For those of you (you know who you are) who just can’t get enough sadistic pleasure in doing serious, bodily harm to innocent cartoon stick figures, here’s a compilation of them from one of the oddest, NSFW websites out there, Something Awful.

[Editor’s note: No cartoon stick figures were actually hurt in the making of this video. Don’t try this at home. But if you really, really NEED to feed your unnatural urges, go HERE and click on the MECH button to download the kit used to create these abominations.]

BTW, does anyone know what movie the music for this video came from? I’m thinking the last Exorcist film, over the credits.

  1. Jack Freedom says:

    The music is from “The Matrix: Revolutions”

  2. Tom says:

    Very nice.

  3. JFStan says:

    It’s the virtual version of “Jackass”.. Only it’s more entertaining. 🙂

  4. Matthew says:

    what program are they using to create these? it looks more advanced than just flash..

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    #4: Well, click on the HERE link and find out.

  6. EJmcn says:

    is there a nother site where you can find this program?

    the “HERE” link is “509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded”

  7. Devin DeLap says:

    The song is called Navras. Track 16 of The Matrix Revolutions’ soundtrack.

  8. Anjin says:

    As Devin says, it’s a song called Navras. This is a song by Juno Reactor, a pretty good psy-trance band I’ve only recently discovered.

  9. Looks like the latest version of the movie, “Jackass.”


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