLY isnt much land left you have ANY rights to build on.
I LIKE having the ability to walk out my door, and into a secluded area, IF I WANT.
#3, if we really run out of land we could always just fill up the Atlantic Ocean with landfill to create more land. Imagine being able to drive from San Francisco all the way to London.
#3, I am actually not much of a city guy. My days off and vacations are spent explorings parks and other wild areas. I just put the comment up for fun. China’s total land area, according to wikipedia, is nearly the same as the USA’s total land area. Just imagine what our cities, traffic and parks would be like if the USA’s population was the same as China’s.
yes, congratulations! I am sure the European countries facing demographic stagnation and everything that comes with it would like to have the US population growth rate.
and yes, more people use more resources. the answer is not fewer people, but obtaining more resources and more efficient uses of those resources.
you are still young,
Wait a couple years, or spend a few years(after being a country boy) in one of the larger cities….You wont like it.
We could divert about half of our illegal population to Europe and there population problem will be solved.
Hispanics are by leaps and bounds, the fastest growing segment of our population. 4 years ago Blacks were the number 1 minority group in the U.S by about 4%…, they are number 2 by about 5%.
Brush up on your Spanish folks.
4 years ago Blacks were the number 1 minority group in the U.S by about 4%…, they are number 2 by about 5%.
So there’s a group that jumped 9 percent in 4 years? Go back to your video games.
“Overpopulation” is history’s oldest environmental crisis,
In 1968, the year after the U.S. population reached 200 million, Linus Pauling, Jonas Salk and other scientific luminaries signed a full-page newspaper ad. It pictured a beatific baby in diapers who was labeled, in large letters, “Threat to Peace.”
“It is only being realistic,” the scientists warned, “to say that skyrocketing population growth may doom the world we live in.”
They shared the concerns of Paul Ehrlich, who was on the best-seller lists warning of unprecedented famines overseas in the 1970s and food riots on the streets of America in the 1980s.
ECA You need to get off the coast. there are thousands of acres available in the midwest and west. And yes you can build on it or just put your double wide on it.
And they are still right today…
#12, where are the billions dead?
Currently the total fertility rate in the US is 2 which means only a replacement of parents is happening. However, the net migration is 3 per 1,000 total population. Projections for mid 2025 is 349.4 million people. Perhaps Wyoming or the Dakotas with their tiny populations will attract some of these American hopefuls.