Some may see this as a gratuitous attempt to pander to our mostly male readership. Others, that it’s a slow news day. And so on. But this is hard news to those involved and I am more than willing to take the heat.

Bras keep abreast

Australian women’s breasts are getting bigger, a new study has found.

Larger bras need to be made and, for the first time, sports bras now come in E and F cup sizes, said bra manufacturer Berlei.

Experts put the increase down to changes in diet. They said the contraceptive pill would also make a woman’s breasts increase in size.

Berlei product manager Louise Woods said sales in larger sized bras were increasing. Ms Woods said larger breast sizes meant women were more likely to experience breast bounce when they exercised.

Tests carried out at the Australian Institute of Sport found that wearing the right bra size would reduce breast movement and more women would be able to play sport in comfort.

  1. Brian Scherrer says:

    Uncle Dave;

    I can’t believe you couldn’t find something in the photo archives appropriate for this. 🙂

    — B

  2. Brian Scherrer says:

    Re: #1. My bad. I hate looking like an idiot in public…

    — B

  3. Uncle Dave says:

    You mean like this?

  4. Jägermeister says:

    In other news… Australia: Plastic surgeons are making more money than ever….

    It’s just a matter of time before we see DeVry offering courses in plastic surgery… after a couple of years, we’ll see women with breasts placed a little bit here and there on the body.

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    FINALLY… A story about something I am really interested in!

  6. 0113addiv says:

    Are any females reading this blog? I know they do not post, but do they read this? I suppose we ought to put something for them so they can also feel titilated, like a Rumi poem:

    Do You Love Me?

    A lover asked his beloved,
    Do you love yourself more
    than you love me?

    The beloved replied,
    I have died to myself
    and I live for you.

    I’ve disappeared from myself
    and my attributes.
    I am present only for you.

    I have forgotten all my learning,
    but from knowing you
    I have become a scholar.

    I have lost all my strength,
    but from your power
    I am able.

    If I love myself
    I love you.
    If I love you
    I love myself.

  7. JimR says:

    Stand Back!! I think they’re gonna blow!

  8. ECA says:

    I think those would give MOST Cows a challenge…
    But, Im not going to milk this…For much.

    How about…

    Talk about a 40lb Backpack, worn wrong.

  9. Stevie Wonder says:

    Isn’t she lovely ?

  10. Ballenger says:

    Well, tomorrow IS Columbust Day, reason enough for this topic! And on post 3, that’s a nice Photoshop job. It’s not easy to morph Xena, Barbara Bush and a featherless chicken into one pic.

  11. JimR says:

    She’s actially about to give birth to twins. Her husband’s a sumo wrestler.

  12. Geoff says:

    You might want to append this article.

    It would be helpful if you also included the cost of airline tickets from the US to Austraila, and the location of popular singles bars there as well.

  13. Improbus says:

    Cripes! As far as I am concerned anything more than a handful (and i have big hands) is too much. Can you imagine what the girl pictured above will look like when she is 80? *shivver*

  14. João PT says:

    #13 she’ll never get to be 80…

  15. tallwookie says:


  16. Ron Larson says:

    I love a nice rack as much as the next guy. But I can’t help but wonder about the connection between this and the fact that children are hitting purberty earlier and earlier.

    Primary schools used to never have to worry about dealing with a student getting her first period. Now they do. A 6th grader girl getting her period.

    I wonder if there has been any study on the effects on boys. Are they getting bigger gear too?

    I think the cause is obious. The hormones given to lifestock to promote growth and milk production do end up in the bodies of our children. And they do have an impact.

  17. joshua says:

    #16…Ron Larsen… could maybe ask Mark Foley about the boys getting bigger *gear* 🙂

    God, I hate myself for things like this.

  18. ECA says:

    Hormones are detrimental to Males…
    ASK the sterroid junkies.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    Many (the pragmatics) consider more then a handful a waste. And I have small hands. Then there are those (the efficients) that consider more then a mouthful a waste. And I’m accused of having a big mouth. Then there are those (the elderly) who can’t remember what they’re for. I think I’m falling into the last class.

  20. Fabrizio Marana says:

    You don’t really need a plane ticket to “Down Under”: it’s happening everywhere in the developed world: the earlier girls start with the pill, the bigger their boobs get. In the last 10 years the average size in Europe went from B to C (Or was it C to D? Can’t remember)

    🙂 I’m just too old to even look at these girls! 😉

  21. ECA says:

    It used to be the thought,
    that the larger the Boobs the Healthier the child…
    Small breasts, were considered NOT good for raiseing children.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    A lot of the earlier sexual development in women has to do with the amount of hormone tainted meat we consume. Almost all edible livestock are fed hormones to make them bulk up faster and produce more milk.

    The same problems have arisen because of all the antibiotics used to smother infectious diseases have helped create resistant strains of bacteria.

  23. Uncle Dave says:

    #20 & 22: Perhaps that is correct, but in the case of the girl in the picture, there is the faint possibility that those aren’t real.

  24. ECA says:

    Pssst…I think MOST of us, got that idea.
    Those weight AT LEAST 40 lbs… Ever carry a Backpack, on your front?? with about 60lbs in it?? Or try to carry 40lbs of Groceries, a long distance?? She would have a Permanent BENT back, if NOT broken.


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