Face it. Our paper money is boring, boring, boring. Oh, well. As long as you can spend it…

Check out this website which lets you select a country and then see the front and back of one of that’s country’s notes. The one above is from Algeria.

  1. moss says:

    Cripes. Our money isn’t just boring. It’s downright ugly.

  2. Jim Smith says:

    Well, having boring money is better than being a backward country that requires women to be covered from head to toe and then advertising that fact on paper currancy. They should be ashamed.

  3. IBM says:

    Being a backward country is better then having an oversized ego…or maybe not…you get my point.

    I like the Antarctica money. Nice website Dave!

  4. Jimmy the Groundhog says:

    Right, penguins are cool. I like tits, so I’m going with the Cook Islands for my vote.

  5. 0113addiv says:

    On the contrary, U.S. currency is very interesting. It is loaded with symbolism. The one dollar bill, for instance shows the famous pyramid with the detached ever-seeing Eye. George Washington has great symbolism not only as the first (1) president but also as a holder of the Great Divine’s Light (God, aka “1”, “One”, “Omega (the oval shape around his image in the shape of the last Greek alphabet signifying the strive for the Last– UNITY)). GW is considered as many as a divine realization of Spirit (a Jesus Christ). Many refer to that story about him when he was 21 and fighting in the French-Indian war as a general. The Indians had managed to kill several American officers. The indian sharp-shooter aimed at Washington but kept missing even though he was sure he had hit him. Finally, the indian chief told his soldier to stop firing because he sensed the Divine nature of that 21 year-old soldier, George Washington. Later, in life GW wrote a letter to that indian chief describing the five bullet holes he had through his uniform in that battle. They went right through him like that final scene of the movie the Matrix. Native American indians have a good source to Ground Spirit. A few months ago I was having phone sex with a 100% native American woman in the middle of the night. The conversation lasted around two hours. Finally, at around 2 a.m. she managed to let out four orgasms after which I released a magnificent rebuttal. Ahhh… THEN, immediately afterward, the fire alarm goes off in my hallway. She asked me what was that. I told her it sounded like the fire alarm had gone off. We cordially said goodbye. I put on my pants and a t-shirt and opened my front door. The hallway was filled with acrid smoke. FIRE!!! Shit, I took off while yelling and banging on doors, “FIRE, FIRE!!” I headed down the staircase trying to hold my breath. The smoke was dibillitating. I reached the 4th floor where to my astonishment was the source of the fire, and it prevented me from further escape. What was it? A MATTRESS WAS ON FIRE! Other people had come now and started bring pales of water. The fire department also arrived and finally the fire was put out. Moral of the story (true story, I kid you not– I swear to my highest being): don’t masturbate with Spirit.

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    Once again, 0113, you have left me absolutely speechless. You will make some shrink very happy. Since you seem to be on a roll, what other intimate details of your sex life do you wish to share?

  7. James says:

    Everything gets boring if you look at it long enough; those of us in the US are just used to looking at US bills. I don’t think there’s anything particularly ugly about ours, though they’re not as flashy as some. I think the newer bills look pretty good, with more expressive portraits and colors and all (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_dollar). I remember how cool my first color $50 seemed, and still think it looks pretty darn good.

    My favorite part of the site Dvorak posted though is that you can look up Canadian Tire coupons among the real Candian Bank notes. Classic.

  8. 0113addiv says:

    #6, Where I am coming from is a place that scientists (and shrinks) have no idea about. It is a place that is beyond rational. It is a place that is like make-believe but the physical manifestations of it is real for all to see, as in this case with the fire. A real physical cause happens but others will explain it away as incredible coincidence. The place where I’m at sometimes leaves traces. Same goes with these archeological finds of bones of past civilizations and eras, like the dinasours. The thigh bone of a Rex was picked up and used as weapon by our ancestors. They had no idea what it was. We do. Because consciousness grew in some people to make them aware of the patterns that gave way to evolutions theory. One person, Darwin, SAW that. Luckily, he had good communication skills to spread the Truth to others who couldn’t see. What I bring you is another world where most cannot see because they haven’t developed the awareness to see. But as Darwin, I am trying to point this out so that perhaps you can see too. Scientists will never be able to see this because their belief system is based on logic, reason and physical laws. To see what I see you have to leave those beliefs (but include them) and reach a higher place. It is beyond magic, which is fake. It is mystical, which is REAL.

  9. ECA says:

    What is BAd about the USA currency, is that AS the other countries bring NEW designs to market, they destroy or denie the OLD currency, it must be exchanged…
    Which is cool
    AS you cant HIDE that big wad, in your closet or under a bed for YEARS. It must all be Changed over and counted, and recorded…

  10. John Urho Kemp says:

    Once again ECA, I can’t really get past your obviously random capitalizing of words in your postings. Why do you do this? You’re capitalizing words for no reasons. You even do “AS” which for the life of me I can’t understand why you’d want to emphasize “AS”. Unless of course that reading and writing English isn’t native to you, then I apologize.

    Also, I also think that we are sick of the US currency because we see it all the time, as perhaps the people of these other countries are sick of seeing theirs.

  11. 0113addiv says:

    #5 reference:


  12. woodie says:

    Must we waste so much space on david’s group therapy?

  13. Try “Country = Serbia” and “Note = P41a Serbia 2003 one hundred dinara”…

  14. AM says:

    #6 – Uncle Dave:
    Please don’t ask again – he might answer.

    #8 – 0113:
    It is a place that is beyond rational.
    I’ll say.

    #9 – ECA:
    Seriously, is there something wrong with your keyboard?

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    #11, 0113, Your link is utter bull crap. Apparently this is reputed to have happened at the same time Washington was chopping down a forest of cherry trees.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #7, James, I have some old Crappy Tire money around here somewhere. I also have about $10 in Canadian pennies stashed in the closet. How do you get rid of that many pennies? I understand the banks want you to roll them first.

  17. ECA says:

    Canadian monry is 0.90 per dollor NOW…

  18. Peter Dulimov says:

    The main thing that makes cash “good” is the difficulty that crooks have in duplicating it. For that reason, the finer the print, the more distinctive watermarks, the more unusual the paper, the better.

    The Australian peso is printed on plastic, and actually has a transparent window. The plastic is treated so that it has a particular ‘feel’ to your fingers. That it is boring or unattractive comes a distant second in relevance. The Federal Reserve should copy the aussies.


  19. 0113addiv says:

    #18, It depends on the situation, which is where social engineering comes in play when the quality of the counterfeit is low. My dad, as a taxi driver, once met a nice gentleman who handed my dad a twenty dollar bill for a short cab ride. My dad just took a cursory look at the bill and gave the man change. Only at the end of the day did he realize that it was an actual one dollar bill with fake “20”s taped on the corners of the bill!

  20. Ruben says:

    #18… The Australian “peso?” Oh dear!


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