Buried in an article about the quake in Hawaii is this fascinating item that my brother Don spotted. What does it say about our the whole system when battery backup wasn’t included in the design?

Airports were functioning despite the power outages, though slowly.

Heraga said that inbound flights were being allowed to land, but outgoing flights were not taking off because the TSA doesn’t have enough power to screen passengers.

As the Eagles sang, “You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.”

  1. Eideard says:

    My wife and I both laughed over that one when I showed up on the news.

    The Klowns running this country really are rinky-dink hustlers. They manage to cause world-class damage; but, haven’t the skill and brains to manage what they create.

  2. Matthew Rigdon says:

    If I may quote Mr. Spock:

    “It is always easier to destroy than to create.”

  3. Mike Voice says:

    As Louis Black would say: That means the explosive-sniffing dog doesn’t work!

    We can’t let planes fly because terrorists may be behind the disruption in power to the screening equipment? Or, would take advantage of this opportunity to hop on a plane?

    Ground Control has backup power to guide planes in to land, but Security doesn’t have a backup?

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    I’d love to have that bear “probing” me 😉

  5. tallwookie says:

    they need to get robby the robot workin over there double-time (or a startrek replicator) hehe

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    Uncle Don has good eyes, though I think TSA would have preferred we not know about this.


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