The fundies new view of Bush?

When Uncle Dave is wrong, he’s willing to fess up. After posting articles about how Bush & Co. were fundamentalist zealots, kowtowing to the likes of Falwell, Robertson and Dobson, and hell bent on helping along Armageddon, we learn that it was all a lie from David Kuo’s book. They’re regular, old, money grubbing, vote grubbing, say anything for money and votes pols like the rest of them. Whew! Finally, something to restore my lack of faith in politicians!

And the result is that evangelicals are turning away from the Republicans. Yep. This should be an interesting election!

White Evangelicals Turning From Republican Party

A Christian Democratic group hopes to capitalize on what one poll finds is a shift among some white evangelicals away from the Republican party. said it will stress awareness of the party’s outreach to evangelical Christians and people of other faiths. Executive Director Jesse Lava said Democrats were reluctant in the past to be “too loud and proud” of any particular faith.

Lava said his party will play up the findings of an Oct. 6 – Oct. 8 Gallup Poll. It found that religious whites are equally as likely to say they will vote Democrat as Republican this fall.

Lava said the shift is due to what he calls the “hypocrisy of Republican values talk” and “the ethics scandal, the war scandals, and now a sex scandal.”

  1. Noam Sane says:

    President Jesus has caused the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent people. That should wake up a so-called “Christian”, shouldn’t it? Doesn’t seem to have.

    He’s suspended habeas corpus, legalized torture, run the federal government deeply into the red, and worked to divide the citizens of this country for his own electoral advantage. Does that upset the fundies?

    No. But a sex scandal? Now everyone’s paying attention.

    I’m not so sure this book would change any minds. But gay people gettin’ it on? Look out.


  2. Jim W says:

    As long as Democrats hold abortion and gay rights as part of the core issues they campaign on, I doubt there will be a big shift in the “fundie” (as they are often called on this blog) vote. They may stay at home, but I don’t think they would vote Democrat.

  3. Mike says:

    You can look at the fact that Mark Foley’s last minute replacement on the ballet is polling just behind the Democratic candidate as illustrative of the problem with our current political system. People will tend to vote for any Democrat or Republican, based on their party preference, without much of any knowledge about the actual candidates. Hell, you can just look at these “incumbent against any random *blank*” polls that the media are so fond of to see this.

  4. Zuke says:

    Does this mean the tables will turn and conservatives will get to start bashing liberals as religious left-wing fundamentalist freakshow moneygrubbing nutjob zealots for Christ?

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    But Jesus was a Democrat…

    I just don’t understand….

  6. tallwookie says:

    “Whew! Finally, something to restore my lack of faith in politicians!”

    lol great comment!!!

  7. Darth Mind says:

    “I find your lack of faith, Disturbing” – Darth Vader


  8. woodie says:

    Where’s the contradiction between opportunist politicians and bible-thumping preachers hustling each other’s own particular breed of redneck ignoramus? They each make their money the old-fashioned way. They lie, cheat and steal.

  9. John Urho Kemp says:

    The thing is…nothing happens. We’ve got a conservative congress (though it’s falling apart) for a few years now, along with a pretty much conservative Supreme Court….along with a conservative President. And yet, the sky isn’t totally falling.

    The big issues are still well in place. Where’s the overturning of Roe Vs Wade? Where’s the actual gay marriage ban? Where’s that idiotic flag-burning ban?

    And the damage he has done can be fixed by the next president with a swipe of a pen. Also the issue about suspended habeas corpus has yet to go up to the supreme court yet…that’s when I’ll start to worry.

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #9 And yet, the sky isn’t totally falling.

    I concede sir, that the sky isn’t “totally” falling. I would ask you if you think that the sky is still, nonetheless, falling… But if my understanding of English is accurate, you’ve already confirmed that you do 🙂

  11. joshua says:

    #3…Mike….Foley’s replacement is actually quite well known in that district….he’s their State Senator. The hard part for him is trying to get people to still vote for Foley….even though it’s a vote for him, people are having a problem with it. Don’t be surprised if the Republican wins that disterict, it is a heavey Republican one.

    This man, Bush was never what he claimed to be. I for one hope the fundies head off to the Democrats, then I can go back to the party of my family. The true Republicans can take back what’s ours.

    Yeah for President McCain 🙂

  12. Angel H. Wong says:

    #3 Mike

    All his replacement needs to do is act like a total homophobe bigot and the sucker fundies will vote for him in the blink of an eye. They’re quite predictable.

  13. Mike says:

    McCain is anti-free speech, anti-property rights political opportunist. Fuck John McCain.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    #13, Mike,

    That is much harsher then I would have put it, but I don’t disagree.

    joshua, sorry buddy, but McCain is still too independent to have the support of the RNC. It is much uphill for him.

  15. Milo says:

    Bush has just been using the fundies all along.

    “Tempting Faith’s” author is David Kuo, who served as special assistant to the president from 2001 to 2003. A self-described conservative Christian, Kuo’s previous experience includes work for prominent conservatives including former Education Secretary and federal drug czar Bill Bennett and former Attorney General John Ashcroft. Kuo, who has complained publicly in the past about the funding shortfalls, goes several steps further in his new book.

    He says some of the nation’s most prominent evangelical leaders were known in the office of presidential political strategist Karl Rove as “the nuts.”

    “In fact, when Bush asks Kuo how much money was being spent on “compassion” social programs, Kuo claims he discovered “we were actually spending about $20 million a year less on them than before he had taken office.”

    I have a thread on Cage Match:,499.0.html

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    Bush and his administration have screwed things up so badly, even Bush Sr. is appalled.

    It’s pretty bad when even his daddy’s team feel Shrub has blown it.

  17. DeLeMa says:

    Oh Gee ! On another blah-blah note, it was reported that a majority of the people who believed that we should invade Iraq, a majority now believe we should not have invaded and they believe they musta been lied to all along….wowzer !! Wonder what these “majority” guys are gonna do when they wake up in jail for treasonous beliefs ??

  18. tom j says:

    Who did not know that the Christian Right was being cynicaly used by the Bush Republican leadership?

    On the Democratic side, the cynical use of labor voters and black church going folks is just as cynical. The question may now be just where is a true believer in anything going to find a political party home?

    Fundimentalists and others may find that they have to form their own political partys. Is this a good idea? The true believer in anything can get pretty extreme. When Bush is done and retired to Texas we may look back at his cynical use as a moderate period not a true christian right police state that could come, due to the Bush pretense.

  19. Mark says:

    16. Nice find, I had no idea poppa Bush was anything but pleased at his sons performance? Now what, can we have a do-over?

    Makes the case for abortion.


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