Here is a street magician who has actually dreamed up a new presentation style — using his camera phone as a third eye prop. If you go to YouTube and look up Marco Tempest you will finda bunch these little tricks.

This particular one is interesting visually, but actually somewhat confusing overall.

I have the sense that every magician in the world is going to be on YouTube before all is said and done.

  1. Tom says:

    It looks like the first one, he merely switches the pencil outside the view of the camera, the second one looks like it is computer generated but im not sure and it is by far the coolest one.

  2. Abram Cove says:

    He also has a netcast, available through the obvious channels.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    Joey Tempest brother?

    And I agree with Tom… the second video is definitely computer generated.

  4. Mark T. says:

    This is how I think the second one works. The tape is already on the ground when he starts. It is obscured by the 3D cube sitting in front and on top of the tape. There is also on vertical straw that is just inside the cube so he can remove the front element of the cube.

    When he lifts the cube, the cube is out of frame so you cannot see the tape on the ground or the one vertical element. When he places it back on the ground, it is also out of frame and he simply tosses it aside. The camera, which only sees one dimension, see the tape and the vertical bar. To a low rez 2D camera, this is pretty convincing.

    Of course, his assistant has to have the camera motions down in perfect sync and he has to stand in one particular spot so that the 3D to 2D magic happens.

    Still, it is pretty clever. A lot of the new magic acts today are designed to fool the camera, not the audience. This is one.

    The disc to ball is simply slight of hand.

  5. Mark T. says:

    Oops, “The camera, which only sees TWO dimensions”.

  6. Tom says:

    0113addiv, your a waste of bandwidth.

  7. Scott says:

    Wow.. thats really interesting how the 2nd video looks 3D but then magically looks 2D…. somethin must be up his sleeve..

  8. John Urho Kemp says:

    0113addiv is one of those guys who’s a mousy, stereotypical nerd type with zero friends and of course no dates anywhere….yet lives in a Walter Mitty world in his head where HE’S the manly man who all the women swoon over. It’s pretty obvious by the way he writes. Nothing he can say now will change that view at all either. Give it up.

  9. FRAGaLOT says:

    Nearly all of these videos you’ll notice he takes advantage of taking his props off-camera where it gets switched. Like the paper disc he swaps for a white rubber ball. the moment he puts it down next to the cube you can see it casting a shadow. It wouldn’t cast a shadow if it was a disc.

    The geometric cube was laying on top of the tape drawing on the ground. This was how he was able to stand behind it at one point. When he picked it up he didn’t even show the entire thing, and replaced it with a single stick, that he later removes and tosses away.

    Really easy to figure out how he did it, after watching it a few times. but it’s not like I could replicate it exactly with out experience and practice.

  10. RBG says:

    You actually get to detect his accomplice in the first video. Go to the words, “Did you see it grow?” You will see his helper’s shadow move across his left shoulder.


  11. dvorak you are a lazzy reporter.

    i am not a street magician. i spend most of my professional live performing in large venues all arround the world doing magic for high-tech companies with my own unique brand of multimedia magic. besides that i do have my own television series “the virtual magician” on the air in 45+ countries.

    if you would have only spend a few more minutes on my youtube page you would have figured that out before writting this little blurb.

    i am actually doing lots more than the little camera phone puzzles which btw got me 8.5 million views in 6 weeks. in a time where magicians on television use post production and hollywood style special effects, i thought it would be approriate to get some credibility back into the game by introducing strict rules to my work and letting the audience know about them. no editing, no postproduction… so these raw unedited camera phone puzzles are indeed “new” magic.

    if you would like tio see more production value, then just watch some of the other (more then 40) avaialable clips of my work from all around the world.

    well… if you like magic, than i hope you will check in again…

  12. 0113addiv says:

    #9, I had a date today. A client of mine “spilled coffee on her laptop”. She called me in the morning and came over to my apartment at 1pm after dumping her daughter with her daughter’s father. Later, when she took me out for a drink she kept telling me that she wasn’t attracted to me, that she didn’t want anything between us… ahh, women. they cheat just as much as men.

  13. PeteS says:

    Marco, you are the best….cool little tricks to be entertained and to think about them for a minute..of course one figures them out after some viewings but thats the great thing about it…


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