If it’s a prank, why did Foley resign? Why are some journalists saying there are many more incidents by many others over the years yet to come out? If this was a prank, it was the best of all time because it might bring down the top guy in the House and may swing the upcoming elections which must mean the Democrats did it since Republicans would NEVER do such things (pranks or sexual predatory practices).

Echoing Drudge and Savage, Dobson and Henninger claimed Foley scandal is “sort of a joke” and a “prank[ ]” by pages

Commenting on the congressional page scandal surrounding former Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) on the October 6 broadcast of Focus on the Family, James Dobson, founder and chairman of Focus on the Family, declared that the Foley affair has “turned out to be what some people are now saying was a — sort of a joke by the boy and some of the other pages” who had reportedly come forward with sexually explicit instant messages that Foley allegedly sent.

An online story on the Drudge Report Thursday claimed one set of the sexually explicit instant messages obtained by ABC News was part of a “prank” on the part of the former page, who reportedly says he goaded the congressman into writing the messages.

  1. R.M.R. says:

    No one is innocent.

    I think Foley did what he did. I believe certain members of the GOP tried to cover it up. I also think Democrats have known about it for months (some news organizations were tipped off last year) and the Democrats didn’t say anything in order to use it for political gain now. They are just as culpable as the GOP for the cover up. Shame on everyone.

    Like I said no one is innocent.

  2. Higghawker says:

    I consider myself an independent voter as I’ve voted for and against both parties. The only vote I can cast now is against the incumbent as that’s the only way I see to bring about change.

  3. John Urho Kemp says:

    Sorry, when I see Uncle Dave making a post here pointing to yet another questionable source, my eyes just glaze over.

    I’m certainly not a fan of the Bush administration nor any of the religious wackjobs out there…but Uncle Dave takes it to an extreme level.

    And you’re using Drudge? He’s still around?

  4. Higghawker says:

    Sag, There lies the major problem. A third party is badly needed, but it has become very difficult to get your name on the ballot.

  5. GregA says:

    [ed: start using tinyurl.com]

    So did the page fuck him as a prank or did he mean it?

  6. Improbus says:

    Looks like Bush and crew are the only ones living in a state of denial.

  7. ZeOverMind says:

    Whether that particular instance was a prank or not it still speaks volumes that Foley resigned which means he probably had other scandals in his closet. By resigning he manages to bypass any disciplinary actions by the house ethics committee since he’s no longer a member of the house.

    As far as checking himself into alcohol rehab I’m not buying it. A lot of Americans will tend to forgive celebs and politicians for mistakes in their conduct by blaming alcohol and drug dependency. This smells of a smoke screen and he’s clearly grasping at straws to save his own skin. The evidence is mounting up and it’s not looking good for Foley..

    I think Hastert should resign, he clearly mismanaged this issue. Democrats are no better because clearly someone on the other side of the aisle knew information but with held knowledge of the scandal for political advantage and obstructing justice. No one here can claim the moral highroad and both sides are playing politics.

    I don’t care what political affliliation a member of congress is, if they are breaking the law they need to prosecuted for their crimes.

  8. GregA says:

    Actually, the claim that Democrats sat on this scandal for political gain has no legs. No legs at all. You simply can’t tell me that the Democrats sat on the Foley teenage anal sex story for the entirity of the Bush administration. You can’t, its crazy talk.


  9. AB CD says:

    It could be a prank, or maybe they are covering for a page who doesn’t want to admit being gay. Either way, it doesn’t change what Foley did, and it is still reason to resign. Plus the ‘prank’ page is different form the e-mails page.

  10. JimR says:

    “it was the best of all time because it might bring down the top guy in the Senate ”

    Other than indirectly, that’s not true. It might bring down the top guy in the House.

  11. It’s absurd to say that Democrats are equally culpable as Republicans in this disgraceful affair. Every organization has a duty to police itself. And just like in the Catholic Church, you can’t blame any other organization for your own failure to control your own sexual predators.

  12. Sounds The Alarm says:


    AB CD – I just knew you were one of the – “They were asking for it” type. Particularly when it comes to Neocon republicans.

    BTW – You’ve never served in the military – right?

  13. GregA says:

    Oh OH OH!!!

    There is another GOP congressman involved with another page!!

    Breaking, dont have details yet.

  14. doug says:

    15. correct. the House (unlike the Senate) is a majoritarian dictatorship – if you have one vote more than the other party, you run the show absolutely. That would include the page program.

    pointing the finger at the Dems is just the way the “party of personal responsibility” tries to wriggle out of this one.

  15. GregA says:

    Video of congressmen admiting that blaming Democrats for this scandal is just Republican spin and nothing else.


  16. Uncle Dave says:

    #5: Read the article. Drudge was only one of the sources mentioned.

    #14: Me bad. Fixed.

  17. AB CD says:

    >- “They were asking for it” type.

    How do you get that from what I posted?

  18. Sounds The Alarm says:

    I read the post

  19. Ballenger says:

    This scandal is going to break new ground for Dobson, Drudge and others who are accustomed to an offensive role as snipers and psych-ops poo-flingers. This time around they have nearly zero wiggle room on the issues and might actually have to explain their positions instead of going with their usual “spanking good, Democrats bad” lines or “my website use to get a lot of hits, I must be right” logic. That’s not to say they won’t try, but it will be much tougher in this environment to dig their way out with batshit crazy “SpongeBob made him to it” rationalizations or brilliant marketing ploys like wearing a Fedora.

  20. Miles says:

    Drudge is as gay as a picnic basket. It’s sort of like the Rabbis that supported Hitler.

  21. Elwood Pleebus says:

    Q: How does a congressman mark his place?

    A: He bends over a page.

    An old joke. This isn’t the first time pages have been in scandals. If these congressmen can’t keep it in their pants, maybe the temptation should be removed.

  22. Improbus says:

    Elwood, what do you mean by that? They should get rid of the pages or that they should get rid of the Congress critters penis? I prefer the latter, of course.

  23. Kent Goldings says:

    Blame the victims, how original.

  24. tallwookie says:

    in ancient greece, didnt they have pleasure gardens? it seems that sot of idea worked, lets bring it back, and put it in the Lincoln Monument – this would allow lawmakers to keep buisness and pleasure seperate, but close enough to each other so as not to cause any problems (aka pages working the gardens). Sign that shit into law now!!

  25. Mark says:

    It was them damn Telletubbies, I knew they’d drag us down one day.

  26. llsee46 says:

    Aw geez… Its not as though this guy committed a Major sin. After all, the only Major sins in the GOP are; abortion and speaking bad of St George. All else can be forgiven, as long as you accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior!

  27. Higghawker says:

    OhForTheLoveOf ,

    Of the ones you listed, this would be my choice.

    Constitution Party – Another Religious Right Platform

    We have gotten so far away from the Constitution, it’s sad.

  28. Billabong says:

    Republicans can’t have it both ways. They are privately comfortable with gays socialy and on their staffs meanwhile they use homophobia as a wedge issue every time the can .

  29. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    CONGRATS – While not all that surprising, you’ve chosen THE CONSTITUTION PARTY – Let’s see what you’ve won….

    ( from http://www.politics1.com/parties.htm )
    Former Nixon Administration official and one-time Conservative Coalition chair Howard Phillips founded the US Taxpayers Party (USTP) in 1992 as a potential vehicle for Pat Buchanan to use for a third party White House run — had he agreed to bolt from the GOP in 1992 or 1996. The USTP pulled together several of the splintered right-wing third parties — including the once mighty American Independent Party — into a larger, more visible political entity. Renamed as the Constitution Howard Phillips (USTP) 1992Party in 1999, the party is strongly pro-life, anti-gun control, anti-tax, anti-immigration, protectionist, “anti-New World Order,” anti-United Nations, anti-gay rights, anti-welfare, pro-school prayer … basically a hardcore Religious Right platform. When Buchanan stayed in the GOP, Phillips ran as the USTP nominee in 1992 (ballot status in 21 states – 43,000 votes – 0.04%), 1996 (ballot spots in 39 states – 185,000 votes – 6th place – 0.2%) — and 2000 (ballot status in 41 states – 98,000 votes – 6th place – 0.1%). The party started fielding local candidates in 1994. Still, for a new third party attempting to grow, the party has fielded disappointingly few local candidates since 1998 (and the few they nominated have not performed well). The party received a brief boost in the media when conservative US Senator Bob Smith of New Hampshire — an announced GOP Presidential hopeful — bolted from the Republican Party to seek the Constitution Party nomination in 2000 (although the erratic Smith quit the Constitution Party race a few weeks later, announced he would serve in the Senate as an Independent, and subsequently rejoined the GOP by the ebd of 2000). At the 1999 national convention, the party narrowly adopted a controversial change to its platform’s preamble which declared “that the foundation of our political position and moving principle of our political activity is our full submission and unshakable faith in our Savior and Redeemer, our Lord Jesus Christ” — although the party officially invites “all citizens of all faiths” to become active in the party. Any national candidate seeking the party’s nomination is explicitly required to tell the convention of any areas of disagreement with the party’s platform. In Spring 2002, Pat Buchanan’s 2000 VP runningmate Ezola Foster and many Reform Party leaders from California and Maryland defected to the Constitution Party, providing a nice boost to the party. Conservative attorney Michael Peroutka was the CP’s 2004 Presidential nominee (ballot status in 36 states – 144,000 votes – 5th place – 0.1%). Immigration reform activist Jim Gilchrist — a close ally of Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) and founder of the controversial “Minuteman Project” civilian border patrols — appears likely to be the party’s 2008 nominee. The Constitution Party appear to have generally cemented their place as the third largest third party in the nation.

  30. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I, on the other hand, wil stay with the Democrats (AKA The Heartbreak Party) until the Green Party gets to be at least 10 times bigger than they are now….


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