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Want to scar your kid for life? When the other kids see him and the name calling begins, you can flush his mental health right away. Now on the other hand, for an adult with “pecular” enjoyments…

And for little sis who always wanted to be a human whoppie cushion.

  1. gquaglia says:

    At least its original.

  2. 0113addiv says:

    You guys should have seen the Halloween parade in Greenwich Village (NYC) when it used to be really raunchy back in the ’80s. Now, it is very tame. This year my kid is going to be a pirate. I’ve started him practicing pirate talk like, “aye, aye”, “batten down the hatches”, and the definitive pirate talk one: Arrr… It was so funny yesterday as he was running around the jungle gym at the local playground saying all these things. One thing about kids, they have no embarrasment like adults do (which shows in the toilet costume picture).

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    If you don’t think these costumes are cute, you don’t have small kids running around your house.

  4. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    If you don’t think these costumes are cute, it might have more to do with you being cultured, educated, and not a spawn of Satan, than it does with wether or not you are cursed with children actually living in your home.

    Democrats would never send their children out like this…. 🙂


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